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The reason why we play this game is because of our charactrers


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players need to stop blaming each other when they don't get as much as they want.


I laugh every time I read a post by someone ranting that PVP, or PVE caused the devs to rework and ruin their favorite part of the game. One facet has nothing to do with the failings of other facets, and players damn sure aren't responsible for bad game design changes.



On that note, I really think Bioware needs to stop trying to strong arm players into narrow content focuses. It is hard to take the "play your way" slogan seriously


I think this is just a side effect of their very deliberate "theme park" development, which they are forced to use with their extremely limited content they put out. They couldn't make the game more "sandbox" even if they wanted to right now.


This game is actually the opposite of a "sandbox" MMO imo, I mean you are forced to follow very direct ways to gear up or else you won't gear up, or find it very difficult to gear up if you choose to try to go a route they have not laid down for you to follow.


My point here is it's ridiculous to claim we can "play our way" when this game is so strict with how specific routes are necessary to follow to find success with gearing and/or other completions of other activities. More than anything this was just advertisement spiel imo.


"PLAY YOUR WAY!" It sounded great, was catchy, and fell right into what many SWTOR players dream for! You know, to play OUR way yet still be able to enjoy gearing and advancement through the different activities without needing to have to follow a strict route of game play.


For PVPers this would mean they could PVP and in theory gear up just as well as someone that loves raiding and doing OPs. Sadly this is not even close to reality. Right now, gearing up efficiently has to be done via PVE activities. I am not saying this is good or bad, just saying what it is.




If Bioware can't generate much in the way of new things to do at least keep the old things rewarding!


One issue I have with one big gameplay change BW made was when they created game-wide level syncing, it removed all specialty loot items from the FPs.


The level sync they added really destroyed the personality of the old FPs because all of the very unique and specialized loots being weapons, armor sets, etc. were dumped into the garbage to be forever lost.


This change really made it so there's just no reason tyo go anywhere specifically for loots because it's all the same no matter where you go. Who thought this made it interesting or enjoyable?


I miss having a chance to get a low level dungeon weapon or piece of moddable armor for appearance that can only be gotten from that specific FP, this kind of loot system makes me feel a sense of want and used to spur me to do low lvl FPs for the fun of it, not just to grind mindlessly for mass amounts of loots usable or not.


I know this probably isn't quite what you meant, but I put this in the same vein of your statement, that being they ought to continue making older parts of the game still fulfilling and rewarding to partake in.

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Since he didn't say ALL players, it can be understood the OP was referring to more than just himself, and would be granted a certain level of carte blanche to express their opinion. Not every post needs to be prefaced with "I'm not speaking for everyone when I say...". Maybe be less of a problem, and more of a solution.


Agreed. This forum is the only place I know of where people get bent out of shape because someone says 'we' and 'they' didn't get a signed letter asking them to confirm their agreement to x proposal.


I think it's more of a mental issue than a language issue tbh. People who don't interact with real life society and thus don't understand that their nitpicking doesn't connote their attention to accuracy, but rather how anal-retentive they are. That, or they strongly overestimate how much attention devs pay to forum posts and accordingly panic when someone says 'we', because 'some dev' might be reading this and conclude from this one forum thread that a majority of forumites are in alignment.


tl;dr - less whining on this particular meta-topic would go a long way towards making this forum sound less like a coterie of barely functioning neckbeards.

Edited by Ardrossan
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This forum is the only place I know of where people get bent out of shape because someone says 'we' and 'they' didn't get a signed letter asking them to confirm their agreement to x proposal.

I wouldn't say people get "bent out of shape" - I, for example, just point these things out for grins and maybe a bit of petty annoyance.

But, none the less, it is ridiculous when someone gets on here and says things like "We are all going to quit SWTOR unless you fix the PvP queue", or, "we want more OPS", etc, in a manner that suggests they speak for all users.

It's like saying "everyone wants Charlie's Angels to be more woke". 😂

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My current issue with the game isn't the type of content they put out (decos/PvP/PvE/RP/etc). I don't PvP or Ops much, but I try to enjoy all of the rest of it. Any new content is usually welcome.


My problem is with the bugs.


Especially when those bugs are so bad, they prevent me from accessing some or all of the new content.


