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I'm having real problems with the way I play my sentinel, and I'd like some advice from the experts!


I believe that I understand the class, the abilities, and I think I'm a generally reasonable player. As well as a level 42 sentinel, I have a level 29 consular, level 19 trooper and level 19 smuggler. Learning the other classes has been relatively straightforward. The rotation is reasonable, the number of abilities to cope with is fair, and fights are pretty straightforward. I don't have any problems with those other classes. I can easily take on groups of mobs at my own level, and take out gold elites at my own level.


I've never been able to do this with my sentinel. I'm level 42 now, and have soloed most of the content so far; I think my gear is reasonable, but I've not done many flashpoints. My strength is currently 749, my endurace is 766. I find that I generally have to be 2 levels above the quest/ mobs in order to finish a fight in about the same state as any if the other classes I play. I can already hear people telling me to l2p, and I'd love to do that, so I'm looking to y'all for some advice :)


I know we have several 'situational' attacks and I apply riposte, opportune strike and pommel strike when appropriate. I have watchman build that currently looks like this: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501rIdRdkMcrZu.1


My general attack strategy for a single stong target would be to force leap in, cauterize, force stasis, master strike.... then apply attacks so that I keep cauterize up, and then prioritise my other attracks as: overload sabers > slash > leg slash (so I can use opportune strike) > blade storm.

I use pacify, resolute and force kick when necessary, I activate my two trinkets when I face a big mob. I try to apply Zen when available.


During our class quests, there are a number of boss fights that we have to do that I have found really tough.

At the moment, I'm on Belsavis, and stuck on a fight with Colonel Hareth. Again I find myself totally stuck. This time, I'm two levels higher that the mob, and it's still not enough. I've gone to the fight and died repeatedly until my gear is destroyed for two sessions now, and I'm not making any improvements.

I try to keep all my companions with reasonable gear, but have been concentrating on T7 for a while, since I understand he is require at the end of the story.

This boss has 3 phases of invulnerability, during which adds spawn, which need to be killed quickly before she gets back in the fight. I can take down the adds before she returns to the fight, but by the last group of adds, me and T7 are out of health [i do make use of Call on the Force and Guarded by the Force to try to survive].



Is there something blindingly obvious I'm missing? Maybe I'm just unable to cope with so many different abilities and key-bindings and multiple different strategies? Did I make a mistake choosing the sentinel? I love the idea of the class, I love leaping into the action and melting face, I love the *idea* of a difficult but rewarding class to master, but I'm getting really disheartened :( I've got enough cash for I more set of armour-repair, after that I'm going to have to calm down, have a nice cup of tea and a biscuit and consider whether I'm just not suited to this class; I enjoy playing it, but I'm having a consistently harder time of it than the other classes.


Does a dps guardian have such a complicated rotation and huge number of keybinds? I'm not so keen on the *idea* of the guardian, but if it's more playable, I'll give it a go!



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I'm having real problems with the way I play my sentinel, and I'd like some advice from the experts!


I believe that I understand the class, the abilities, and I think I'm a generally reasonable player. As well as a level 42 sentinel, I have a level 29 consular, level 19 trooper and level 19 smuggler. Learning the other classes has been relatively straightforward. The rotation is reasonable, the number of abilities to cope with is fair, and fights are pretty straightforward. I don't have any problems with those other classes. I can easily take on groups of mobs at my own level, and take out gold elites at my own level.


I've never been able to do this with my sentinel. I'm level 42 now, and have soloed most of the content so far; I think my gear is reasonable, but I've not done many flashpoints. My strength is currently 749, my endurace is 766. I find that I generally have to be 2 levels above the quest/ mobs in order to finish a fight in about the same state as any if the other classes I play. I can already hear people telling me to l2p, and I'd love to do that, so I'm looking to y'all for some advice :)


I know we have several 'situational' attacks and I apply riposte, opportune strike and pommel strike when appropriate. I have watchman build that currently looks like this: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501rIdRdkMcrZu.1


My general attack strategy for a single stong target would be to force leap in, cauterize, force stasis, master strike.... then apply attacks so that I keep cauterize up, and then prioritise my other attracks as: overload sabers > slash > leg slash (so I can use opportune strike) > blade storm.

