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No Vette after Chapter XIII


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Like the title states, after doing chapter 13 on my warrior (jugg.) I noticed she is not in my companion list like on my bounty hunter or other warrior (mar.). Now let me stat yes I romanced Lana and yes I removed Vette's collar (if that actually has any play in this). Our meeting in chapter 13 was a friendly one and she seemed happy I was alive and safe. Cant recall everything I "said" but for the most part I told her I missed her and was happy she was safe as well.


Not sure what I did or what happened Im just wondering if I'm &%^$#... because I even tried playing the chapter again on story mode instead of veteran.


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I think there is a unique strange bug in the Chapters that sometimes even if you made different decision... The rest of the story treats it as if you din't...


I had a similar experience with 3th Chapter were I face the Knights Novo and Tanek... I remember sparing Tanek in my FIRST play through (even got a nice e-mail for my mercy) yet when I replayed... When I meet Novo again he said I commanded my Lana to kill him... when I only did it months later when I replay the chapters to see the Darkside version of things...


You can get her unlock in the Alliance Base with most dead or inactive character but they will have no impact in future content is the main story locks them out. Also you can try to create a support ticked see if they can help you... I tried with similar situation with a romance, but they told me that after so many patch or update it is not possible to fix....But maybe they can help you in your situation...



I kinda hope that in the future all the game, its choices romances is divided by repayable chapters... IMO it could fix such weird bugs... but better yet it would increase re-play time with max classes greatly... Who would not want to replay Job quest? I personally have forgotten so much of my play through with most... and re-rolling is great but I like to re-play it to with old classes too.


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thanks for the help... I don't really care about romancing her or not, would just like her back so I can run around with my fav companion. I mentioned the Lana romance thinking that might have had a impact on her returning or not (which would not be fair tbh).
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