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lvl 37 Sin using phantom stride, exploit??


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Anyone know if this is a bug or exploit? Came across a sin in lowbies using phantom stride. Seemed weird and thought it was just lag but I played a few matches and watched him and it definitely was phantom stride.


I thought Bioware had better systems in place to prevent the usage of abilities not at your current lvl. I’m wondering if this is some exploit to do with being bolstered above that lvl? But I can’t see how you’d learn it if you can’t get a trainer out in a WZ.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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So no ones seen this or no one knows about it? Not even the cheat deniers are here anymore to say it’s impossible or it’s bull s**t.

Is it possible this is a well know and wide spread exploit and with everyone playing a sin, no one wants to talk about it?

I don’t know and it’s why I brought it to the forums.

Man, these forums are so dead now... is there anyone at this stage who doesn’t think the game is now dying?

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no one says a thing bcos no one can bother with you

you are screaming about a different hack every week with 0 evidence of them

just please, clip even *one* of the multiple hacks you see


ooo i cant clip, my lag prevents clipping, did i tell i have huge lag btw? kekw


pretty sure everyone thinks you just make these things up to get attention :shrug:


though yes, i'd imagine forums being pretty dead too, but mostly the first part

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no one says a thing bcos no one can bother with you

you are screaming about a different hack every week with 0 evidence of them

just please, clip even *one* of the multiple hacks you see


ooo i cant clip, my lag prevents clipping, did i tell i have huge lag btw? kekw


pretty sure everyone thinks you just make these things up to get attention :shrug:


though yes, i'd imagine forums being pretty dead too, but mostly the first part


Yep, when was the last time I did that? Don’t try and deflect my questions with fake rubbish.

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Yep, when was the last time I did that? Don’t try and deflect my questions with fake rubbish.


He’s got a point, show us a clip please? I haven’t seen anything like that or experienced anything that would allow it on my lowbie sin.

Maybe nobody else has seen this effect, exploit, hack, magic... whatever you want to call it. Please provide evidence to back up your claims before you get defensive and maybe people will take it seriously other than “Oh, Trixxe is baiting people for forum pvp again, sigh...”

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Yep, when was the last time I did that? Don’t try and deflect my questions with fake rubbish.


Sure, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit and maybe I'm a bit too attacking on my post, but I wouldn't call it exactly fake rubbish

Fact is, you see hacks more than *anyone* in the game, and never have showed *any* sort of proof about them. And sure, I'm not saying hacks aren't real or can't be done. We've all seen jeezee, we all know hacks are a thing. But idk, you keep seeing new types of hacks so often, and no one, *no one* else sees them.


I feel like there are only couple logical reasons.

1. Hackers target only you (eh, not that believable)

2. You don't know the game well, thinking some stuff are hacks when they aren't (wouldn't imagine so, since you've played the game for quite a while)

3. You make these up (maybe)


And for the whole hack in question and the 'Is it possible this is a well know and wide spread exploit and with everyone playing a sin, no one wants to talk about it?'

Why would everyone want to keep that a secret, you wouldn't benefit of it much anyways and once you hit the level where you get Phantom Stride, the 'hack' becomes useless

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No video as I don’t stream like every other man and his dog. I also don’t see the point in streaming every time you play on the off chance you see something weird. So I don’t even have any recording software on my PC to turn on because I don’t install random stuff that I won’t use every day.


You don’t have to believe me. I’m not even asking you to believe me, I’m asking has anyone seen this or know anything about it.

Was I bit cheeky adding the part about it being wide spread? Of course I was, it’s called sarcasm. But as usual, it didn’t translate like I intended on the internet.


Also, it seems JeeZ** is back in the game after his accounts come off ban? Not sure if what I saw was a coincidence or not.

But if you think hacking or exploiting isn’t going to happen with him around, watch the forums for the next month and you’ll start to see people posting about it or he’ll even post it himself like he does when he knows the ban hammer is coming to get him, AGAIN :rolleyes:

(Last time he even posted the script he used to prove how he did it).

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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No video as I don’t stream like every other man and his dog. I also don’t see the point in streaming every time you play on the off chance you see something weird. So I don’t even have any recording software on my PC to turn on because I don’t install random stuff that I won’t use every day.


Yeah, I agree. Streaming/recording all your gameplay on the off chance of seeing a hack would feel pointless. But why not install one recording software? It's not like it takes much space, and you could just turn it on when you see something fishy. Then follow them around like you said you did, get a nice little clip and send it to daddy Musco. Maybe add which server it was in the message, and maybe type their name too if it's hard to read from the clip.

gg ez

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If you have an nvidia graphics card it comes with software that has an “instant replay” feature. If you enable it it will record anywhere between 5-20 minutes. If you see something fishy, save the video. If you don’t save it, it will overwrite the previous recording time until you ask it to save. I’ve managed to catch some of my better match plays and some funny glitches using it.
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If you have an nvidia graphics card it comes with software that has an “instant replay” feature. If you enable it it will record anywhere between 5-20 minutes. If you see something fishy, save the video. If you don’t save it, it will overwrite the previous recording time until you ask it to save. I’ve managed to catch some of my better match plays and some funny glitches using it.


You still need to have the software installed and running. I have as little software installed on my PC and I have as many back ground processors disabled as possible. I should not need to record anything or prove what I saw to ask a question on the forums.


Anyway, if no one has seen it or knows anything about it, let’s drop the topic. It’s been reported what was saw and I’ll let Bioware look at it. I don’t want to drag this out in a she said, he said situation.

I would like to add, Ive not seen this player since or anyone else doing it. So it’s obviously an isolated case and I’d be surprised if anyone else who posts has come across it (it’s not like we have more than 10 people who post anymore).

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Anyone know if this is a bug or exploit? Came across a sin in lowbies using phantom stride. Seemed weird and thought it was just lag but I played a few matches and watched him and it definitely was phantom stride.


I thought Bioware had better systems in place to prevent the usage of abilities not at your current lvl. I’m wondering if this is some exploit to do with being bolstered above that lvl? But I can’t see how you’d learn it if you can’t get a trainer out in a WZ.


Maybe lag caused him to blip ahead? Sometimes lag can momentarily freeze stuff and then next thing you know you see someone somewhere they were not just a split second earlier.

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Maybe lag caused him to blip ahead? Sometimes lag can momentarily freeze stuff and then next thing you know you see someone somewhere they were not just a split second earlier.


That’s what I thought the first time it happened. But it was only him and even if it was lag, it means he had to have run ahead of the player and waited for them to catch up because the times he did it to me, I was over 20m away.

I think if it was lag it would have also looked like the rubber band affect and had him running on the spot before he “teleported” from his position.

Lastly and most importantly, his Discharge buff would proc using phantom stride. It was unmistakeable what it was to another Sin player. But I could see a non sin player not recognising it for what it was.

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