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I Love Corso Riggs


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Ok, this is a bit off topic from the last page of stuff, but I needed to say it, and the "I love Corso" thread seems the best place.

I have my smuggler constantly flirt with the guys in her quest story line, because I am always super amused by the responses Corso gives to them. It also works with the personality of my smuggler, because she is a flirt. That being said, I never complete a fade to black, because...well... that just seems mean, and wrong to how I feel their relationship works.

With all that in mind, I just wanted to share something that happened in game the other day that was just so sad... poor Corso... I am sorry. Promise!


I was playing around on Voss the other day, and decided to see what would be Corso's response if I went through with sleeping with Lokir-Ka (I usually do this, then hit escape and redo it). When Lokir stated that Corso must be my husband, my smuggler responded with the fact that she was not married. Corso's response to this just utterly broke my heart. I felt bad for even pretending to choose it. It was along the lines of-

"You know he doesn't mean anything. You will leave here, and slink back to the ship, and just expect me to be there waiting on you"

He then walks away and looks over his shoulder and says, "One of these times, it might not be true." Proceeded by a hand covered shake of his head.

I was floored! It was just so sad. I know he's pixilated, but I actually felt like a bad person, because he was so hurt by it. Lokir even states that his wife won't be the only heart they were breaking. O.o


In a sum up... Very sorry, Corso! I promise never to pretend to have Alais cheat on you ever again! ~.~



Man am I glad I NEVER flirted with ANYONE, even before Lilly and Corso actually told each other they liked each other... mostly because I liked Corso right away. Like... immediately. I knew I wanted him and so did Lilly, lol.


Of course I have to admit I'm also a little hooked on Torian Cadera. ><


Anyway, I'm writing up what is turning out to be a freaking NOVEL involving Lilly, Corso, my sith juggernaut, and probably my bounty hunter. I refuse to post it to any fan fiction site though since most fan fiction is more like fan erotica and that is just... not what I'm writing, and I don't want to be associated with those steaming piles of unmitigated garbage in any way, shape, or form. I'm an AUTHOR. That might sound stuck up - well it does, but it's also true.


However, I may post some excerpts here if people are interested. Most likely as I write it I will put it up on Deviantart or something since if I put it up there it's copyrighted to me and I can slap people around if they try to steal it.


On the other hand I'm afraid of getting sued. ><

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You won't get sued for writing a story using your character. Just be sure to put a disclaimer that you don't own anything Bioware created.

Fanfiction.net has put up sections for works using the companions on their site... of course I think there is only a Jaesa one so far, heh.

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You won't get sued for writing a story using your character. Just be sure to put a disclaimer that you don't own anything Bioware created.

Fanfiction.net has put up sections for works using the companions on their site... of course I think there is only a Jaesa one so far, heh.


Yea like I said, I don't really want to put what I write on a fan fiction website. Most of the 'fan fiction' stories out there aren't really stories they're glossed over erotica, which is far from what I write.


My actual interest is to eventually really write for the Star Wars EU. (god knows I'm better than Jeff Grubb, I wanted to SCREAM each time I read a Dragonlance novel he wrote)


My worry over being sued is actually over using Corso, Malavai Quinn, Torian Cadera, Cole Cantarus... and referencing events from the game since they are a huge part of each character's past.

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My worry over being sued is actually over using Corso, Malavai Quinn, Torian Cadera, Cole Cantarus... and referencing events from the game since they are a huge part of each character's past.


As long as you make a point to mention that they are bioware creations, you should be good. Unless Bioware has explicitly come out and said that they are not ok with people using their characters or history in stories, then they probably don't care.


Don't blame you for feeling that way about fan fic sites, heh, most are really bad, or, as you said, people's attempts to write smut.


Deviant art could work. I know some people use free web hosting to make simple websites for their stuff.

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Man am I glad I NEVER flirted with ANYONE, even before Lilly and Corso actually told each other they liked each other... mostly because I liked Corso right away. Like... immediately. I knew I wanted him and so did Lilly, lol.


