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Old character still has naked companions


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I logged onto a character I haven't played on in along time. None of his companions have pants. Vector and Temple have chest pieces but everyone else is in their underwear. i filed a costumer service complaint and they came on but I was in the middle of a flashpoint by then and couldn't really chat. Now I'm out they're no responding to followup. I tried loggng out for 20 minutes tin case they need me do that, but nothings changed.


Several players tried to tell there is a button to reclaim armor but there is no such button on this character. I have a lot of old characters that are probably going to have this issue.

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Just in case it's a simiar issue to mine:

Check your mail. Sometimes it takes a few days to come in, but you should get Reclaim mails with their armors in it. I haven't checked in detail to see if it's everything, but I got most of it back via the emails.

I too had most my comps mostly naked. very old toons coming back after long break. you can still equip armor on them, just find some generic stuff until you get your reclaim mails.

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While I was waiting I put them in armor from collection. Eventually customer service had me log off for 30 minutes. They fixed Kalyo, Vector, Doctor Lokin but not Raina. They left her in the dress I put on her. She looks nicer that way. So I wont' complain. They're all gong to change their clothes later anyway.
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I logged onto a character I haven't played on in along time. None of his companions have pants. Vector and Temple have chest pieces but everyone else is in their underwear. i filed a costumer service complaint and they came on but I was in the middle of a flashpoint by then and couldn't really chat. Now I'm out they're no responding to followup. I tried loggng out for 20 minutes tin case they need me do that, but nothings changed.


Several players tried to tell there is a button to reclaim armor but there is no such button on this character. I have a lot of old characters that are probably going to have this issue.


This happened to me too, just the other day. I went to level an older companion through Chapter II of KotFE and noticed during the dream cutscene (as Valkorian is pointing out each of the companions) that they're ALL in their UNDERWEAR! I guess that character has very vivid and very specific dreams about all his crew mates. Hmm. Maybe it's normal.

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