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Companion Dialogue Location Triggers


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I seem to remember a thread that compiled these but I can't find it rn.


I'd like to put together a list of places where companions pipe up with things to say. Please cite the planet, general location and who it affects. Note that you have to be walking for the dialogue to trigger. if you drive by it, it won't work even if you walk past it again. They do reset eventually though.


On DK, as you leave the spaceport, every Imp comp will say something.

On Corellia, as you leave the spaceport, every comp will say something.

On Corellia, Axial park, as you walk past the escaped animals near the questgivers building, SOME Imp comps will say something. Adronikos will, but Lokin doesn't.

On Voss, as you leave the transport in the starter zone, every Rep comp will say something.

On Yavin 4, starter zone, SOME comps will say something. Adronikos does, but SCORPIO doesn't for instance.

On Yavin 4, near the massassi village, SOME comps will say something. Elara and Quinn both do.

On Yavin 4, outside ToS entrance, SOME comps will say something. Corso and Doc do.

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