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Forcefield dissapears during Savik confrontation...?


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Anyone else find it strange that as a Jedi confronting Savik in person on Onderon, She clears the shuttle for launch with the jammers from behind a force-field - But if you're ( the character) stuck behind a force-field, surely the force works just the same.


But when you chat about Corellia, the force-field suddenly is gone, leaving you and Theron to defeat Savik.


- So why was there a force-field anyway? It served no purpose whatsoever.


This same thing happened with the traitor on the train across Umbara.


Something weird going on? Or just poor storytelling?

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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It served to delay you before she fought you to test her strength in direct combat. Sounds like reasonably self-consistent storytelling to me.


EDIT: although as noted, the Force should be operational across / through / around force fields. Well, except that keeping Force users imprisoned behind force fields is standard - remember that Thana Vesh escapes from imprisonment in that one stage of the ImpTaris story by cutting through the wall rather than by Force-manipulating the force field. Ergo, force fields in Star Wars are capable of blocking the Force.


Alternatively, it's weak storytelling because any form of Kryptonite is weak storytelling. (But by that token, so is the Force itself, just like Superman's powers are weak storytelling.)

Edited by SteveTheCynic
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