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Requests/Suggestions on making Jedi Knight Revan Armor & Lightsabers better/perfect


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I know, i know. Another thread. But i really wish that BioWare goes the last steps forward and make the armor set and lightsabers the christmas gifts of swtor. While the set and lightsabers are already good, there are still things that make them limit their potential if you will. For that i edited three images to show how it could be done.


1: Armor Set Dye




The armor set lacks a proper secondary dye slot. While the brown isn't that bad, though i prefer the previous pale brown, it would be great to dye the whole armor. Not only adds it more options for customization, but it also could work as a classic Revan armor set. If you can dye the brown parts and perhaps the red of the mask. Also voice modulation is important. I hope the voice is the same, or similiar, to the regular and reborn mask.


2: Lightsabers


The lightsaber blades have that weird fading effect, which in my opinion, should be optional or replaced with a normal blade. Revan's lightsaber ingame also has a normal blade. Last but not least, the hilts are not placed properly on the belt. The purple one is lower than a regular lightsaber and the red one is only slightly higher.






Just my personal suggestions. While i'm not the only who wishes for those changes, i can't speak for everyone obviously. The set and lightsabers look nice but there's still that small percentage that would elevate them to top tier Cartel Market. Bioware did an amazing job with the Rishi stronghold back in the day, not only added/changed things the community wanted to see, but also adding even more.


That's about it. Thanks for reading. I can only ask and provide suggestions for improvement. They would be the perfect christmas presents for me and many others. Stay safe and healthy everyone and...may the force be with you, always.



Edited by ShenLongKazama
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For whatever it's worth, personally I like that the brown part of the Revan set doesn't dye. A good brown like this works well with many other colours. And many of the two-colour dyes that include brown have nasty browns. Edited by Estelindis
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For whatever it's worth, personally I like that the brown part of the Revan set doesn't dye. A good brown like this works well with many other colours. And many of the two-colour dyes that include brown have nasty browns.


If they kept the pale brown from before perhaps, but the current orange/brown looks worse. Also you could use only a primary dye module. The pale brown is available in some dyes i think.


How i would solve this:


Make hood up & hood down version with secondary color

Make hood up & hood down version with only primary


Also revert the brown. But i highly doubt that's gonna happen. :(:confused:

Edited by ShenLongKazama
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And many of the two-colour dyes that include brown have nasty browns.


I have to fully agree with this statement. However, two wrongs don't make a right. And they seem to be learning from their mistake. The latest dyes they are making have much nicer colors but I agree that most of the older browns (or any other color for that matter) were horrid because they were too saturated and didn't feel realistic. But compensating the lack of good dyes with static colors is not the solution. More player choices are always good, they just need to provide good dye options along with making everything dyeable.


As for the OP, well I agree with everything. Lately it seems the devs feel people won't buy a lightsaber if it doesn't have weird effects on the blade. Well we miss the normal blades! We want cool hilt designs without giving up a classic lightsaber look. And for something like Revan's saber, something that is already a classic, you're kind of breaking the look people would want to go for. But yes, I definitely agree that special blade effects should ALWAYS be optional, not just on this one.


And yes, please, make everything dyeable!

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If they kept the pale brown from before perhaps, but the current orange/brown looks worse. Also you could use only a primary dye module. The pale brown is available in some dyes i think.

In your opinion the current "orange/brown" looks worse. I think it looks great! And there aren't that many primary dye modules compared to two-colour dyes. And I don't want to use pale brown: I like this brown! With the leather parts being undyeable, from my point of view there are actually more good-looking combinations, because now a huge number of two-colour dyes can have one of their colours combine with this (in my opinion) very nice brown. Frankly, as I see it, lots of two-colour dyes aren't currently viable because their colours clash horribly, whereas this brown would combine nicely with one colour from the two-colour dyes.


I have to fully agree with this statement. However, two wrongs don't make a right.

I appreciate the agreement of one of my points. However, I don't think there are two wrongs here. I really hope they keep the undyeable parts. For me, this is something very right.

Edited by Estelindis
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In your opinion the current "orange/brown" looks worse.


Yes, of course. But, no offense, i think making the set completely dyeable has more pros than cons. Making a color a permanent aspect of the armor that can't be changed is something people mentioned several times to be displeased about. Completely dyeable armor -> More options for customization -> More interest in the armor and more cc spent. If i'd be the only one who doesn't like the limitations then i'd accept that. But alot of players wish to have more customization options, especially regarding content that's tied to currency. :)

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Yes, of course. But, no offense, i think making the set completely dyeable has more pros than cons. Making a color a permanent aspect of the armor that can't be changed is something people mentioned several times to be displeased about. Completely dyeable armor -> More options for customization -> More interest in the armor and more cc spent. If i'd be the only one who doesn't like the limitations then i'd accept that. But alot of players wish to have more customization options, especially regarding content that's tied to currency. :)

If there are only two dye slots (there are, this is SWTOR), then if you make those things dyeable, then you reduce *something* about the dye behaviour elsewhere, since you cannot, for example, have that bit being a different colour to the formerly fixed-colour part.


Well, unless the rest of it doesn't have secondary dye zones, of course.

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