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Whats your rotation for your marauder?


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Whats your rotation? Just wondering how everyone plays there marauder


I use charge, rupture, battering assault, deadly saber, annihilate, ravage, assault, then depending if rupture cd was reset, rupture or force scream. Kinda just keep using whatever comes off cooldown rinse and repeat.


However I feel like I am doing something horribly wrong, my rotation doesn't feel smooth like it should and I would love some feedback on what I could change. Thanks in advance!

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No one should rely on a single rotation.


If you want to be effective with your class you need to be able to read the current situation -- like what mobs you are going up against and how many -- and adjust your rotation accordingly.


True, but let's go based off a tank and spank fight. I really want to know if I am doing something wrong. For instance should I put rupture up asap? or should deadly sabers be in it's place?


I'm pretty sure I put rupture first, seeing as if I wait to long then I use annihilate right afterwards which may reset the cd. You want your first rupture to fully tick off before applying a new one because I do not believe they stack up the time.

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I find it's best to go charge > deadly saber > battering > viscious > rupture > force grip


This puts all your DOT on really quickly, and then gives him "something to think about." :D


After that, it's all up in the air, throwing up my CDs almost as soon as they're done.


But like was said earlier, it depends on what kind of mob I'm facing... big guys aren't too difficult to take with this process, but it gets a bit trickier when you add in a couple of normals, since your companion wont attack something else unless you give them orders to.

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For trash mobs just rush in and POP some big moves as rage and cooldowns allow. Just have fun with it. For boss fights its all about sustained damage. Until you build up points for the big damage cooldowns, it is all about build rage and dumping rage using the priority system. Once you can start using the big cooldown, just work it into the priority rotation. Build up maximum, POP your cooldown, rage dump,maybe keep 2 rage in case an interrupt is needed fast, and repeat until boss dead.
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Whats your rotation? Just wondering how everyone plays there marauder


You need to tell everyone what is your spec first.



If it's annihilation:


- Never try to clip your rupture, it only resets it.

- people use deadly saber while in the air of using Force Charge, cause you're not doing anything in the air anyways.

- clip/bypass the 2nd part of Ravage.


To purely maximzie berserk:

Try to use it for tics of the deadly saber and not the rupture (easier said than done).

Try to use it right after the last rupture tic . . . why? cause the crit on these not much.


if i remember a while back I tested the tics crit (not exact numbers of course)

Deadly saber - 400+, 900+, 1300+, 1300+, 1300+


Rupture ticks - 400+, 400+, 400+, 400+, etc. (forgot the # of tics).



that being said, it takes a lot longer for the deadly saber to get off those tics than

Rupture tics, which are very quick.


I tested these #'s on a fellow player, so #'s may be different for pve.

Edited by Crawfishies
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