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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

"Give them more time..."


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The pvp system is dumb i will grant that, Going against better geared ppl with more abilities for them then i do is obscenely stupid. You are expecting this game to have the amount of content that wow has when wow has been out for 8 years do you even know what game development is about clearly you don't.



The fact that you think the entire 1 million dollars is going purely to sw is funny because it's not it's going to EA, and Sw is getting about half of it. you can't think of an idea for the game and implement it the next freaking day get real seriously

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good for you that you have low standards every company out there will love guys like you.

troll doesnt know what an opinion is, flagged

the people whining on the forums about a perfectly fine pvp are dumb, besides its mostly qq about world pvp which doesnt even matter


since the dawn of time everyone has known this game is about the story above all else. not about pvp

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8 years now but yeah i know . he or she is obviously a trol because if they are being serious then they trully can't be a developer or at least a good one.


She's basicly saying since the game has been out for 2 weeks it should have the content and perfect state that wow does after 8 years NEWS FLASH WOW STILL ISN'T PERFECT and it wasn't anywhere close to playable at launch so go troll some where else

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Bioware should and most likely will, write something up soon telling us what they are working on for the fist patch. This will indicate their direction and how aggressive they are taking this game. I'm all ears and eager to see their gameplan for TOR. I'm excited, as I hope they will do what they need to do to satisfy. If the first patch is 3 months out and it doesn't add some features, then we have an issue.
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Really... thats your argument? really!!!


you wanna talk about bad launches fan boy . how bout we revisit WoW's catastrophe of a launch shall we.


1. horrendous Server ques on every single server

2. unbearable game breaking glitches and bugs

3. constant server down times multiple times a day for hours

4. Servers being brought down for 14 hours at a time

5.Terrible customer support, taking days to respond to anything" STILL THE CASE"

6.Constant server crashes through out months of launch


now let's compare this to SW's launch ok

1. Annoying quest "not as bad as wows tho"

2. some annoying flash point bugs where if you wipe you are rejected the chance of getting said boss loot

3. some minor graphical glitches

4.annoying ppl who think complain that the game is not SWG2 , an d complains bout the bugs and stuff and content that they want immediately and compares it to a 8 year old game... yeah i went there deal with it :jawa_evil:


First of all, I'm not a WoW fan boy... While I have to admit that WoW's launch was so long ago I can't really remember what kind of bugs it has, I can remember that I quit playing WoW shortly after launch and didn't go back to it for at least 6 months. WoW doesn't interest me. I've played every expansion, maxed level, geared up, raided, then took an extended break while waiting for something better. I tried playing AoC, Aion, Rift, various FPS games and multiple single player RTS games because I didn't, and mostly still don't enjoy playing WoW. WoW is not the issue here.


The issue is the defense of SWTOR seems to be that WOW had so much more time to improve its game than SWTOR, so keep playing SWTOR. I'm happy for you that you haven't had many problems with SWTOR. I have not been so lucky.


Just to name a few of the problems with this game:


1) Killing bosses in flashpoints and not being able to loot the chests.

2) Queuing for Warzones only to enter them, get kicked for inactivity before you are able to leave the safe area, and then end up back at Imperial Fleet, even though you were out questing on another planet.

3) being in the middle of a fight in a flashpoint only to have the game close on you, then having to wait 30 minutes in queue to get back in.

4) repeatedly having to reload the UI for a host of different reasons...

5) Unit Frame health bars in warzones not updating, so that it shows full health of someone when in fact they are dying.

6) Extreme difficulty in click-targetting the dying player's physical body.

7) Waiting in Queue for warzones only to be kicked to character creation screen upon trying to enter.

8) Facing fully geared level 50s with all of their skill points allotted in Warzones as a lower level.

9) Bugged quests that won't disappear from my quest log even though I'm on an entirely different chapter.

10) numerous graphical glitches

11) having to dismiss and re-summon my companion when she gets knocked-down because she stays in that position even after the fighting is over.

12) having to /stuck and get rezzed after getting knocked back into the air and getting stuck in that position.

13) no search function on the GTN, no way to narrow search results down by item slot, and so browsing through 138 pages of what you're not looking for before realizing you're not going to find what you are looking for.

