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S12 rewards


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What do you mean s4 rewards?? We won't have s3 rewards this season?? The hell?


Nope if you go onto pts they have put the season 4 achievments for original season 4 rewards instead of season 3.

This is absurd, bw said they were bringing back all the old season rewards only to skip out the ones everyone was playing sr for. good job bioware you are about to lose a great deal of subscribers and kill ranked completely.

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Nope if you go onto pts they have put the season 4 achievments for original season 4 rewards instead of season 3.

This is absurd, bw said they were bringing back all the old season rewards only to skip out the ones everyone was playing sr for. good job bioware you are about to lose a great deal of subscribers and kill ranked completely.


If this turns out to be the case on live, that is indeed absurd. Everyone, and I mean everyone, was operating under the assumption that the Furious rewards would be available at the end of the season. To skip those without any notice is beyond irresponsible of Bioware.

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Imagine thinking you deserve furious gear from playing in s-12 2020.


Imagine thinking tier 1 right now is easier than tier 1 in season 3 :rolleyes:

And yes I know you can grind tokens at any rating, it just takes forever

Edited by DerSchneider
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Imagine thinking you deserve furious gear from playing in s-12 2020.


It's not about what anyone "deserves," it's about expectations. If they had said at the start of the season, "we're skipping season 3 rewards because we want them to stay exclusive," fine. But they gave us every reason to expect that season 3's rewards would be next, and no indications that they wouldn't. How can you possibly not see the problem with that.


Honestly, I never saved any tokens purposely, and I won't be upset about not getting furious gear. But I do know people that queued a lot with the express desire to get it, and it's really messed up that Bioware didn't make it clear what the rewards would be earlier.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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Imagine being anxious to get pixel rewards in a virtual environment :D


I admit i wanted to get the season 1 rancor but after getting to 142k pvp coms i gave up, I just dont have the time and nerves to get it. I admire you people to live in a world where you have nothing to think about but getting a specific weapon or armor in an online pc game :D

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Imagine being anxious to get pixel rewards in a virtual environment :D


I admit i wanted to get the season 1 rancor but after getting to 142k pvp coms i gave up, I just dont have the time and nerves to get it. I admire you people to live in a world where you have nothing to think about but getting a specific weapon or armor in an online pc game :D


Mero, why do you keep making posts where we all know you're just projecting? You literally used bots and spent an ungodly amount of time just to get "pixel" achievements and rewards in this game. Far more than anyone else posting on these forums has done. Making posts like this just makes you look even more pathetic.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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Mero, why do you keep making posts where we all know you're just projecting? You literally used bots and spent an ungodly amount of time just to get "pixel" achievements and rewards in this game. Far more than anyone else posting on these forums has done. Making posts like this just makes you look even more pathetic.


There is a difference in that. The PVP rewards are armor, flairs, titles etc. You get practically nothing for achievements! Its just a thing for yourself, not for everyone else. I do not show off with my achievements, do I? But people here wear their wintraded top3 flairs with pride! I do not wear mine! I do not show off cause there is no need. If people do not check my achievements they dont even know I have them. I removed the link from my signature too, cause some guy here said its for show.


Its very very different, keep that in mind. These rewards are pure show off. Show off in a not-real environment.

Edited by merovejec
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There is a difference in that. The PVP rewards are armor, flairs, titles etc. You get practically nothing for achievements! Its just a thing for yourself, not for everyone else. I do not show off with my achievements, do I? But people here wear their wintraded top3 flairs with pride! I do not wear mine! I do not show off cause there is no need. If people do not check my achievements they dont even know I have them. I removed the link from my signature too, cause some guy here said its for show.


Its very very different, keep that in mind. These rewards are pure show off. Show off in a not-real environment.


