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[BUG] End of mission 'Cathar Assassination'


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This is on Impside Taris, right? This sort of thing crops up from time to time, especially with travelling to planets, where you *must* use your ship to travel (that is, use the galaxy map while you are in your ship) even if you could get there by some other means. It's a relic of the days when instant-recharge Quick Travel was basically non-existent, so everyone would have been arriving at the base on foot anyway. (Maybe on speeder, of course.)


It *is* a bug in this case, but it's unlikely to get fixed because the code for the class stories and <Story Arc> missions (and almost all other missions on the starter-to-Corellia path) is a tangled mess.

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Old thread I know. However if anyone finds themselves at the mercy of this bug:

I "fixed" it by entering a new area.

I fast traveled once I killed the Cathar leader and had the quest icon shown in the middle of the tower command station. Once I left the area the quest figured out it was supposed to do something and fixed itself. So pretty much the same Steve said. :)

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