14) Hopping on my Speeder only to have it disappear from under me because I didn't wait for the game to catch up with the graphic.

15) repeatedly trying to use my medic kit but not being able to do so in a variety of circumstances.

16) trying to pass a huttball, click the hotkey over and over again and having it do nothing. No, I was not CC'd or stunned.

17) A lag with everything I do before it syncs with server, often screwing up my chaining of healing spells.

18) Mobs attacking me through walls even though I cannot attack them back because of LOS issues, or even mobs that are attacking me while evading my attacks. Following me through a flashpoint.

19) If you accidentally click on a commendation or pvp item you've just bought it, with no way of getting your commendations refunded.

20) If a member of your team accidentally rolls need on your class specific loot you're screwed, because he can't trade it to you.

21) "hearthing" back to Fleet after a flashpoint only to enter a black screen that takes nearly a minute to go away.

22) getting dropped from the game, coming back in only to enter a black screen that doesn't go away until you exit the flashpoint.

24) yeah, I could on, but if you don't get my point yet then you never will... I'm not the fanboy. I'm not the one who will defend SWTOR even with all of its problems just because its SWTOR. I want to like it very much, and in many ways I do, but I don't plan to continue to play a game with so many technical problems. Hell, i'm not even here to talk about quitting. I was just responding to the WoW argument.

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The main thing I do have to ask all of the WoW-based naysayers is; why are you guys here complaining about the game then? Why don't you just close your accounts and leave with a modicum of grace? Why do you have to come and tell us that you're going?


As an aside, since everyone seems to be comparing SWTOR to WoW, I hated WoW. I found it massively dull and tedious, as there seemed to be no real overall purpose to doing anything other than to hit the level cap and get the best gear. That and hearing the same few soundbites from each of the NPCs (depending upon race of course) whenever you had to interact with them began to grate very quickly. A friend quit WoW because no one offered any helpful advice when she was raiding at level 70, all she got was messages of 'You suck', which strikes me as just being stupid really.



Edited by Timberley
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The main thing I do have to ask all of the naysayers is; why are you guys here complaining about the game then? Why don't you just close your accounts and leave with a modicum of grace? Why do you have to come and tell us that you're going?


As an aside, since everyone seems to be comparing SWTOR to WoW, I hated WoW. I found it massively dull and tedious, as there seemed to be no real overall purpose to doing anything other than to hit the level cap and get the best gear. That and hearing the same few soundbites from each of the NPCs (depending upon race of course) whenever you had to interact with them began to grate very quickly. A friend quit WoW because no one offered any helpful advice when she was raiding at level 70, all she got was messages of 'You suck', which strikes me as just being stupid really.




if you read the thread you will see that the only ones who compare swtor with wow are the ones blindly defending this game.


i just say that there was a huge resource missmanagment.


having such a huge budget and beeing unable to provide good PVE and PVP endgame content is just wrong.


also i don't want to leave this game i want it to succeed and so do many others that criticize the game. it can only improve if you point out the problems.

Edited by Sheneria
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I'm in the same boat as you. I really want this game to succeed but I don't even recommend it to my friends because it's kinda meh. It feels like Mass Effect with some online capabilities. NPC companions remove the need to group and the need to even leave town to gather mats.


I'm typing this as I spend forever in a queue and I know once I log in I will hardly see anyone online because everything is instanced and because I play Republic where fun is discouraged.


if dont like it dont pay or play it no one cares about ur personal opinion

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I'm not giving them anything, I gave them $60 and they have failed to deliver. I will be hesitant about future products from EA BioWare in the future. It couldn't be any simpler than that.


then dont play or pay crying is pointless but enjoy whatever u go play

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Why are people saying "blah blah blah.... give them more time..."


In X amount of time if they still haven't gotten it right, not only did they get your time but also more of your money. Its all good if your having fun, more power to you, but come on, to those trying to counter the wild fire of criticism on these forums, please.... don't say, "just give them time". If your going to say that, don't forget to include money.


And if your going to say "blah blah blah... go back to wow..." Ok... /shrug. Who would have a problem going back to a better game ;p?


the quit and **** of the forums. this post is unneeded. what the hell do you care what i do. get a life and get off the forums.

