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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I Love Corso Riggs


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Today, sadly I told Corso I wouldn't marry him in hopes that he would ask me again, but he didn't. Now I'm freaking out that he won't.


Anyone know if he will? :(


Ouch.... as far as I know there is only one convo with that question. I'm sorry. At least he will still be there with you.

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Today, sadly I told Corso I wouldn't marry him in hopes that he would ask me again, but he didn't. Now I'm freaking out that he won't.


Anyone know if he will? :(


Maybe a future expansion pack will have a conversation saying that you're ready.


It's not like there's a whole lot that happened after marriage. /sigh...

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Maybe a future expansion pack will have a conversation saying that you're ready.


i actually had a dream last night that a new expansion ninja'd its way into the game. higher level cap, an extended AP bar for companions, and more companion quests. you have no idea how disappointed i was when i woke up.

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i actually had a dream last night that a new expansion ninja'd its way into the game. higher level cap, an extended AP bar for companions, and more companion quests. you have no idea how disappointed i was when i woke up.


I'll take an EP or addon devoted to companion story and romance...without the tediuos leveling!


Serioulsy though, if Bioware had addon packs for extra companion missions, I wonder how well that would sell? (Similar to those bonus missions you can pay to unlock in GW)


I know I would buy it! :o

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Dear Corso.


I wanted to like you. I really did. You had a very unique look, what with the scars and the dreads, and you did strike me as being an NPC who stood out form the crowd. And I tried. I so very much tried.


But... gods love you, Corso, but you're dumb as a bag of rocks. Your dialogue options make me facepalm. Your back-woods hick thing got old fast, and I can't stand back-woods hicks. You're the sort of person who I'd be embarrassed to be around in Real life, with your constant "well gor-lee!" and the like. And then there's the Harpoon Gun. Sweet Herb's Cats, the Harpoon Gun.


Don't get me wrong. I don't hate you like I do with certain other companions (*coughvettecough*) and you certainly don't have that "the writers insist you love me" thing that certain other companions (*coughvettecough*) do.


But all these things together? No thanks. You have too many negatives and not enough positives. And you're not a wookie.




The Smugger.

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Awwww, Smugger .... well, to each his/her own, I s'pose.


Bless your heart, you're either a guy from the city or a gal who never got laid by a good ol' boy from the country. (That's a pleasure no woman should miss out on, believe you me!) lol


Corso, come here dream-boat. <swoon>



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My god, this thread is just.... someone.... someone please bring fire. Lots of fire.



Did someone say fire? If by fire you mean that my heart is burning with affection for Corso, then bring it on!


I'm glad I'm not the only lady with a digital crush on my hunky meat shield with a heart of gold. My husband gets jealous at how much effort I put into trying to get some lovin' from Corso. The last time I checked this thread it was less than 20 pages long...it sure has grown!


Keep spreading the Corso love! :D

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My god, this thread is just.... someone.... someone please bring fire. Lots of fire.


Just be glad we can't insert pictures the same way we could back on some other boards (*cough*DragonAge*cough*Alistair*). Or instead of just simple lines of loving text, you'd have a million multiple images of him smiling up at you from all his various customizations! :eek:;):p:D

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I was going to post this as it's own thread, but then decided this would be the best thread for it to call home!


For your viewing pleasure, a Corso Riggs wallpaper: Click!


If anyone wants a different font or quote for this image, let me know :)

And feel free to take a look at my other SWTOR related wallpapers here.

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Another who adores Mr. Riggs checking in. He's causing a bit of rivalry between him and my boyfriend though, due to Corso hijacking our Skype conversations when he does something amusing or stupid! But I don't care, he's a good tank (learnt to use harpoon shot to pick off pesky patrols) and my goodness does he make the best eyecandy!


Think mine's a bit of attention seeker though, considering the cutscene after Taris's bonus series, one camera view was a slight sliver of what was actually going on, and the rest was a close-up of Corso's arse. Didn't help he was wearing tight pants at the time.

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Yeah I've never said no or "weirdo shut up," just generic answers. But I have done the flirt a couple times already. But no smooch as of yet, and as far as the flirt of "you wanna have my babies? let's get practicing!" He just says to quit teasing and shut the door. Totally different from the responses I've seen on YouTube.


Guess I'll just have to progress more in the story line and see if that gets anywhere.


Would it make a difference if I keep giving him the courting gifts even though the affection is maxed? All he says to them is the generic "thank you."


I think I've run into this same problem and was wondering if it ever got fixed or if anyone else knows anything about it. I got that same response like as if my smuggler had rejected him in some romance conversation, except there never actually was any kind of romance conversation ever.


Is it all because my smuggler told him to go sleep it off during that one conversation when he was drunk? I didn't think that had anything to do with the romance (it doesn't sound like it does) but it seems like it may have blocked the romance from ever happening for me.


I've leveled a smuggler twice before, once in beta and once on a different server before this current character, and there were no problems at all. I'm really quite baffled as to why the romance never started this time.

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I think I've run into this same problem and was wondering if it ever got fixed or if anyone else knows anything about it. I got that same response like as if my smuggler had rejected him in some romance conversation, except there never actually was any kind of romance conversation ever.


Is it all because my smuggler told him to go sleep it off during that one conversation when he was drunk? I didn't think that had anything to do with the romance (it doesn't sound like it does) but it seems like it may have blocked the romance from ever happening for me.


I've leveled a smuggler twice before, once in beta and once on a different server before this current character, and there were no problems at all. I'm really quite baffled as to why the romance never started this time.


Yeah. By telling him to go sleep it off, you friendzone him.




On another note, does anyone know where to get better gifts for him (besides the vendor at the Fleet)?

Edited by Supervillainess
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I detest Corso with a passion. He never fights by my side. For the first 2 secs of any fight he seems to stand there looking at me as if he's somehow assessing how well I do in the fight. Besides that fact which I suppose isn't his fault, he's just a farm boy and from the moment he mentioned 'flashy' I despised him with a passion only reserved for the inner circle of hell.
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