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Expansion Content - Picking your Favorite Class?


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Hello! After a break I have recently returned to SWTOR. I wanted to go through each class story and earn Legendary Status. I understand that you can earn this once you complete the original SWTOR content on each class. Is that correct?


Also, I was told by a guild mate that the expansion content is pretty much the same for each character, with minor changes based on class and light/dark side standing. Is that true? If so, I was thinking of just picking my favorite of the 8 to experience that content with instead of doing basically the same thing 8 times.


Any experience you have would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

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Hello! After a break I have recently returned to SWTOR. I wanted to go through each class story and earn Legendary Status. I understand that you can earn this once you complete the original SWTOR content on each class. Is that correct?





Also, I was told by a guild mate that the expansion content is pretty much the same for each character, with minor changes based on class and light/dark side standing. Is that true?


Yes and no. Without giving away too much the story after the base class story starts out as two-sided (meaning the story for all Republic characters is the same, and all Imperial characters the same, and the two stories are intertwined). This is true for Ilum, Makeb, and Forged Alliances (the SoR prelude). When you get to the Shadow of Revan expansion it becomes one single story (one story for all regardless of class or faction) with some minor nods to your character's class. Knights of the Fallen Empire and Eternal Throne are also a single story, but these have fewer class nods. Following ET is the Traitor arc. Iokath is a single story with two paths (sort of a choose your own adventure, but there is only one choice and two outcomes). The rest of the Traitor arc consists of three flashpoints that basically follow a script with a big decision at the end. Starting with Jedi Under Siege the story bifurcates and instead of two concurrent stories divided by faction there are two separate stories with one for each faction, and within those faction specific stories are two paths you can take. Really it is more like four stories; one for each faction with two possible paths. While the two stories do follow roughly the same story (example, you go to the same planets on both sides) it is told from different perspectives and the two to not align. The direction that each faction story follows after JUS likely means that they will not, at least within the 6.0 era, ever come into alignment.



If so, I was thinking of just picking my favorite of the 8 to experience that content with instead of doing basically the same thing 8 times.


Any experience you have would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!


It is worth taking each class through to the end of the SoR story, which means completing the Rise of the Emperor story on Ziost. For Fallen Empire and Eternal Throne...this is a matter of opinion, but to me the FE/ET story was written for a Force user and makes little sense for a non-Force user, so I would recommend playing that with a Force user. Not everyone agrees, and even I agree that there are moments in the FE/ET story that work for any class, so the only way for you to know for certain is to play it yourself. At the least you will want to play it twice; once light side and once dark as there are some outcomes that vary greatly depending upon your decisions. While the Traitor arc is largely a single scripted story there are some class specific nods near the end. For JUS and beyond, because the story is specific to the faction you will want to play it at least twice, once on each faction, or four times so you can see the two paths for each faction. If, after playing through FE/ET once (or twice) and decide you do not want to play it again just to see the two sides and different paths to the story post Traitor arc then you can skip ahead to the start of JUS, but the decisions you would normally make during FE/ET/Traitor will be made for you that largely fall along faction lines (light sided choices for Republic and dark sided choices for Imperial) with a few exceptions.

Edited by ceryxp
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You'll find alot of differences in class specific conversations, specially if the class you are playing is not a force user. Was actually surprised and actually happy to see how different the conversations are. So if your someone like me really doing the new quests for the stories, you'll have a great time. Depending on the different choices you choose, or the class you are sometimes the random NPC's hanging out around the area your exploring will say random things relating to what you chose, they have no bearing on your story of any kind but I never really noticed it until doing the quests going on like 10x now I look for the little things to see or do.
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