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Random clapping


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Every so often my toon just randomly claps or does some other emote, I'm not sure if I'm hitting some hotkey but for the life of me I can't figure out what that would be. I even did it while riding the transport speeder, just stood up in my seat and clapped.


I should add I have no emotes hotkeyed at all and couldn't find emotes in the key bindings menu either

Edited by Jar_Axle
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There are some emotes and related things that *other* players can do that will cause all allied(1) characters (player or non-player) around them to do things, for example:

* The Human "Social" ability(2) causes allied characters to jump, cheer and clap.

* The Galactic Party Bomb (?name) causes a disco-light effect and everyone dances


(1) Here, meaning "on the same faction", or approximately "all green and blue named characters around except droids and beasts".


(2) Each species has a species-specific ability, e.g.:

* Humans cheer each other on, although the effect causes everyone, human or not, to cheer.

* Pureblood Sith slap their companion around.

* Mirialans meditate (this one's actually useful because it's an out-of-combat health/mana restore effect).

* Cyborgs scan their target for ... something.

* Rattataki shadow-box.

* Twi'leks do a parlour dance for ten minutes.

* Cathar roar like lions.

* Togruta spend fifteen minutes telling some sort of camp-fire story (reminds me of C-3PO regaling the Ewoks in RotJ).

* Chiss review their current mission.

* I believe the Nautolan one is bugged and looks like one of the others.

* The others (Zabs and Miraluka), I don't remember.

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Nice, I didn't know other people's emotes could effect me, pretty cool.

That said, what I'm experiencing is definitely not that, it happens too frequently when I'm alone in story areas and one time while I was in the middle of the Dune Sea on the transport speeder, just stood up in my seat to clap then sat back down.

It's not always claps, sometimes it looks like I'm high on spice and trying to tell someone I love them with hand gestures, or sign language like I'm tying to tell Tuskans I'll trade them a pair of binocs to pass over their land.


It happens when I'm autorunning and using the mouse to turn myself alot if that helps the troubleshooting.

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Oh my lord, it's the cantina drinks, lol. I found this ancient thread, and I thought the cantina drinks comment was a joke. Then I found this thread and it made more sense. Your character is drunkenly clapping! You were right that it was ages ago, Steve!

Actually, no, that wasn't what I was thinking of. Those two threads are before I started playing or even reading the forums.


Well, I suppose it might have been someone else later commenting on / complaining about the same thing. And of course I've never even *looked* at the drinks on offer in cantinas, so I never tried them, and ...


Anyway, thanks for the information.

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