Again, you're just projecting. No one goes through the trouble you did, including all of the unethical behavior, without an intense desire to get something. You can't pretend like you don't care when your actions showed that you care more than anyone. All of that time and effort you spent on this game could have been spent on something "real" as well. Whether you're doing it for your own perverse reasons or merely to "show off" is a distinction without a difference. You don't need to feel ashamed about wanting something in a game, but apparently you do, and you project that feeling onto others.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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Imagine thinking tier 1 right now is easier than tier 1 in season 3 :rolleyes:

And yes I know you can grind tokens at any rating, it just takes forever


Where did I say that? This isn't a debate of whether top players in season 3 or 12 are better, or which was easier to accumulate rating. 7-8 years have gone by, and players of all skill levels have had a lot of time to get better mechanically - especially those that play non-stop. Matchmaking is also much different now.


Eric brought a similar idea up a few years back on the forums to re-release All-Galaxy as the top 3 title for season 9 or 10, I can't remember which. Ultimately quite a few people including myself talked him out of re-releasing top 3 titles at least, but lost ground on the tier 1 fight likely because there's no one dedicated to working on ranked rewards anymore and reskinning rewards takes less time than developing new ones. My rationale now is still the same as then.


Re-releasing tier 1 or top 3 ranked rewards from years ago is anachronistic. Tier 1 and Top 3 ranked rewards are a timestamp that show a player was successful during a specific time period, with and against specific players. If they are re-released every so often, they lose their context and meaning. All competitive sports have the year etched on the championship trophy for a reason. Winning the superbowl or world cup in 2022 is different than winning it in 1990 - which is better or worse is subjective.


If you truly value your season 12 accomplishments, you should want the main rewards to be unique to to season 12 that no one prior or after will receive. Instead I see players coveting fake furious gear with "Replica" in the gear name.

Edited by EnzoForMe
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It's not about what anyone "deserves," it's about expectations. If they had said at the start of the season, "we're skipping season 3 rewards because we want them to stay exclusive," fine. But they gave us every reason to expect that season 3's rewards would be next, and no indications that they wouldn't. How can you possibly not see the problem with that..


That is absolutely a problem. A developer shouldn't set an expectation and then break it months later, but this is the same company that brought you the Anthem 10-yr roadmap that was scrapped after a few months. I'm with you there.


I'm still firm it never should've been promised in the first place. And I've been consistent with my viewpoint on re-releasing tier 1 and top 3 ranked rewards from any season for years now.

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Re-releasing tier 1 or top 3 ranked rewards from years ago is anachronistic. Tier 1 and Top 3 ranked rewards are a timestamp that show a player was successful during a specific time period, with and against specific players. If they are re-released every so often, they lose their context and meaning. All competitive sports have the year etched on the championship trophy for a reason. Winning the superbowl or world cup in 2022 is different than winning it in 1990 - which is better or worse is subjective.


If you truly value your season 12 accomplishments, you should want the main rewards to be unique to to season 12 that no one prior or after will receive. Instead I see players coveting fake furious gear with "Replica" in the gear name.


But this is a totally separate argument. If you want to argue against re-releasing old rewards, fine.


But they have been re-releasing old rewards already. They did season 1, they did season 2, and this season we were scheduled to get season 3. And guess what, we're still getting re-released rewards, but it's season 4... Your arguments against re-releasing should be identical concerning season 4 rewards, so your point here is moot.


That is absolutely a problem. A developer shouldn't set an expectation and then break it months later, but this is the same company that brought you the Anthem 10-yr roadmap that was scrapped after a few months. I'm with you there.


I'm still firm it never should've been promised in the first place. And I've been consistent with my viewpoint on re-releasing tier 1 and top 3 ranked rewards from any season for years now.


Didn't see this before my previous post. Yeah, I tend to agree with you about re-releasing old rewards, but that ship has sailed. Now it seems like Bioware is just randomly not re-releasing furious gear even though that's what literally everyone was expecting. It's just a ****** move by Bioware no matter which way you look at it.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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Again, you're just projecting. No one goes through the trouble you did, including all of the unethical behavior, without an intense desire to get something. You can't pretend like you don't care when your actions showed that you care more than anyone. All of that time and effort you spent on this game could have been spent on something "real" as well. Whether you're doing it for your own perverse reasons or merely to "show off" is a distinction without a difference. You don't need to feel ashamed about wanting something in a game, but apparently you do, and you project that feeling onto others.


