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Abilities not functional due to enemy player's latency (Appoduece 5)


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I've had this happen numerous times recently where I'll force push someone, try and leap to them but cannot because "apparently" (as in idk) their client has not recognized the push yet. Meanwhile what I see on my screen is a force pushed enemy on the ground 20m away from me that I cannot leap to. The enemy then begins to jolt back and forth from their pushed location to where they landed from the push. This entire process can last around 3-5 seconds and is obviously very game breaking.


I realize this is likely a server side issue with the enemy player's latency+desync being the root cause, but it has been happening so much more lately that I feel like there is another issue going on with it.


I have a plethora of bug reports I am submitting but "compilation reports" are not allowed due to forum rules. If you would like to add to my ongoing list feel free to message me on discord or stop by my stream and we can try to replicate said bugs ourselves.



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