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CLUNKY FAIL COMBAT!?(insightful criticism)


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Did they mean to make it so that abilities would not do damage to the target until the animations hit?. this makes pvp so clunky. they might as well put a cast time on abilities like maul becasue it takes 2 seconds to actualy do damage to the target. and it cancels itself out midway if the target turns around.i can see this beeing a problem in arena against skilled players. plz fix.
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Nope, it's right. It's what let Frost Mages line up a triple shatter with Ring of Frost or even a simple pet nova after casting Frostbolt.


Same thing in Rift. It's what let Warlocks line up an instant Devouring Shadows with Void Bolt.


I could go on, but I think I've made my point.

Edited by GeLopez
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Nope, it's right. It's what let Frost Mages line up a triple shatter with Ring of Frost or even a simple pet nova after casting Frostbolt.


Same thing in Rift. It's what let Warlocks line up an instant Devouring Shadows with Void Bolt.


I could go on, but I think I've made my point.


Or completely misunderstood what the OP said. Either way.

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Nope, it's right. It's what let Frost Mages line up a triple shatter with Ring of Frost or even a simple pet nova after casting Frostbolt.


Same thing in Rift. It's what let Warlocks line up an instant Devouring Shadows with Void Bolt.


I could go on, but I think I've made my point.


I can't speak for WoW but I can speak for Rift (prestige rank 8 rogue, 2 mage, 2 warrior, etc). Warlocks in Rift were using a /stopcasting bug which has since been fixed.


Rift's pvp isn't the best in the universe but it is head and shoulders above this abomination and 1000x more responsive too.

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