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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What do you love?


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What is your favorite thing so far in the game? There's so much negativity floating around so lets try and be positive for just a moment and focus on what we LOVE about the game so far.


What do I love so far? I LOVE the combat animations. PEW PEW PEW!!! I'm having so much fun whipping around my foes like a pro!!


What do you love so far? :D

Edited by Kierakasha
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I love cutscenes, voiceovers, companions, dialogue choices that aren't just "accept/decline quest" and basically everything that gives me a singleplayer experience coupled to an MMO environment.


-Thumbs up- Agreed! It doesnt feel so stale and "run through"! Thanks!

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I love being able to heal myself between combat in a reasonable amount of time without having to keep an item in my inventory.


I love the storylines and the way the different class storylines mesh with each other in each area.


I love fighting packs of mobs instead of fighting individual mobs.


I love the way the combat abilities for each class have so much synergy with each other.


I love that it only takes .5 seconds to get on my speeder.


I love having a crew of npc's working for me and being able to take one out in the field that can tank or heal for me depending what class I am.


I love the way all the companions have their own personality and how consistent they are with it.


I love space combat. It's in a fairly simple and rough state but I see a lot of potential for it.

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I love the space combat, im not trolling either, that first escort one when the super star destroyer or whatever they are called in this time frame made me say "holy ****!" loud enough my wife came over to watch, i know its not everyones cup of tea but i think the graphics on it is beautiful and the set peices are epic.
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i love the fact that this game starts at lvl one. No other MMorpg does that.


By that i mean an immersive story line making you want to play and feels less of a grind. It is a grind but it doesnt feel so much of one i mean.

Edited by Lawsie
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