IMHO, getting buggy content is worse than no content at all. It's like going to your favorite restaurant, ordering your favorite food, and receiving a plate with a big dead roach on top... and you're not sure when they'll get around to making you another plate. At the very least, you're in the back in the line behind all the other customers, because supposedly you have food and they don't.

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IMHO, getting buggy content is worse than no content at all. It's like going to your favorite restaurant, ordering your favorite food, and receiving a plate with a big dead roach on top... and you're not sure when they'll get around to making you another plate.


lol that's about right. Really good analogy on how it feels to receive disappointing, low-quality updates that are bugged/broken.

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Everyone* thinks their favorite is being neglected and everyone thinks their area is important to the survival of the game. Everyone is right too!

*I am not literally saying everyone. I'm sure there are some people out there that are perfectly content with how much content their niche is getting.

This is so legit. Experience is subjective and can distort our sense of how much of each content type is being released. The best thing we can do is acknowledge our subjectivity... give up the claim to some objective view of the game... then keep telling BW what content we personally enjoy and want to see more.

Edited by Estelindis
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I for one enjoy the various companions. However, they keep throwing the baby out with the bathwater when they make changes.

Case in point:


Treek. You used to be able to use conversations with Treek to gain influence with her. Not any more.

They added a cartel market option to customize treek's outfit. Ok, great, not for everyone, but , hey its a change...

EXCEPT.... in those conversations, which are the only interactions you have outside of a few cameos in the cantina on Odessan... She reverts to her unmodded appearance.


Fixing bugs:

They FINALLY got the elevators to work right in the Star Fortress flashpoints..... although they made these level 75 flashpoints, which doesn't follow story continuity or the expected level progression (i.e. there is a "easter egg" in KOTET 1 on Voss where if you have completed the Voss star fortress you are "rewarded" by not having to fight your way thru a few more trash mobs.).


They completely took away flashpoints that were fun to solo in "story mode"...i.e. there IS no more "story" mode for Athiss, Mandalorian Raiders, etc) at the proper "level". And a chance to get a few nice decorations from same. Instead you have to group up and rush, rush, rush , rush through. No time to stop and smell the roses. What's the big hurry? We all die soon enough. Life is short. We should be able to take our time at our own mode.


FIxing things they broke.... 2 of my characters (on different servers) are now stuck at exactly the same point and can't progress due to the change they made which glitched "player-walker"combat…..Showdown on Iokath, the part with 3 sentinels in the room that are impossible to fight. Both of them I don't want to just jump to Odessan with and ignore the rest of the story... 1. Trooper that wants to have reunion with Elara and 2. IMP agent (DS) that wants to be able to finish this and save Theron (although she is Dark Side, she still likes Theron … and if I jumped her to Odessan, they'd do the Imperial default choices on her. She managed to get thru the Voss Walker, and the beginning of the current story, but the sentinel part has her stumped.

Yes... Choices matter, but if we can't GET to that point in the story, we can't MAKE those choices.



I'd like to see more effort put into improving some of the "old content" instead of just a rush for a "shiny new toy".


And, for the record, I LIKED being able to solo a world boss back in the day.

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FIxing things they broke.... 2 of my characters (on different servers) are now stuck at exactly the same point and can't progress due to the change they made which glitched "player-walker"combat…..Showdown on Iokath, the part with 3 sentinels in the room that are impossible to fight. Both of them I don't want to just jump to Odessan with and ignore the rest of the story... 1. Trooper that wants to have reunion with Elara and 2. IMP agent (DS) that wants to be able to finish this and save Theron (although she is Dark Side, she still likes Theron … and if I jumped her to Odessan, they'd do the Imperial default choices on her. She managed to get thru the Voss Walker, and the beginning of the current story, but the sentinel part has her stumped.

Yes... Choices matter, but if we can't GET to that point in the story, we can't MAKE those choices.

I'm stuck on the same fight with a BH and don't want to skip either because i want to play the whole story, but if the only reason you don't want to skip with your IA is to save Theron, then you may be interested to know that he's saved by default on all characters whether they're imp or pub, DS or LS and he stays in the Alliance. The only differerence is that you won't have his new outfit and hairstyle customization if you don't play the traitor arc.

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