I really do not know how to explain it to you. I think its rather close to that "perverse". I explained it quite a few times allready and dont want to keep repeating myself. I just do it cause i want to and I dont need to share it with anyone else. Its for me only.


You would be surprised how little time i have spent on this. It takes careful planning and execution. This game went on for years and so did my life, there was a time when i was away from family with nothing to do and there was no "real stuff" to spend it on so i played the game. It helped me pass the time away. I did almost all of my achievements back then I didnt even have to do many, they "did them selfs" :) so in my case I would actually have to sacrifice something real, I never would. When i play a ranked match and my son wants something i just leave the match, i do not care. Ofc that rarely happens as i play when kids sleep, but you get the idea.


So i did achievements when there was nothing real to do. That is quite different from many players here. They have stuff to do but do not do them, they rather sit behind their PC and hit the keyboard. I only play 3 times a week for 2-3-4 hours, depends when kids go sleep. Thats quite little I would say. Its also enoough for the new achievements, since I have it all, its easy just to make the new stuff. This is why your view if faulty you cannot compare me with the kids playing ranked. The only thing I could do beside playing the game is sleep and sadly i have sleep issues where I need only 4 hours of sleep so whey not spend the time playing a game? I do not login right after work, or when i come from school ;)

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If you truly value your season 12 accomplishments, you should want the main rewards to be unique to to season 12 that no one prior or after will receive. Instead I see players coveting fake furious gear with "Replica" in the gear name.


I am full on this with the Devs, there is no point for new or unique rewards. There is so much cheating, trolling, throwing etc going on that there is no need to invest time into this. Reusing old rewards is really in place here as people do not deserve anything more. There is really no need to make any effort for the 50 or less people doing ranked PVP.

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There is a difference in that. The PVP rewards are armor, flairs, titles etc. You get practically nothing for achievements! Its just a thing for yourself, not for everyone else. I do not show off with my achievements, do I? But people here wear their wintraded top3 flairs with pride! I do not wear mine! I do not show off cause there is no need. If people do not check my achievements they dont even know I have them. I removed the link from my signature too, cause some guy here said its for show.


Its very very different, keep that in mind. These rewards are pure show off. Show off in a not-real environment.




1. A thing done successfully, typically by effort, courage, or skill.

"to reach this stage is a great achievement"


2. Tthe process or fact of achieving something.

"the achievement of professional recognition"



I am curious, when you were cheating did it bring you a sense of any of the things an "achievement" ought to bring you?


Did you feel like the pixels you gained through cheating other players was due to "effort," "courage," or even "skill?" If not, then doesn't cheating defeat the whole point of the process?


Mero, if you can shine some light on this phenomenon, on this mentality I'd really appreciate it!

If one cheats, how can it bring a feeling of fulfillment when in no shape or form does this kind of behavior succeed by effort, courage, or skill as defined by the actual word "achievement.


when other players are playing by rules meaning they are inhibited by restrictions in the game while you cheat avoiding all of the hardships that actually make the contest an actual "contest."


I'd love to understand this mentality because I just can't wrap my head around how it feels good "winning" when I do it by cheating. If anything, I'd feel invalidated and even worse about myself, knowing I had to cheat to compete.


I am just saying it seems counterproductive for a normal person to cheat if they are looking to feel a sense of accomplishment, even if it's only to hoard SWTOR game achievements that no one else can see. How does looking at those achievements feel good, when you look at them knowing you cheated for them?


By the very definition of "achievement" it's completely opposite of the definition "cheat." Please explain to me how cheating actually brings a feeling of accomplishment? I want to understand.

Edited by Lhancelot
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Did you feel like the pixels you gained through cheating other players was due to "effort," "courage," or even "skill?" If not, then doesn't cheating defeat the whole point of the process?


