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Tips for a player who wants to try ops?

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See title. Just got my Arsenal Merc to 306, yet I don't have the full set bonus for her. I would like to try a couple of Ops through the group finder, but any helpful tips would be appreciated.


Do I need full set bonuses and 306 for operations? Or just master mode?


Really just want to do this for the tech frags as this seems like the best source of them, especially the weeklies, but I'm kinda nervous. I don't wanna screw up or something and die 5 minutes in. I've watched a few operations videos on youtube, but a lot of them are like 20-minutes long with no commentary, so kinda hard to figure out what's going on.

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For rewards for your time and effort are probably best for flashpoints. Vet flashpoints are all you need to do to get to max gear.


For SM OPs you don't really need max gear, not for the easier ones, but pug groups will expect you to have some knowledge of the fight, or at the very least, be competent with your class.


If the video guides don't help you much, I recommend checking out the written guides. Even the older ones are still good, since the basic mechanics haven't changed much.


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=974581&page=2#edit9811165 has a list of all the operations and links to guides for them


Most OP groups pre-form on fleet, and then use the group-finder or walk into the operations, so you might find that group-finder doesn't pop for you if you try que'ing as a solo.

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  • You don't need to be in 306 gear, much less the full SB.
  • Don't queue in GF, waste of time.
  • Ops are formed on fleet, be there and /w who is advertising looking for the role of your choosing (DPS or healer as you're a Merc)
  • Don't offer to heal if you're not prepared to spec into it and if you've never played it before. Exception only if they're looking for a DWH (dps with heals) for queuing purposes and you won't be expected to actually heal).
  • ALWAYS say you are new to the OP. I can't stress this enough. Some people may turn you away but that's for the best because you don't really want to play with people who can't have a newbie in a storymode operation. Generally what sets people off is players who only admit they're new after a wipe. Don't be that player and you'll be okay. You will always find at least one player who will give you the necessary pointers if they know you're new. And if you don't, just follow the other dps and copy what they do. It's rarely anything more complicated than "shoot the boss, don't stand in stupid" anyway :)
  • Don't stress over it. SM Ops are very easy and it's extremely hard to mess up in such a way that will compromise a fight, especially so as dps.
  • Since you're new, consider starting out with Eternity Vault or Karagga's Palace, the absolutely brain dead easy, in vet mode as well.
  • Consider joining a conquest guild, they do SM ops regularly for points and the environment for new players should be potentially friendlier than a random group (but most random groups are perfectly fine, don't worry).

Edited by nyrkverse
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