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Returning player - State of crafting and gearing


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Crafting for characters and companions that were leveling was fun and a ready market. With stat boosts and the rapid pace of leveling and gear item leveling rating of companions no longer a factor, those markets vanished. With the advent of the Cartel Market, crafting gear for cosmetic purposes also disappeared.


I am not sympathetic to players that want access to all the highest level mats and gear while avoiding group content in an mmo. There are plenty of games, rpg and otherwise, that focus on solo play and achievements.


MMOs in which there are leveling ladders, both for character and crafting skills, are going the way of the dinosaur. I don't know of any AAA mmo titles even rumored to be in development, not for US release anyways. The WoW model mmo requires too large an investment and there are not enough players who have the patience and willingness to invest the time and money to justify the risk. There are now a wide selection of Battle royals, arcade games, and Rpgs that dominate the video game market.


Complaining that an mmo doesn't meet your requirements isn't going to leverage any developer. They already know they can't.


I think you forget that swtor is a stepchild of the KotoR-Games. These games are Single-Player RPG's And i assume that good bunch of people (myself included) came originally from there. And i for my part could'nt care less for group-content. And it is very annoying for me to do group-content in order to get specialcrafting-mats.

Edited by imporat
forgot something
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I think you forget that swtor is a stepchild of the KotoR-Games. These games are Single-Player RPG's And i assume that good bunch of people (myself included) came originally from there. And i for my part could'nt care less for group-content. And it is very annoying for me to do group-content in order to get specialcrafting-mats.


From what I have read though, SWTOR has this new game design called "Play it Your Way." By all accounts (written by BW) no matter how you play SWTOR, you shall be rewarded handsomely, fairly, fulfillingly well across the boards!


Has this not been your experience? :(


Either you are not playing it right, or BW is pumping out misinformation regarding their very own SWTOR game design. Seeing that BW's track record has always been nothing but sterling communication transparent beyond transparency I must come to believe you are playing SWTOR wrong, or don't understand how to Play it Your Way, the way they want you to, anyway!

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