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More than one year without this bug's promised fix


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Hey folks!


Thank you for calling attention to this issue. We didn't really intend to remove the ability to use Marr and others outside of their respective chapters; this was a side effect of solving a bug that would have blocked progression through the Ossus storyline for some players (under certain conditions, the game gets confused about which temporary companion you should have, and chaos ensues).


As some folks have guessed, taking temporary characters out of their chapters was never really an intended or supported feature. But since it didn't really hurt anything or give anyone an unfair advantage, we decided to leave it in when it was discovered.


Given that some of you have put a lot of time into these characters, it is our goal to find a way to give you access to them again. Unfortunately, I can't give an ETA for when that might happen as we still have to ensure that any solution we pursue doesn't risk blocking players' progress elsewhere in the storyline.



Small Eternal Drama spoilers


Until Ossus release, we could keep temporary companions like Marr and Acina out from Eternal Drama chapters if you replayed and left them. Sadly i discovered this isn't working anymore after leaving chapters for half an hour and the game still wouldn't let me have the companion like players said it would or how the videos showed.


I subscribed specifically to have Marr as companion, imagine discovering that i couldn't do that anymore, not just that but all the players that grinded his influence had to bite the dust as well, an ex guildie once told me that his friend sinked thousands of credits on Marr influence just to have him Thanos snapped.


But, at the beginning of the year, our friend Charles Boyd himself stated that, as it wouldn't do any harm or ilegitimate advantages over others, they would fix it. So i proceeded to uselessly try to keep Marr on every update.

Hey folks!


Thank you for calling attention to this issue. We didn't really intend to remove the ability to use Marr and others outside of their respective chapters; this was a side effect of solving a bug that would have blocked progression through the Ossus storyline for some players (under certain conditions, the game gets confused about which temporary companion you should have, and chaos ensues).


As some folks have guessed, taking temporary characters out of their chapters was never really an intended or supported feature. But since it didn't really hurt anything or give anyone an unfair advantage, we decided to leave it in when it was discovered.


Given that some of you have put a lot of time into these characters, it is our goal to find a way to give you access to them again. Unfortunately, I can't give an ETA for when that might happen as we still have to ensure that any solution we pursue doesn't risk blocking players' progress elsewhere in the storyline.


A small anomaly, i was running my Sith PB Jedi and left the gravestone chapter, only to be surprised that HK did stayed with me when i left for Stronghold, so i tried this on my main that already finished, but it didn't worked. HK does travel with you to Zakull city area, but if you leave the planet he leaves. Dark Side Arcaan stays with you if you don't finish Last KOTET chapter tho. Marr and Acinna still won't stay with you, no matter if you complete the chapters or not, same for Valkorion's Father.


How could this be fixed in an easier way? All those temp companions could be added to the companion device in the alliance base. YOU ALREADY CAN retrieve dead companions there, such as Koth, Senya, Torian and SCORPIO with the game warning you that this changes NOTHING in the story.


An good fix for that? How about this:


(tl;dr) The idea is: When a character complete KOTFE Chapter 9, every companion they get will be legacy available to all other characters that also complete that chapter. Basically Legacy Wide Alliance Contacts completed and Companions recruited regardless of class.




The Eternal Alliance, the grandiose 3rd faction built by you to overthrow the Eternal Empire, home of both Republic and Imperial people and sympathizers, a place for everyone, regardless of their past actions and ideals. From its foundation to this day, you've been working to recruit people from anywhere to join your side, even though the Eternal Fleet is long gone, the alliance people still follow you, they are your people now.


The Plan:

Recruiting every single new alliance new member can go from easy to plain torture. From the lore hunt for a new Dashade to the Excruciating Quizen, Lokin and Bowdaar's grinds. Doing them all in one character is already a long time tiresome chore, now doing it all over again in all your alts that is the bigger nightmare. Now, in 6.0, with the Eternal Drama expansions long gone and the command system buried, it would be a great idea to just make every new companion your character recruit unlocked to every other character from your account as soon as they make their own alliance chapter or skip it.



How this would be executed:

There is always (a sadistic) someone that will preferer to things stay the way it is now, so this unlock will be done by a simple choice. There is a terminal in the Commander's quarters on Odessen that you can use, after many layers of dire warnings from EA/BW, to bring back all of your original companions or dead ones from the story. You will go there and there will be a new 3rd choice:

"Bring in all companions already recruited by my other characters"

In this choice, it would appear the name of the other characters you wish to bring in.