Of course I have to admit I'm also a little hooked on Torian Cadera. ><


Anyway, I'm writing up what is turning out to be a freaking NOVEL involving Lilly, Corso, my sith juggernaut, and probably my bounty hunter. I refuse to post it to any fan fiction site though since most fan fiction is more like fan erotica and that is just... not what I'm writing, and I don't want to be associated with those steaming piles of unmitigated garbage in any way, shape, or form. I'm an AUTHOR. That might sound stuck up - well it does, but it's also true.


However, I may post some excerpts here if people are interested. Most likely as I write it I will put it up on Deviantart or something since if I put it up there it's copyrighted to me and I can slap people around if they try to steal it.


On the other hand I'm afraid of getting sued. ><


I write fanfiction, and... yeaaaaah, it is kinda like this. Way too many authors use it to live out their fantasies, and even just the association with that kinda stuff makes me feel my credibility erode with everything I write. But to each their own, someone wants to write a lemon I guess that's up to them.


It's not technically doing anything wrong, after all, unless they're selling someone else's work or trying to take credit for it. Some IP owners may object to any use of their stuff, commercial or not, and you kind of have to know who you're dealing with.


But if you do start writing fanfiction, watch out for the slippery slope. I used to be this steely tomboy, emotionally unmovable and completely unsentimental. Now I write sappy fluff or ridiculous angst. :( You think I could've gotten into writing testosterone laden explosion fests, but no.

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I write fanfiction, and... yeaaaaah, it is kinda like this. Way too many authors use it to live out their fantasies, and even just the association with that kinda stuff makes me feel my credibility erode with everything I write. But to each their own, someone wants to write a lemon I guess that's up to them.


It's not technically doing anything wrong, after all, unless they're selling someone else's work or trying to take credit for it. Some IP owners may object to any use of their stuff, commercial or not, and you kind of have to know who you're dealing with.


But if you do start writing fanfiction, watch out for the slippery slope. I used to be this steely tomboy, emotionally unmovable and completely unsentimental. Now I write sappy fluff or ridiculous angst. :( You think I could've gotten into writing testosterone laden explosion fests, but no.


I usually do write testosterone laden explosion fests :p


I do add in some romance though, cause you can't have a good story without it. It's just full of tension and what the hell moments :p

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Most of us do fictions, I suppose, but some (like me) are too lazy even to write those down. It's more like making stories or watching movies in ones head. Private use only, no matter how "erotic" content is...Just because..well, it's personal.


Sigh. I had "A Hint of Sentiment" today. So...according to torhead my game's over. No, there's still about 1\2 of Voss and Corellia class line to go, and I'm still at 45, and I got cool matching outfits for both of us via pvp recently...yet... wierd feeling. Own fic still goes on, yes, and (to be honest) some of my own parts were far more enjoyable then what they showed me as soon as I did "gunfight..." in last 3 missions :rolleyes:. And it seems to me that even more is to follow.


I dont even think I really'd need more subscribtion to continue one,actually. As a heavy "sandboxer" I already took all I needed "in my head". And that's kind of problem - the longer scilent "endgame" lasts - the further my story runs away from all kind of "lore". Even while chapter 3 it did turn aside slightly. And the lesser I need that "lore-wise" story, unless they make something REALLY nice out of it. And I suppose, that it's not only me who feels like this....so in case BW won't undertake anything - they're likely to bury their main feature alive, at least for those who care.


Oh, and I also just watched beta-version of "wedding". No, I really can't tell which of two Corsos is better - beta or released one. In beta-movie eyes are already brown, but that kifar face seems less casual to me, but not less attractive. And in concept eyes were green. Image had its charm, really.

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I've written a boatload of Star Wars fanfiction in my time, and I'm a published author AND and screenwriter (this game really isn't helping my productivity). There are some good stories out there from people like me, people who take their writing serious, and then there are... other.... writers. >.> A term I'm using generously. More like they're spewers of words on a page. You just have to sift through a lot of junk.


Don't be afraid to put your stories out there. My stories are more akin to mini-movies without the Mary Sue or the angst or the sex, and I have quite a following. People appreciate good stories. I even won a fan fic award, but that was years ago.


Anyway, I think this is highjacking the thread. Sorry!


