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Character Texture Atlasing (Atlas Quality) still poor on High setting


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What the title says. Even at high "Character Texture Atlasing", my character's clothing is still quite choppy. Better than "Low" but still not the quality I expect. It's pretty decent in the login screen though.


Is this a bug? Is there anyway to make my char's clothing look nicely detailed?



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I dislike how if I zoom out far enough, it flickers from the nice higher res textures to the muddy crap. If I have my settings maxed out, it should ALWAYS show the better textures, but I can't seem to find a setting that accomplishes this. If my rig can completely max out this game with its mess of an engine, I should always be able to see the better textures.


...but I probably already answered my own question as to why this happens...the hacked hero engine sucks.

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