An an example, my Sith Warrior recruited everyone that is available to him, so if any other character select the SW's name all my other characters would have access to those companions as well.


The thing is, some companions are locked to certain classes, like my Bounty Hunter can recruit back Mako and Akaavi and my Smuggler can recruit Corso and Risha. If my Sith Warrior went to the companion terminal and selected my BH and Smuggler names, he would gain access to Risha, Corso, Mako and Akaavi. The same would be applied to every class.


So yes, if you have a Sith Warrior and a Trooper and they recruit Pierce and M1-4X, all your other characters would say good bye to those blasted pvp matches that most story players despise.


The main idea here is to have all companions recruited by all characters available for all alliance commander players if they chose to do so.


Also, also, all temporary Companions such as:

Darth Marr

Darth Acina

Lord Dramath



Tau idair

Darth Malgus

Major Anri



They will also be added as a 4th choice in the companion terminal:

"Bring in all temporary companions"

Darth Marr, as an example, was already an usable companion for a very long time, and players sinked a lot of money to have his influence on 50, just to be not summonable anymore after Ossus. The devs said they would fix this, well what do you know, this is the fix.


Most companions can be usable despite the story saying otherwise, but people use them anyway.



Probable complains/Questions:


1: But Luiz, what about characters that you killed and/or exiled?

Dead companions already can be summoned back in the companion terminal, the fact they are dead and return is up to your choice and/or headcanons and you can simply just not use them.



2: But Luiz, why would anyone do this?

Completionists that want all companions, Roleplayers(you don't question them, they have their own Star Wars life and personal stories) and in general people who like having a big crew and not doing Star Fortress or/and Eternal Championship 800x times or, worse of all, PvP. Also, save money with gifts and not having to wait for Rakghoul event everytime they recruit Lokin. In my case, i just like all of them and want my alliance base as crowded as possible.



3: But Luiz, i like the way things are now!

That's why this new idea is entirely OPTIONAL, you have to go out of your way to enable this.



4: But Luiz, would they keep Influence?

Yes, as they would only be accessible to endgame characters anyway.



5: But Luiz, what about companions you would meet in the future?

As i said above, most companions can be usable despite the story saying otherwise, but people use them anyway. Also a lot of story instances lock you to use a certain companion, so the ones you chose are only for free play anyway.



6: But Luiz, all companions are basically glorified NPCS with re-skin that do the same thing!

Yes, but most people don't care for that, just to have the glorified NPC they like by their side is already enough to make them smile, also, roleplayers.

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There *wasn't* a promise. "Our goal is" is not a promise, especially when paired with "I can't give an ETA for when that might happen".


It *also* wasn't a bug. It was the result of a bug fix, so it would have to be some kind of bug un-fix, if you like. When they did an un-fix for the "mouse-drag-steering-through-open-map" fix (the fact that we could do it was a bug, and they fixed the bug, so we complained), they did it by building an equivalent mechanism. (It is detectably different in that the "old" way would allow you to start "both-buttons" drag movement the the cursor over the map itself, while the new one doesn't, although it does allow that once the map has faded because of your movement.)


However, even though I don't care about the issue itself (running around with either Darth Marr(1) or Empress Acina(2) as a companion doesn't "feel" right on a long-term basis), I do think they should have given us at least a "no news is no news" status update from time to time, if for no other reason than to tease out any suggestions like yours.


I would, however, suggest that this part isn't really relevant:

An good fix for that? How about this:


(tl;dr) The idea is: When a character complete KOTFE Chapter 9, every companion they get will be legacy available to all other characters that also complete that chapter. Basically Legacy Wide Alliance Contacts completed and Companions recruited regardless of class.

An "obvious" obstacle there is that you'd need special handling to avoid people having both versions of Jaesa Wilsaam (they are the same *person*, but different *companions*) on the same character.


*And* it wouldn't help people keep Marr and Acina, especially Marr (since you don't acquire Marr *after* KotFE IX).


(1) Nominal "first among equals" of the Dark Council.


(2) Sith Empress, ffs.

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The bug was how you could take these temporary companions out of the chapters, they fixed it, now move on...


"Given that some of you have put a lot of time into these characters, it is our goal to find a way to give you access to them again."


Don't say that you will do stuff if you won't do it.

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