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(Jedi Knight) - Missing Music in the Forge/Construct Lightsaber scene


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Planet: Tython

Class: Jedi Knight

Mission: Weapon of the Jedi (Construct Your Lightsaber)

Location: The Ancient Forge


Okay, so on previous playthroughs a certain track would play during the lightsaber construction scene (I understand that it's called "A Jedi's Fury"). This music no longer plays after the cutscene revamps that were recently introduced.

Lovely work there, the revamped scenes look amazing; but my question is whether that track not playing/triggering is intentional or a bug? The music really added to the scene, and now there's just... the generic background music of Tython, which kinda downplays the moment.

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  • 6 months later...

I'm doing my first playthrough in years of the Jedi Knight story arc and got to this part. The music that made it such an epic moment when I first played is gone. :(


I even looked it up on YouTube to make sure I wasn't misremembering. I saw this forum post made in the past year and thought I'd add my voice to raising the issue. The generic music ain't cuttin' it.

Edited by jediknightcub
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I'm sad to hear it's still an issue/missing music. I haven't gotten a JK to that point again since I made the thread, but I was hoping it might've been fixed in the interim without me being aware. The scene really does not have the same impact without that music; especially as a key starter planet scene. I would have hoped it would've been addressed by now, but perhaps this acknowledgement of the continued problem bumps the issue enough to be seen.
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