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Stop adding new UI elements to the game without adding them to the UI Editor


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When you add UI elements to the game but don't put them into the UI Editor you are pretty much asking for problems. Allow the players to size and position, and yes, turn off elements they don't care about. You allow this for much more vital elements like the PvP Scoreboards, you really should have the new Conquest pop-ups and the old Conquest Control and Stronghold Title banners, and any other uneditable element I might have forgotten added to the editor.
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Indeed. Most players arriving on a planet in a PVE instance to level on it or play its story don't give a flying Jawa about what tinpot guild has had nothing better to do than play the conquest minigame to "control" the "territory", which has zero apparent impact on story of gameplay anyway, except for those involved, indeed as far as I can see it's only of value to two groups:


1) Players in enemy guilds specifically aiming to take that dominance away, and

2) Players in the currently winning guild who want to gloat and/or use it as essentially adware, promoting their guild on other players' monitors.


The renown level spam is even less defensible.


If we care about it, I'm sure we can look it up. If not, it's an unwanted gobbet of screen spam.

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Agreed, I don't mind the new conquest pop-up existing but the fact I can't move it is quite annoying. Especially when I'm in the middle of a fight, or even a boss fight, and I kill an add, get a new renown rank and I have a huge pop-up in the middle of my screen which kind harms visibility of the very fight I'm in. I would be DELIGHTED if I could move that to one of the corners of my screens.
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" I have a huge pop-up in the middle of my screen which kind harms visibility of the very fight I'm in"

Edit to add: Same here, like this: https://i.imgur.com/yh3PlxP.jpg


Dear Devs, I would like the option to disable several UI elements

These are UI elements I dont need/want on my screen.


- "the Light/Dark side grows stronger"

- Guild Control For the area I am in.

- "NEW" Personal Conquest progress


When there are other UI elements on my screen, the Personal conquest moves in the middle of my screen as it bumps down to make way for the other UI elements, and so the personal Conquest can cover some necessary UI elements I need to know in order to stay alive (ie enemy health/cast bar)


I tried looking in Preferences > User Interface, to see if there was a tickbox to toggle off, and I couldnt find any.


I would like a tickbox to toggle off the Personal Conquest window please.


Thank you very much,

GreenRoc, Founder

Edited by Tocken
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