I am glad you ask and I will try to explain :)


The thing for me is not this game, not these achievements but the fact of completing something. Like some time ago I seen my son play minecraft and he popped an achievement and I was like hmm, there are achievements in that game, so I took a look and said, ah this is an easy one, I can do it. Then it went on, but after some time I told myself, its nice, I could finish all, but its actually a waste of time so I let it be. I have this with many things in my life. Mainly at work, I get a task and I need to finish it off to 100% so that its really done. I need to have my desk sorted to 100%, all the papers have their, place the pens, pencils, it all has to be in order. Its what I like to have it all done. Again this has nothing to do with the game and I just like it that way.


I would like to point out the fact that when even I cheated at the game I got punished, so technically I cannot be speaking about cheating as that didnt workout for me. However, when it comes to achievements in the game I like to keep going to 100% cause I have set this goal for me. It doesnt waste my time as I do it when I am not needed anywhere or by anywhom. Its same as being here on forums, I dont need it but its 6 am and I am at work with nothing to do. Since the achievements are being constantly added I can enjoy doing the all this time.


You have mentioned an achievement is gotten by the use of skill and here is the tricky part. How do you define skill? Is skill the ability to finish the achievement the ordinary way or is skill the ability to find a way around it to finish it faster or more efficient? I have to say I enjoyed doing most of the achievements in "a different way" which benefited my personaly time. For me that was the achievement, to trick the system. Maybe that expains it :)

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I am glad you ask and I will try to explain :)


The thing for me is not this game, not these achievements but the fact of completing something. Like some time ago I seen my son play minecraft and he popped an achievement and I was like hmm, there are achievements in that game, so I took a look and said, ah this is an easy one, I can do it. Then it went on, but after some time I told myself, its nice, I could finish all, but its actually a waste of time so I let it be. I have this with many things in my life. Mainly at work, I get a task and I need to finish it off to 100% so that its really done. I need to have my desk sorted to 100%, all the papers have their, place the pens, pencils, it all has to be in order. Its what I like to have it all done. Again this has nothing to do with the game and I just like it that way.


I would like to point out the fact that when even I cheated at the game I got punished, so technically I cannot be speaking about cheating as that didnt workout for me. However, when it comes to achievements in the game I like to keep going to 100% cause I have set this goal for me. It doesnt waste my time as I do it when I am not needed anywhere or by anywhom. Its same as being here on forums, I dont need it but its 6 am and I am at work with nothing to do. Since the achievements are being constantly added I can enjoy doing the all this time.


You have mentioned an achievement is gotten by the use of skill and here is the tricky part. How do you define skill? Is skill the ability to finish the achievement the ordinary way or is skill the ability to find a way around it to finish it faster or more efficient? I have to say I enjoyed doing most of the achievements in "a different way" which benefited my personaly time. For me that was the achievement, to trick the system. Maybe that expains it :)


Thanks for the response.


I imagine there can be some element of compulsive behavior you got. I just have a hard time empathizing with others when their behavior directly harms others even when it's behavior that they struggle controlling.

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Thanks for the response.


I imagine there can be some element of compulsive behavior you got. I just have a hard time empathizing with others when their behavior directly harms others even when it's behavior that they struggle controlling.


It vastly depends on what "harm" means. I mean sure, any kind of harm can be considered bad. Nevertheless its quite different if you were to harm someone physically or if you have someone waiting 5 minutes for a spawn in a video game and you kill this npc that just spawned cause you just arrived. Now that person is harmed by you since he waited 5 minutes for the respawn and you didn’t wait at all and killed it, got your mission done and now he has to wait again.


The internet and this online interaction brings completely new problems that are not being handled properly and are very hard to be handled. There are so many things to consider here. The game Devs have it hard themselves when it comes to taking action. You always can play dead and have the people sort it themselves. In most of the cases they players do not quit the game cause of such issues and the Devs know that so they let it be, since there is no need to take action as things will sort themselves. Like I said there are many ways to approach this, but most people take the internet interaction as it is, its not personal and you can get away with everything since the people are miles away, so does it really matter?

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It vastly depends on what "harm" means. I mean sure, any kind of harm can be considered bad. Nevertheless its quite different if you were to harm someone physically or if you have someone waiting 5 minutes for a spawn in a video game and you kill this npc that just spawned cause you just arrived. Now that person is harmed by you since he waited 5 minutes for the respawn and you didn’t wait at all and killed it, got your mission done and now he has to wait again.


