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Hood down Malgus armor

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Title kind of says it all. I think a hood down version of both the original and reborn sets would be good. And as a side note, the original Malgus armor hood needs fixing as it appears to be floating. Also, perhaps consider using the textures used on the armor Darth Malgus actually wears on Illum and thew FP.
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  • 4 weeks later...

And a version without the cape but with hood and one without neither would be much appreciated.

I generally dislike capes so much and hoods fit only a certain type of character imo, unless they introduce hoods with hair (or hair which are designed to show with hood on) showing underneath like with Vaylin.

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  • 2 weeks later...
A "hood down" or up would be nice :)


That would be a miracle...


For my Malgus, I have the Juggernaut's Renowned legacy warrior chest piece dyed black/deep gray for his unhooded appearances. Sadly the cape goes poof of course.


You can have a poor man's version of this chest piece (which is basically the Sith Raider set) with either a black/gray dyed lvl 24 Dramassian Aegis synth craft or a fiber mesh chest lvl 25 world drop (however the fiber mesh has annoying light blue stripes on the sleeves).


Btw the LVL 16 CRAFTED REBREATHER (Lashaa Aegis) is BETTER than anything else because the dots are red instead of gray.


So if you go the crafting route =

- synthweaving level 24 aegis with black/gray dye for chest

- and level 16 aegis for rebreather.

Edited by BenduKundalini
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