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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Star Wars, the High Republic ?


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To me this point of view sure is narrow.


You sure limit where your imagination goes by having so many restrictions required for the story to be a true Star Wars story (in your mind.)


I don't know, I just think modern day "fans" go overboard with their own personal agendas and/or dogmas. Also, some strange phenomenon of entitlement occurs where "fans" really seem to believe the artist is supposed to be creating the art to personally appease said "fan."


I like certain types of movies, but I have never thought to myself how a certain director or writer ought to have written a movie when I found it to not be to my liking. I simply chalk it up as a piece of art I do not like or don't enjoy. Who am I to expect the artist to create something that appeases me?


The only choice a fan has here is to buy or not buy the art, there is no relationship between the fan and a movie director/writer where they are supposed to create or write something the way the fan thinks it should be done. This is not some working relationship where the fans input matters. It really doesn't. :(


What do you mean "so many restrictions?" I only listed 1 restriction based on current canon: the Sith not being around during this time period.


Also, I have no personal agenda or dogma on how I think they should write anything. I was using common sense to deduce that there likely won't be any Sith (unless they retcon current canon) to be the antagonist force against the Jedi, which are at the height of their power during this time frame. I arrived at that conclusion 1) based on the fact that, as I said, the Sith are extinct/in hiding during this era according to current canon and 2) based on the video they released talking about these alien vikings as primary villains.


That said, IF this reasoning turns out to be true, and we end up getting Jedi running around playing Political Simulator 2020 with a sprinkling of fighting against a random group of space vikings, I won't be interested. It will be "art that I don't like and don't enjoy" as you put it. To me, Star Wars is about Jedi vs Sith/Light vs Dark. Not OP Jedi vs random alien pirates.


It's not me having a limited imagination, it's the fact that Disney has a limited imagination (as evidenced by the whole sequel trilogy)... I'm just being realistic in my thought processes and expectations on the matter.

Edited by XxHazenxX
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What do you mean "so many restrictions?" I only listed 1 restriction based on current canon: the Sith not being around during this time period.


Also, I have no personal agenda or dogma on how I think they should write anything. I was using common sense to deduce that there likely won't be any Sith (unless they retcon current canon) to be the antagonist force against the Jedi, which are at the height of their power during this time frame. I arrived at that conclusion 1) based on the fact that, as I said, the Sith are extinct/in hiding during this era according to current canon and 2) based on the video they released talking about these alien vikings as primary villains.


That said, IF this reasoning turns out to be true, and we end up getting Jedi running around playing Political Simulator 2020 with a sprinkling of fighting against a random group of space vikings, I won't be interested. It will be "art that I don't like and don't enjoy" as you put it. To me, Star Wars is about Jedi vs Sith/Light vs Dark. Not OP Jedi vs random alien pirates.


It's not me having a limited imagination, it's the fact that Disney has a limited imagination (as evidenced by the whole sequel trilogy)... I'm just being realistic in my thought processes and expectations on the matter.


Fair enough. I just think expectations can be unrealistic sometimes, too.

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