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Repeating Rewards upon Conquest completion


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As the title suggests, I would like to see conquest progress changed in a way that allows people, who prefer playing just few or a single character to gain more rewards for playing. As the current system stands, the way to maximize your weekly rewards is to constantly switch characters after playing about half an hour and having an endless supply of twinks. Some of my guild mates literally run around with 80 characters each and pretty much switch up in-between every activity and while I don't discourage people from playing many characters, I have been solely playing one of the few tanks on my server, for years and only got a fracture of their conquest rewards.


A possible solution to this would be to make conquests legacy wide and have the progress bar reset everytime it is filled.


TLDR: Enable rewards based on total performance, not a threshold.

To illustrate the issue: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1472066397630473069/87C2ADF9051A947E6DEC3669DD1DF169CFB2349B/

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Outside of the prospect of wintrading (which can be reported and guilds punished) how else would it get abused? Do you have experience with other MMOs that have a GvG focus? I'm honestly interested in hearing.


was talking about the title.....and the op's post........

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