I use pacify, resolute and force kick when necessary, I activate my two trinkets when I face a big mob. I try to apply Zen when available.


During our class quests, there are a number of boss fights that we have to do that I have found really tough.

At the moment, I'm on Belsavis, and stuck on a fight with Colonel Hareth. Again I find myself totally stuck. This time, I'm two levels higher that the mob, and it's still not enough. I've gone to the fight and died repeatedly until my gear is destroyed for two sessions now, and I'm not making any improvements.

I try to keep all my companions with reasonable gear, but have been concentrating on T7 for a while, since I understand he is require at the end of the story.

This boss has 3 phases of invulnerability, during which adds spawn, which need to be killed quickly before she gets back in the fight. I can take down the adds before she returns to the fight, but by the last group of adds, me and T7 are out of health [i do make use of Call on the Force and Guarded by the Force to try to survive].



Is there something blindingly obvious I'm missing? Maybe I'm just unable to cope with so many different abilities and key-bindings and multiple different strategies? Did I make a mistake choosing the sentinel? I love the idea of the class, I love leaping into the action and melting face, I love the *idea* of a difficult but rewarding class to master, but I'm getting really disheartened :( I've got enough cash for I more set of armour-repair, after that I'm going to have to calm down, have a nice cup of tea and a biscuit and consider whether I'm just not suited to this class; I enjoy playing it, but I'm having a consistently harder time of it than the other classes.


Does a dps guardian have such a complicated rotation and huge number of keybinds? I'm not so keen on the *idea* of the guardian, but if it's more playable, I'll give it a go!




I play combat, but you seem to be missing Overload Saber from your rotation. You can actually cast it as you leap into combat, giving you yet more self healing as a watchman. Just from a quick scan through your post, as I am going to bed now :D

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I didnt read all the way through yet but I'll help with what I've gathered so far.


First since you're 42 you need to sped all the way through the tree. This is a level 40 build that works quite well.


You don't need to leg slash mobs. Simply Cauterize them and the Imflammation talent will let you use opportune strike on them. Further, dont worry over much about using op strike or pommel strike. If you got the focus and everything else (that we'll get to) is in order then blade storm>ps or force sweep ps.


Now, if I were you I'd try this as a "rotation" ( I use the quotes because it's more of an opener than a rotation, then you'll follow some priorities):


Zen>Leap in> overload saber in air> z strike> cauterize> merc slash> master strike>(Opportune if you want)>priority.


The priority is basically keeping overload stacks and cauterize up as much as possible while using Zen on cd.


Most mobs will be dead after the merc slash unless they're strong, then they'll be dead after the 2nd merc slash.


Keep Doc out till you get very comfy with the spec (it can take a while sometimes).


Oops, forgot about AOE. What I do is this:


Zen>Leap in> OL Saber in air> Z Strike> Caut> Merc> tab target> Caut (if it proced)> Zen> Sweep> Tab target> Pommel. Note, I do this when theres a bunch of strongs in the grp. Otherwise I'll just Sweep and spread OL stacks with Cyclone Slash spam.


As always, force kick ASAP. It's off the gcd. If there's more than one strong make sure rebuke is up, or keep it up all the time, it's on a short cd and last 30 secs if you're gettin hit. Pop Saber Ward when you drop below 30% and Doc should get u up pretty fast. If not, Force Camo out and let him take some aggro for being dumb and not healing ;p


If you're below 10% pop GBF and go to town till you die, though mobs shouldnt be able to kill you if you play the spec well.


Hope that helps and sorry it's unorganized and such. Got fiance aggro >.<

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