Here's to hoping in the future that there are several romance options and not just one. At least, for my sith, jedi and smuggler there has only been one.

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As far as moving away from the 'official' lore, I solved that myself - my story takes place 2 years in the future. If they come up with an xpac that changes stuff, I'll change the timeline, make it happen sooner or even later.


I just don't know if I should post it here, or post it on deviant art and then link to it here. And if I should put it in this thread or give it it's own, lol.

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As far as moving away from the 'official' lore, I solved that myself - my story takes place 2 years in the future. If they come up with an xpac that changes stuff, I'll change the timeline, make it happen sooner or even later.

Convinient way :D I was focusing more on her past, though. Always nice to feel background.

And also just to give them few more chances.


And as for fics - we did those with my sister long-long ago, before we had computers and etc, and we didn't even know the very word "fanfiction". Well, as I said - suppose most of us do fics that way or another.

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I have done a few little snippets of fanfiction of my smuggler and Corso, but nothing too big. All on Deviantart, as I already have an account there and that. I'd like to be a writer someday (I've done other stuff), but I don't think I've got the commitment or the talent.


Anyway, on the Facebook page for SWTOR, they were putting up romancable character wallpapers. Corso's isn't that flattering, to be honest; it looks like he's eaten too much curry and it's come back to haunt him.


Vector's is the luff though. ^^

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I have done a few little snippets of fanfiction of my smuggler and Corso, but nothing too big. All on Deviantart, as I already have an account there and that. I'd like to be a writer someday (I've done other stuff), but I don't think I've got the commitment or the talent.


Anyway, on the Facebook page for SWTOR, they were putting up romancable character wallpapers. Corso's isn't that flattering, to be honest; it looks like he's eaten too much curry and it's come back to haunt him.


Vector's is the luff though. ^^



Yea I've commented on a couple of them, I have about 10 wallpapers of my own that are Corso, right now my wallpaper is Torian though. ><

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Anyway, on the Facebook page for SWTOR, they were putting up romancable character wallpapers. Corso's isn't that flattering, to be honest; it looks like he's eaten too much curry and it's come back to haunt him.

gimmie da link!! :o I dont use socnets so never follow anything of that kind, but I'd love to see what they did about him.


Just today got an idea about a pic for a T-shirt, But I'm afraid my husband may have objections :p (though he did claim several times that he never gets jealous about fictional men). And I also don't have proper res pictures... Inspired by that latest "hating" video by the way. :D May do one as wallpaper still, just let me get my story up to the end.

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Silvershadows- I would definitely like to read any story you wrote, I am writer myself ( not SW theme, though) and I am very interested in writing of others :) You really should publish it here somewhere! :)




Well, like I said a few posts up, it's turning into a novel haha. I'm up to about 20 pages right now and there's still plenty more in my head. So I'll probably end up posting it on deviantart and then I'll need to figure out how to make a pdf of it so people can read it on their e-readers, lol.


If I tried to just post it in a thread somewhere here it would be way way way too long. Just hope people actually read it, while I love my own stories I dont need to write them down to enjoy them, lol.

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Hope this link to the album works for you!


If not here is Corso's.


I just luuurve how some people are still ranting about the harpoon. :rolleyes:



I know haha what the heck is up with that? People seriously haven't realized you can turn it off?


My left hotbar is always my companion's hotbar, I have super good control over companions because of it. Enough that on my bounty hunter the other day I was able to just run away from a sentinel 3 levels higher than me while Torian creamed him into the ground and then yelled "TOAST!"


Yes, that really happened. Nothing funnier than watching someone 3 levels higher than you get owned by your companion. :p Of course, I've kept Torian geared to the teeth (corso is now in champion/centurion gear too!) which might have had something to do with it.

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Got both album and a big one, thanx, naaaaaaais pic...and a flower in a corner....sigh...:o


/me afk for a cold shower. :D


(should've screened more while leveling, really)


By the way, is it just me or there IS something wrong with a hair\rifle butt part? Looks like models overlayed in a wrong way, rifle is just stuck inside his hair (tail). It either should go under his tail or be even more behind\lift it up (And bang his head as he moves on if hanging that high, btw:p)

But it just cant hang behind back of his head and leave hair as it is...I think...It just does not look right.

