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Can't finish Vette's Story? (Bug?)


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Just finished the Sith Warrior Class Story, But Vette stopped giving me her conversations half way through her. Is this a bug? She's the only companion I haven't gotten any conversations after a certain point.


I *vaguely* remember choosing to tell her to p*ss off (by accident) during the last conversation I had with her, which was followed by the abrupt screen fade to black and me pressing the ESC key to undo that choice to no avail (Seriously, give us a damn prompt letting us know the choice will end the conversation ffs), and ever since then I never got Vette to start talking to me again. Every other companion didn't gave me this problem, and manage to complete theirs.


Is it possible to just cancel their storylines just like that or Is this a bug?

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This does sound like a bug, there should be no conversation choice that would prevent you from finishing their arc, other than starting KOTFE, which auto-completes all of them


As far as I know, Vette is the only one that can "stall' the convo by refusing to take the collar off, however that just results in doing the convo over and over again until you do, at which point the story resumes.

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