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What the heck is happening in the market....


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Okay, two days ago (now), I put a ton, a literal TON of stuff on the galactic marketplace. I mean, I had as many sales going as you can, like 50 things up for sale.


Today, I get online to find only 10 of those items have sold, BUT there are only four still listed as being for sale.


Top that off with having to get a one-time password to access my account today...something I've never had to do prior.


As they say, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over?


Who do I have to scream at (well, scream is an exaggeration really), well talk to about this?


Where'd all my stuff go?


Have I been robbed?


Anybody got a clue?


I mean, I'm selling imaginary object for fake money so I can purchase other imaginary objects, but I had like 4 million in stuff just disappear....

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If you haven't set up a Security Key, then the game will randomly ask you to use a One-Time Code Password for security reasons. This does not automatically imply your account has been compromised, but if you are afraid of this then I strongly recommend you set up a security key to better secure your account. You just need to download the app on your cellphone, register online and you're good to go.


If you have any missing items, I would contact Customer Service ingame because we can't help you here. We can't have a look into your account activity, Customer Service can. Describe the situation as detailed as possible and monitor your account for any suspicious activity. Did you share your password with someone? Did you let someone onto your computer? If you suspect someone did get access to your account, change your password and make it a difficult one.


Are you sure you didn't sell the items or stash them into a cargo hold? Maybe you thought you had put them on the GTN but forgot you didn't do it? Maybe you put up the sales on a different character?


Well, I thought that I'd start here and see if any of the many nice people playing the game had had a similar experience and get their input.


Customer Service is always the first place where you should report such things - the sooner the better - and ask people here as a secondary step. Customer Service has the ability to look into your account, restore things and help you, the people on the forums don't have that ability and can only guess at what's going on.

Edited by Ylliarus
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In addition to what Yllarius said, you must *also* reset the password of your email account (the one that the game sends emails to), and never ever again use the same password there that you use for the game.(1)


Background: the game (and the website) will ask for a new "one-time" (== "single use") password each time you log in from a different (public) IP address(2) than the one you used before.


That single-use password is a minimal security measure because it requires that the attacker cannot access your email account to intercept the email that contains the single-use password.


Conclusion: either there was an actual glitch where you logged into the right character on the right server but the game actually lost your stuff (not really credible because I see no reason why you'd be the only person affected by this), or one of the following happened:

* You logged in to the wrong account

* You logged in to the wrong server

* You logged in to the wrong character

* You didn't actually list as many things as you remember. Methylcarbinol(3) in particular does some strange things to memory.

* Someone guessed the password to your SWTOR account *and* your email account, and intercepted all the relevant mails.

* You have a malicious family member or roommate.


(1) It might not be literally the same, but it would only need to be just as guessable for a hypothetical attacker.


(2) Addresses that begin 192.168.something, or 172.16.something to 172.31.something, or 10.something are "private" addresses that occur in local networks all over the world. 99% of fixed-line (ADSL, fibre, cable, whatever) consumer internet access will involve the user's PC with an address that is 192.168.0.something or 192.168.1.something. These addresses aren't allowed on the Internet, so your router's NAT function rewrites them to (outbound) or from (inbound) some public IP address. This address is assigned to your router by your ISP, and will change from time to time.


(3) More commonly known as "alcohol".

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Well, I thought that I'd start here and see if any of the many nice people playing the game had had a similar experience and get their input.


The snark, however, is duly noted.


How dare you come here looking for people to use the forums to socialize and/or communicate with you about this topic you have created!


To your topic, either your account was inexplicably compromised by a thief, someone you share the account with sold stuff without you knowing, OR you have gone insane and imagined the whole thing.


EDIT: Forgot, maybe you went on a drinking GTN shopping binge and can't remember it? You know, what happens in Nar Shaddaa stays in NS, even the memories!

Edited by Lhancelot
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