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Did the final season of The Clone Wars do it for you?


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From what started as childish cartoon into arguably some of the best content Star Wars has ever produced. How do you feel about the final season? I'm mixed to be honest. The bad batch arc was okay and the Martez sisters was meh. However, the Mandalorian civil war and prelude to Order 66 was absolutely fantastic. This leaves me to feel that final season wasn't that good but it gives me hope for the future of Star Wars. It shows that if Disney really wanted to they can create stellar content. I'm optimistic for the return of Ahsoka in The Mandalorian season 2. What say you?
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I enjoyed it overall. Bad Batch was clearly a filler arc but it was fun.


Agreed about the Martez arc. I saw it's value in showing what Ahsoka got up to after she left the order, but they could have done better (mostly didn't like the sisters very much, the story itself was fine)


Siege of Mandalore was excellent and I really enjoyed how they tied it directly into the events of RotS.

And that lightsaber duel. Pure awesomeness, and solidifies Ahsoka's status as an immensely powerful force user (especially considering she was only around 17 at this point).


I'm really curious what her role will be in The Mandalorian. In that time period there isn't really anyone alive who could challenge her, so why wasn't she more involved with the new Jedi? what is she up to? Will be interesting to see, though honestly I doubt she'll have that large a role, due to the risk of her taking over the show.

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