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Lore problems with a Miraluka inquisitor?


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I think it would be fine. There's a history of Darkside Miraluka in Legends. I think one of the Inquisitor trainers on Dromund Kaas is a Miraluka actually.


My understanding was that it's just that most Miraluka are from the Republic.

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There are some suggestions in lore that the Miraluka are more susceptible than other species to full-whack insanity triggered by following the Dark Side, but that shouldn't normally bother the DS Inquisitor.


A DS Miraluka Warrior is harder to justify, of course, because the DS Warrior is just angry, while the DS Inquisitor is more than a little unhinged.

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There are some suggestions in lore that the Miraluka are more susceptible than other species to full-whack insanity triggered by following the Dark Side, but that shouldn't normally bother the DS Inquisitor.


A DS Miraluka Warrior is harder to justify, of course, because the DS Warrior is just angry, while the DS Inquisitor is more than a little unhinged.


She prefers the term "differently rational eyeless alien freak", thank you.;)

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Lore-wise it's a stretch, but not impossible. Reason is in the spoiler.



Your character is a direct descendant of a Sith that was part of the old Sith Empire. An empire that was largely isolated from the rest of the galaxy. Most of them were either human or some human/sith cross.


Not entirely. There were still aliens within the Old Sith Empire, especially from the systems they conquered during their expansion. Talos Drellik even comments on the possibility of the ancient Lord Kallig having been an alien if the Sith Inquisitor is an alien.

Edited by Ylliarus
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