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Hazardous Recond Trooper Armor


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Please make an armor set available for purchase like the Hazardous Recon armor (which I don't think is even obtainable anymore) but with the glowy parts of the Republic Containment Officer Armor/ Section Guardian armor.





More specifically I'm looking for an armor set for troopers with that skin but specifically with the Havoc symbol and or the Republic symbol on it.


On a side note, it would be amazing if a lot of the old year one armor's like this were updated to have more modern bump mapping techniques applied to them or if they could get real tubes coming out of the chest instead of just looking spray painted on there. :)

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I would like this too, as it has the Havoc Squad insignia emblazoned on it, while the Republic Containment Officer does not. The former is better for RP than the latter.


I would also like the second set listed in the previous post, as it's closer to the snowtrooper concept and the snowtroopers that you lead against the pirates wear it.

Edited by Tofu_Shark
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