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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Companion QoL + few more


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first off, I felt that it was about time we got a favorites option for Companions. it feels odd to literally have more companions then I do vehicles, yet I can favorite my vehicles and filter them. Along with this I would love to have a filter option in companions. It get reeeaaalllly tiring when I'm doing comp gifts and I have to constantly open up my alliance window, and scan through dozens of contacts. so much like our filters for other windows, give us some generic options to just make the other sompanions not show.


Secondly, on a similar note, it would be wonderful to be able to assign hotkeys to companions, as well as have a "favorite" hotkey, again, similar to Vehicles. it would make dealing with the huge pool of companions you've given us much much easier. To be honest, If i had to piick from one of these two, I'd pick the hotkeys. faster and simpler solution. But both would be wonderful.


Lastly, please PLEASE get rid of that horrible warning pop-up we get every time we drop something into a mail slot. Yes, I know that if I mail something to someone else, I won't have it anymore and thus can't trade it. That is elementary. Seriously, it's borderline insulting to my 3rd grade edumucation to warn me about that.

And on top of that, it's not just a warning. it pops up EVERY TIME i drop something into my mail. EVERY time. and it's one of the ONLY safety valves that doesn't allow us to toggle it off. Do you do that to irritate us? I can't figure it out. At LEAST give us the option to toggle the stupid thing off.

Yeah, I know, seems like allot of irritation for a small message. but when you have to click the damn thing 20-30 times a day when mailing stuff, it gets really old really fast, and just serves as a irritation rather then a warning. After even just a dozen times, a 6 year old would get the message. thank you, please give us a toggle. or just get rid of the damn thing.

Edited by Elyx
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If you're sending the stuff to your other characters on the same account, don't do that. Just don't. Well, unless you like spending credits for something that can be done for free.


Find a Legacy Storage terminal (they are in multiple places on the Fleet, on Odessen, and some other places, and can be added as an "Other" perk to your class ship and as decorations in your stronghold(s)) and drop the stuff in there.

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Appreciate the feedback Steve!


And your right, I do use that frequently. In addition, I'd add that the addition of crafting storage further reduces the need for mail. Lots of great options unless you have 2 accounts like me, where you will send stuff frequently between the two.


That's an anomaly, but the simple lack of need for an irritating and pervasive warning note that doesn't follow the design of the others still stands. it's silly, useless, and just having a toggle would pretty much resolve the situation.

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That's an anomaly, but the simple lack of need for an irritating and pervasive warning note that doesn't follow the design of the others still stands. it's silly, useless, and just having a toggle would pretty much resolve the situation.

Oh, I agree that the popup is annoying. It has been annoying people ever since they added it to the game.

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To tack on to the companion QoL stuff.. I would like a redesign of that UI in general and throw the crafting in there too.. It seems so strange to me that I need 2 windows for managing companions. I have one for crafting, and another if I need so summon them.. and not that I use the vendor option with them but that's next to the summon and then traveling to them is all in one window but then a window that filters based on my influence with them for crafting is another. I wish it was all consolidated into a single window for just.. companion management..


I understand crafting being maybe it's own thing for other games but you don't really craft here.. you are managing your companions to do it (or sending them on missions).. all of that can be done in a single companion window.

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