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Merc Pyro < PT Pyro. Why ?!


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I have made a huge mistake when chose Merc. I wanted to have a decent PvP character, but failed. Merc pyro is good enough, but when i start to compare it with PT Pyro I realized that something is horribly wrong. What PT Pyro have:

1. +60% to armor penetration for railshot +6% to its damage

2. easier reactivation for rail in pvp. rail-rocket punch-rail combination is deadly and very quick.

3. all those grapple, carbonize, flame sweep and Explosive Fuel stuff for PT and NOTHING like this for Merc.


Why BioWare didn't see that this 2 classes are completely disbalanced in relation to each other ?!

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2. easier reactivation for rail in pvp. rail-rocket punch-rail combination is deadly and very quick.



I´m with you on that. Beeing on long range can´t be an adequate compensation since we are rooted for the duration of the time and in a ranged vs ranged fight we also MUST have stabilizers wich is rather deep in the arsenal tree.


The Pyro spec is supposed to be a high mobility tree but connecting one of the major damage and foremost heat management skills aka railshot to channel/castin and therefore rooting abilities seems a bit...well...wrong.


Also flameburst is a high damage instant cast low heat ability wich makes it perfect for spamming therefore constantly bringing railshot off cooldown. (you know what I mean)


For a Merc pyro stabilizers plus muzzle fluting are a must otherwise we will overheat very fast while trying to get railshot off cooldown using power shot.


BUT I thought about combustable gas cylinder having a DoT of it´s own and maybe this would make up for the difference but I really don´t. Also the increased damage from the rapid shots do to the dual wield cannot make up for it. It might be a wash on paper but in regular PvP fights it can´t keep up with the PT mechanics.


I´ve been thinking about giving missile blast a 30% chance to reset the cooldown on railshot so we can have at least one mobile railshot reset. It cannot be spammed due to the 25 heat cost.


And another point might be increasing the chance to reset railshot for unload to 75% and power shot 45%. I can´t keep standing still AND overheat while desperatly trying to get railshot off cooldown.


This is not a whine, it´s an observation I made. If I am wrong or playing my Merc the wrong way please tell me. For the connection between the railshot resets seems to be a off.

Edited by Frontplayer
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This is very interesting. i have been trying 2 different builds for merc, Full arsenal or Full Pyro. So far the best estimate i had was halfway both of them, which would bring out a huge heat control, so your dps won't freeze after spamming so many rockets/shots.
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The OP is right.

I went Merc because I wanted a kiting BH character, I quickly realized Arsenal is pretty much the opposite (feels like being a turret), so I switched to Pyro.

I like it better than arsenal, true, but some of the Merc mechanics really make it hard to be viable in PvP.

Powertech maybe forced to stay in "danger zone" to work well, but they have the tool to do so (grapple, charge, shields, nice melee attacks) and those tools make it much easier to be a Pyro.


Mercenary Pyro on the other hand is supposed to stay far from the target, however we lack the tools to keep targets away from us (yeah, jet boost and rocket punch, but they have cooldowns.. it's pretty much impossible to keep a jedi or a powertech type away from you when they can run faster than you, "force speed", leap, grapple..), if a target decides to flee from us it's quite impossible to keep up with him because our best attacks require us to stand still, our dots aren't powerful enough to be a threat unless you're also shooting at your target..


They really have to do something to fix Mercenary because it's an incredibly flawed class.

I appreciate that we can dish high DPS in warzone, but that's not the point. Our DPS as of now requires us to find a safe place to hide and beat on unsuspecting folks that don't jump us nor flee from us.

When another mercenary is targeting me and for some reason I don't want to fight right there, I simply move out of range and there's nothing he can do about it.. if I try that against, say, a sith sorcerer.. it's a totally different story.


From a PvP point of view, either they allows some of our attacks to be executed while moving (especially something to refresh rail shot), or they should make our dots hit harder and last longer, or possibly snare the target for 2 seconds, whatever.

Our proc from combustible gas cylinder in particular should be looked at.


I'm gonna stick to this class because I love BH, no matter what.

But I surely hope they will do something about it.

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There is only one solution. There must be one or more range control abilities. I'm really don't understand why at lvl 46 PT Pyro have Carbonize skill, Merc Pyro doesn't have anything at this lvl.

If it is stay in current condition I will be forced to spam support for giving me a chance to change class.

Edited by Sobakozoid
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