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Is there a way to form an OPS group without going into the queue?

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It's a bit of a pain to have to wait every day for the operations I need to pop up in the queue, and it takes quite a bit of time to even get into an OPS.

So I was just wondering, is there a way to form a group without going into queue or am I stuck having to wait for Dread Palace. :confused:

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Yes, just like flashpoints, you can pre-form a group and just walk into the entrance. You won't be limited by the group-finder defined numbers/roles and can have any group composition you want.


From my experience most operations are run by groups just walking in. The group-finder is rarely used for full ops.

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It's a bit of a pain to have to wait every day for the operations I need to pop up in the queue, and it takes quite a bit of time to even get into an OPS.

So I was just wondering, is there a way to form a group without going into queue or am I stuck having to wait for Dread Palace. :confused:


People don't random queue on GF for ops, that's why it's not working for you. People form on fleet and then use GF to queue. Be on fleet and when you see a group forming for the ops you want, you whisper that person. If you're DPS be quick, it's the role that fills up the quickest.

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To answer the actual question: "how do I form an OPs group without going into the queue?"...


You form a basic group by inviting one person, then you right-click your normal portrait, and digging through the menus for an option that lets you upgrade the group from normal to Ops.

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First things first...


Are you on Satele Shan?


If so, then do:


/cjoin gops

/cjoin endgame

/cjoin opschan


Those are the three legacy channels for operations from The Bastion, The Harbringer and Begerin Colony as a result of the merge.


Those are SERVER WIDE channels.


There will be many on Satele Shan claiming there is only one - that's the toxic crowd trying to claim Satele Shan is just The Harbringer - trying to claim it as their own.



When you are in those channels, two things will happen:


1. You will see advertisements server wide by Operation leaders trying to fill roles:


"LFM - 1T 4DPS 2H - SnV SM 8m - Full Run" (example)


2. YOU will be seen server wide as someone looking for a group:


"LFG - Heals - Any OP" (example)



Most of the time it'll be PUGs, pick-up groups. But on occasion, it'll be a guild run looking to fill in one or two slots or tired of waiting for a guildie who is late.


Once you have a group - it either queues as a group - if it's worthwhile, or it gets summoned to the entrance for the operation and zones in.



If you are going to start doing raids, get all your raid qualified toons into the "gops", "endgame" and "opschan" channels.



Also, be warned...it would be wise in advance to install and configure the following:


1. Starparse




2. DIscord




Because once you start heading into HM Operations, many OPs leads are going to want to see numbers...and coordinate mechanics in voice chat.



Edited by orig_mrrabbit
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