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The new character preview window... isn't good at all.


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It would be nice to know if this change is related to something oft requested[...]


No. The real problem that this thing wants to fix is the HUGE inflation in the game. They are desperate for a fast and big credit-sink and somebody came up with the idea of annoying the players with amplifiers each time they open the character sheet until OCD gets the better of them an they start spending.


The truly sad part is that this credit sink is just an annoyance and shall not (maybe except for a couple of days after launch) fulfill the role of credit sink as players will just ignore it or hate it so much they will avoid opening the char sheet (the latter is my case, i just gasped loudly last time I mistakenly clicked "c" before quickly clicking it again). The even sadder part is that they are so understaffed that nobody came with a better idea. Or, at least, somebody should have realized that it has to be improved hugely from this sketch in order to produce results. But.. things are what they are.


What keeps being mind-blowing for me is that I can not count how many times RNG based mechanics in gearing in this game got rejected by the base. Starting with galactic command and crates. And after getting slapped in the face again and again they still pursue this road. Why? Because some Ben Irving prodcer type kept insisting that this is the direction in gaming today? Wake up, we are not kids as in other games, we are mostly older than the average gamer, we are a star wars base more than a MMORPG type base and we are here because we love the story. We are not grind lovers that play smartphone casino games on the side.


The amplifier collapsible thing was signaled big-time on the PTS. I doubt they thought they are smarter than all of us and considered they know better. I think they are desperate for a credit sink and with all the lack of love SWTOR has seen resource-wise, and adding the Texas snow to that, they did not manage to avoid this s**tstorm.

Edited by Katushe
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There desperately need to be a way to close that amplifiers pane.


Worst of all is when you are trying to equip companion gear, and when you click the companion tab, the amplifier pane doesn't even vanish, but just goes INVISIBLE, so nothing under this invisible pane and be right clicked, dragged, hovered over, nothing. PLEASE revise this !!!


And put the weapons back down the bottom.

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The Amplifier window needs to be minimizable. It takes up so much screen space now to have this open and makes it hard to have multiple windows open at once and see everything.


Removing both stat panes is a weird choice, i liked having 2 selectable panes to see stats but I suppose it's not really that important, more a want than a need.


But, let's talk about putting weapons between the armor pieces.... why? This is a terrible idea in my opinion. Since forever, weapons have been at the bottom, and that's not just a SWtOR thing, that's kind of an RPG thing and most MMO's follow that trend, weapons at the bottom.


I really didn't think this window even needed to be changed, it was good enough as it was. Bigger character display for what? I see my character in game, and in the preview window, and on this sheet all at the same time if I want to.

I would rather go back to a more KOTOR style equip menu over this, if anything were to change.



I couldn't possibly agree with this more! The new window has completely wrecked the open window arrangement I've been using for years, and there simply is no way to make it work anymore. What used to be quick and easy is now awkward and difficult. I certainly hope they consider changing it back :(

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