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WoW was hardly solid when it launched. The server I was on was down for days straight, I think I got credited at least full week for server downtime and this happened two months after launch. It took at least a month or two before they decided to replace the hardware. SWTOR for all it's minor annoyances had a much more solid launch than WoW did, and I would hope 7 years into development it would be a WoW would be a solid game.


You do understand why Blizzard's servers went down right? They had no idea of how many people were actually going to play the game and their servers were destroyed. That's a good problem to have, and from there the game exploded. It wasn't** bad code, Blizzard has some of the best coders in the biz. Demand for previous MMO's to WoW was minuscule, and they got their arses handed to them int he beginning only to overcome it.

Edited by dozerking
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I don't get it. Mature adults would pay a sub for a bap game in hopes that time & patches would cure said game bap-ness?


What is so wrong with it...please tell


maybe its just me, but game runs awesome and i love it...not going anywhere for a long time, except a galaxy far far away in a chair close close by

Edited by DontForceMeBro
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It seems then that the solution to the problems isn't to identify them and prioritize them, but to ignore them? I never played WOW, so am immune to the "go back to WOW" smite. I do enjoy many aspects of this game, but ignoring foundational issues will doom the game.

Some players are becoming frustrated and even outraged. Some times it's a build up of small things, sometimes there are significant issues. The customer service is poor (it was awful for me). One example, I still can't send or receive mail on any toon (excluding game sent mail). CS has done nothing except incite frustration. I am playing without it, but it's not so enjoyable.

If enough people get annoyed and leave, then it'll even be emptier than it is. I don't want this game to go the way of AoC, where there was a mass exodus after a month or two. Seems like people hung in there for the early days of WOW? But there are more choices now.

So, I would like to suggest that BW be a little more forthcoming in letting us know which priorities they're working on, optimally include some rough dates. Try and do something about improving CS. These things might at least help contain some of the frustration and help maintain healthy player populations as things get addressed.

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We are all here basically because we are tired or bored with WoW. I will never go back and we as MMO gamers are all looking for the next game to sink our teeth into for 3-5 years. Is this it, honestly at this point most people will say no. The progression to max level was too fast leaving hardcore gamers going what do I do now. Bioware has a lot of work to do in this game to make it viable for the long term.

Wow has had years of help from modders some of which Blizzard has incorporated into builds of their game allowing players to customize every aspect of their game. There are multiple websites dedicated to addons or custom UI's. Bioware won't allow this and it has frustrated the masses used to freely available modifications to the base game.

We as gamers seek answers to when development of the game will take place and since the leveling curve happened so fast the game developers can only respond with "we are looking into adding it in the future but its not high on priority list".

Bioware is a solid company who has made great story games with a defined ending and now they are trying to tackle the never ending story game and are facing the challenges that that brings.

SWTOR is a great game but has to embrace the demands of gamers or push the envelope to release content or many will look toward the next latest and greatest.

I for one hope the game succeeds as I love the Star Wars universe and the endless possibilities this game has.

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I don't get it. Mature adults would pay a sub for a bap game in hopes that time & patches would cure said game bap-ness?


Yes they will becasue only an idiot would desire perfection instantly!! Why give the devs time to fix these issues? well becasue most mature adults have come to accept certain levels of set backs. Most mature adults have come to accept that sometimes you pay for a service that might not be 100% but still meets their basic requirments for enjoyment. One day when you grow up a bit and hit your early teens, you might come to accept that not everything that isnt perfect is a failure!

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Why are people saying "blah blah blah.... give them more time..."


In X amount of time if they still haven't gotten it right, not only did they get your time but also more of your money. Its all good if your having fun, more power to you, but come on, to those trying to counter the wild fire of criticism on these forums, please.... don't say, "just give them time". If your going to say that, don't forget to include money.


And if your going to say "blah blah blah... go back to wow..." Ok... /shrug. Who would have a problem going back to a better game ;p?


Yea your totally right. I remember back when WoW came out 6 years ago I was totally livid they didn't have a PvP system, Battlegrounds, any considerable engame, server stability, broken professions and they didn't fix ALL that within the first month. Outrageous!


This game has like none...oh wait a sec, they have all those things. Ah well, sorry man, looks like I'll be staying!



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