The internet and this online interaction brings completely new problems that are not being handled properly and are very hard to be handled. There are so many things to consider here. The game Devs have it hard themselves when it comes to taking action. You always can play dead and have the people sort it themselves. In most of the cases they players do not quit the game cause of such issues and the Devs know that so they let it be, since there is no need to take action as things will sort themselves. Like I said there are many ways to approach this, but most people take the internet interaction as it is, its not personal and you can get away with everything since the people are miles away, so does it really matter?


I don't underestimate the effects of harmful behavior towards others especially when it's in an anonymous form of harassment over the internet.


Whether it's cheating with wall hacks, wintrading, whatever, sure, these behaviors don't physically hurt someone per se, but I don't lessen the impact they have on others.


This cheating actually damages the game because people quit when they see cheats. I quit games in the past because they were incapable of providing security and stopping hacks.


So anyone that actually values SWTOR ought to understand their personal achievements gained via cheating come with a big price tag, that being they are pushing players off the very game they supposedly enjoy playing so much.


You like the game, right? Then don't exhibit bad behavior that pushes people off the game. You hurt it when you cheat. Not just the players you cheating in the game.


And, I am not one of these people that are on the game constantly, who value it over all other life activities. I just view my time when I log in as value and I enjoy competitive matches against other players and cheating undermines that.


Also I am fully aware that saying cheating "hurts" someone, that in the scope of actual pain, sure it's not the same. But let's not minimalize the damage cheating has on games. When we are discussing the game on it's forums obviously I expect the topic to stay in that context not pull out individual words and start splitting hairs about what they actually mean. You know, like what "hurt" really is. Come on dude. :rolleyes:


All of us know what hurt physical pain causes versus psychological and/or other forms of pain determined by the damage they cause or the "hurt." Sure, it's not physically damaging people, but it is ruining the game they play with you by cheating for yourself. Maybe you just never thought about it in that context, so here you are with the dots connected. Hope that helps.


Cheating is bad. Um, yeah. It is.

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I don't underestimate the effects of harmful behavior towards others especially when it's in an anonymous form of harassment over the internet.


The question here is what do you actually think I was doing for the achievements? What is considering cheating. I only had one episode where it involved "hurting" other players and that stopped quite fast due to the impact. All the other stuff I did hasnt involved any other players so technically I ddint do anything wrong. As a matter of fact I know many players that HAVE "hurt" other players with their game play by doing achievements the bad way. When it comes to wintrading that is mostly done also by not "hurting" other players as its done in times when noone plays.


So overall I did little to damage this game on the contrary, I helped many many players, when servers were down i gave away cartel coin codes, I also gave many 60-day time card codes to players and not to mention the thousands of euros I spent on this game. So no, my achievement hunting was not "hurting" anyone (apart from that one case) and I think I have added way more to this game than many others.

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All the other stuff I did hasnt involved any other players so technically I ddint do anything wrong.


The fact that you think this proves that you're an even worse person than many already thought you were. How you can be this delusional is incredible.


So overall I did little to damage this game on the contrary, I helped many many players, when servers were down i gave away cartel coin codes, I also gave many 60-day time card codes to players and not to mention the thousands of euros I spent on this game. So no, my achievement hunting was not "hurting" anyone (apart from that one case) and I think I have added way more to this game than many others.


Many of the worst people in the world donate a lot to charities, which doesn't in any way absolve them of their bad behavior. You are a joke.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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The fact that you think this proves that you're an even worse person than many already thought you were. How you can be this delusional is incredible.


May I know how exactly?


Many of the worst people in the world donate a lot to charities, which doesn't in any way absolve them of their bad behavior. You are a joke.


Yes, that is true, but my case is different in my behavior is not bad, or just provide examples please. You need to realize that there are quite many people who hate me, but do not even know the reason why! For example a big guild on DM server spread info about me and that cause the whole guild to hate me, but when i asked individual players they didnt even know why.

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