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Offering credits for ref links in gen chat


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Really tired of arguing with people about whether or not this is against the ToS or not so I'm hoping to get a clear response from the devs on this one. I know there was a question years ago about posting the links in the forum signature that somewhat mentioned it but I was hoping for something more directed at these players posting "Will give XX million credits for clicking my referral link" in fleet and lowbie planet gen chats.


Know I'm asking for a bit on this one but whether or not it is a bannable action would also be appreciated. I feel like it is exploiting a system and getting RL currency out of it but if I am wrong I'd like to stop arguing with people who differ in opinion. There just doesn't seem to be any hard answers that I can find and I'd like to be able to point to something specific to save time.



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Official statement i got was:




It's not bannable, neither the trading/buying nor the "you clicked, i ran away without paying strategy". Bioware ingores everything around this topic.


If typing in chat "pay xx credits for a click" is a bannable offense, nobody would do it, because there is nothing to win. What do you want with cartel coins on a dead account?




As i said, Bioware avoids everything around this topic. And you don't find any hard answers, because they never made them. This whole "it's a bannable offense" is made up by people. There is no source.


This subject is already being discussed in another thread with the answers you are asking for.

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I don't know what the thread was that I read this, just going off memory here. Anyways, referral ads are allowed in general chat. They are not allowed through in-game mail or whispers. Referral ads through in-game mail or whispers can be reported. No way to know how much Bioware actually enforces this though. I've never seen one through in-game mail or whisper myself, so it seems most of these people know it's not allowed. Edited by ThanderSnB
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