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Just for giggles, and to see if anyone is interested, here's a short excerpt from the story I'm writing. Just for the sake of clarity, this particular scene is what happens when Lillian arrives on Ord Mantell to pick up a weapons shipment she is supposed to smuggle onto Corellia:




"Orthos? Maybe you can help me here and while you're at it, give me the name of my contact on Corellia." She turned to face the man, and was considerably disconcerted to find herself staring down the barrel of the blaster he was holding pointed at her forehead. She tried a joke. "Or, you could just shoot me and put me out of my misery."

His pale eyes narrowed at her, though his face was otherwise expressionless. "I think you'd rather come with me, Captain. Don't make this any harder on yourself." His voice had changed, Lillian realized - he spoke in clipped precise tones, each word carefully enunciated and perfectly clear. Imperial. She closed her eyes for a second and swallowed hard, then opened them and tried again.

"Hey, I think you have the wrong person here. I'm just a small-time smuggler looking for some credits, I'm nobody important."

Now he did smile, and it was a smile so predatory that it caused a cold pit to form in her stomach. She thought of the blasters on her forearms and tried to calculate whether or not she could get them into her hands and up in firing position before he burned a hole through her skull. Fat chance, she thought. Better to keep talking if she could. Before she could open her mouth and speak again though, he took a step forward and put the cold muzzle of his blaster directly against the white skin of her forehead.

"You are Captain Lillian Riggs. Your ship is the Silver Shadow, and you were employed as a privateer for the Galactic Republic two years ago during the battle of Corellia. Your husband is a farm boy from this planet named Corso. Your ship's crew was a motley bunch of aliens who have since scattered across the galaxy as scum like that is wont to do. You made the mistake of coming here alone, and now, you will come with me, or I will shoot you."

She had no choice. Shaking her wrists, she dropped the holdout blasters into her palms and started to bring her arms up and in line. The Imperial was a split second faster, however, and she saw his thumb switch the power selection lever on his blaster from "kill" to "stun" just before he squeezed the trigger.

The blue-white ion burst played over her body, frying every nerve ending and causing her muscles to spasm uncontrollably. She dropped to the ground, unable to control her own body, as the Imperial kicked the blasters from her hands, sending them skittering across the floor. He knelt down beside her, pulling a syringe from his pocket, uncapping it and jabbing the needle into the side of her neck, depressing the plunger with his thumb.

"Sleep now, Captain." His voice came to her as if from a great distance as she felt whatever drug he had put in her body start to work, causing her mind to drift. An image of Corso surfaced in her thoughts, his brown eyes staring at her, a loving smile painted across his face. She felt a single tear well up and slide down her cheek as she lay there on the cold floor unarmed and defenseless, before unconciousness claimed her.

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That's excellent! Made me hungry for more, too. Puts the little nuggets I've done to shame.


Well hopefully I'll be able to finish it and actually put it up somewhere, I put this same excerpt up in the fan fiction section of the forums and its had zero comments which isn't really encouraging lol.

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I have a favor to ask, ladies. I didn't save screenshot copies of the letters Corso sent and now I'm kicking myself for it (I know, I know, but I put it off and the letters expired. /sad). Anyone have copies/transcripts and mind posting them in spoiler tags for me? I will love you forever!
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I have a favor to ask, ladies. I didn't save screenshot copies of the letters Corso sent and now I'm kicking myself for it (I know, I know, but I put it off and the letters expired. /sad). Anyone have copies/transcripts and mind posting them in spoiler tags for me? I will love you forever!



Here's one:





And another:





And the last:




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Well, like I said a few posts up, it's turning into a novel haha. I'm up to about 20 pages right now and there's still plenty more in my head. So I'll probably end up posting it on deviantart and then I'll need to figure out how to make a pdf of it so people can read it on their e-readers, lol.


If I tried to just post it in a thread somewhere here it would be way way way too long. Just hope people actually read it, while I love my own stories I dont need to write them down to enjoy them, lol.


Hehe I once posted a novel about 50 pages long to the single post, so dont worry about that :D

This example of your work was very nice, looking forward for more :)

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