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I Love Corso Riggs


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amen to that.


I know, right.



I feel kinda funny cause you know, I gave him Torchy back and he's been using it ever since, so now I stand around on Illum killing mobs with Corso and this little blaster. I know he loves it, but i'm seriously contemplating giving him back a moddable blaster rifle just because...


the bigger the gun, the better.



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I know, right.



I feel kinda funny cause you know, I gave him Torchy back and he's been using it ever since, so now I stand around on Illum killing mobs with Corso and this little blaster. I know he loves it, but i'm seriously contemplating giving him back a moddable blaster rifle just because...


the bigger the gun, the better.




i do the exact same thing! ever since he got Torchy back, that's the only weapon he's been using. i figured, well he HAS been pining for it for like forever...might as well let the man have fun considering all he puts himself through for my sake. though that one quest on Belsavis where you get the choice of moddable weapons for one of my companions as a reward, i almost picked the blaster rifle. i kinda miss him looking all pro with the way he holds them. maybe i'll find him a nice looking moddable one off the GTS eventually.

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Kudo's to you!!! i luv my Corso man. I luv flirting with other npc's and watching him get a little jealous..lol. I also left him original with the tail and think he looks great. Now that they got the dumb harpoon thing fixed he will always be at my side. Can't wait for the next flirting session with him..hehe.
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I feel kinda funny cause you know, I gave him Torchy back and he's been using it ever since, so now I stand around on Illum killing mobs with Corso and this little blaster. I know he loves it, but i'm seriously contemplating giving him back a moddable blaster rifle just because...


the bigger the gun, the better.




Yea the animation is not as cool as the rifle for a range tank. Kinda wish he had a story for every type of gun including a rifle, scattergun, and sniper rifle.


Is he the only companion that gives you a weapon (or armor) for a gift during a companion mission?

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i do the exact same thing! ever since he got Torchy back, that's the only weapon he's been using. i figured, well he HAS been pining for it for like forever...might as well let the man have fun considering all he puts himself through for my sake. though that one quest on Belsavis where you get the choice of moddable weapons for one of my companions as a reward, i almost picked the blaster rifle. i kinda miss him looking all pro with the way he holds them. maybe i'll find him a nice looking moddable one off the GTS eventually.


^^ This. I couldn't *not* equip him with Torchy, he was just so happy!! So he's been using it ever since we got it back. But I secretly miss the way he looked with the rifle. I found a few moddable orange rifles in my travels and stuck them in cargo... just in case I give in.


Also, the blaster doesn't look quite so good with the white heavy armor. I actually put his armory-armor into cargo, and gave him more medium looking armor. I like how Torchy looks much better that way. Still, I miss the heavy armor-big gun look.


A funny: Last night I got the convo about (very minor spoiler)

How you wouldn't want anyone else watching your back

. And then, in just the next quest as I'm snapping screenshots with Fraps, my computer lags. And what do I capture? A picture with my girl bending over to fix something, and Corso standing behind her very definitely enjoying watching her back.

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I have to take a guess the OP is a writer of some sort, that was too good.


Aside from that, I hate Corso... But I don't actually hate Corso, I hate Harpoon and the bug that causes it to turn itself back on so often that i gave up turning it off. The number of times he's harpooned a mob just as I got squared away behind it or yanked a mob out of the group just as I'm about to AOE probably numbers in the hundreds and I'm only level 22.


My questing companions however think it's hilarious and laugh at me every time ('cause they're jerkfaces).


Outside of that he's fine, and funny at times.

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I have to take a guess the OP is a writer of some sort, that was too good.



I am, actually.




Hoping there will be a fanfic contest eventually, I have about 15 pages of a short story relating to Corso written out. I don't usually do fanfic but he's too good to pass up.

Edited by silvershadows
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Don't understand the hate for Corso. Is it the whole cheerful country boy thing? I'm just glad that he's one of the more normal companions. No over the top personality, no beeyotch-y attitude. Just an average person. He's okay in my book. Edited by mooferz
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Hoping there will be a fanfic contest eventually, I have about 15 pages of a short story relating to Corso written out. I don't usually do fanfic but he's too good to pass up.


I shall look forward to reading it when it wins!

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I shall look forward to reading it when it wins!



That's jumping the gun a little bit, but we'll see. Since it's just fanfic and will never be published I may eventually put it on the 'net when it's done, if there isn't a fanfic contest. Lucas might not let them do it, who knows, he can be weird.

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Don't understand the hate for Corso. Is it the whole cheerful country boy thing? I'm just glad that he's one of the more normal companions. No over the top personality, no beeyotch-y attitude. Just an average person. He's okay in my book.

Corso reminds me a lot of the guys I served with. Nothing wrong with that at all, although I don't really want a tank companion out of the gate.

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Corso reminds me a lot of the guys I served with. Nothing wrong with that at all, although I don't really want a tank companion out of the gate.


I *still* use Corso at level 50. Though I bring out Akaavi for large aoe packs of normal mobs, Corso is always my go-to for elites and packs of multiple strong mobs. No idea why people keep calling him a paper tank, I have him geared up in just blues and a couple purples and he does just fine.

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I *still* use Corso at level 50. Though I bring out Akaavi for large aoe packs of normal mobs, Corso is always my go-to for elites and packs of multiple strong mobs. No idea why people keep calling him a paper tank, I have him geared up in just blues and a couple purples and he does just fine.

I use Risha. I'm a Scrapper myself so for me it's just about dropping as much damage on them as fast as possible.


I'm just not a fan of tanking pets in general, though, since they tend to do things I don't want to when I'm not paying attention (Corso's grapple pull is a great example when you're low level and trying to hide behind stuff) and require too much attention to really be good use of my awareness.

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My husband said I'm just so used to Corso now that I can't use other companions cause I've fit my own tactics to meld with his abilities.


The first couple times I used Akaavi (I geared her out even more than Corso, hell her damage range is higher than mine!) she went down faster than... well she died really quick (lol). Now I can keep her alive by pulling aggro from the ranged mobs and only having her take damage from the melee.


Corso though, I can just have run in and pull everything and win. lol.

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I *still* use Corso at level 50. Though I bring out Akaavi for large aoe packs of normal mobs, Corso is always my go-to for elites and packs of multiple strong mobs. No idea why people keep calling him a paper tank, I have him geared up in just blues and a couple purples and he does just fine.


i used Akaavi a bit when i first got her. i like her better than Bowdaar for some reason. she and i could take down mobs pretty fast, though, as you said, she can die rather fast, especially seeing as i'm a gunslinger and have no heals. as of now, i give Corso and Guss about equal play time. Guss makes killing normal groups of mobs rather painless. plus i absolutely LOVE his battle cries. Corso still comes out though when i have withdrawls or i come across mobs that can kill me faster than Guss can heal.

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I feel bad for leaving all my other companions on the ship or sending them out for missions. I just have Corso geared very well and have a system utilizing his skills (even the harpoon) and my sawbone tricks.


Once I'm set in my ways I can't change...

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My husband said I'm just so used to Corso now that I can't use other companions cause I've fit my own tactics to meld with his abilities.


Pretty much this. I keep trying to use other companions but I am so used to fighting with Corso that fighting without him just feels...weird.


That and I really like running around with eye candy.

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Pretty much this. I keep trying to use other companions but I am so used to fighting with Corso that fighting without him just feels...weird.


That and I really like running around with eye candy.



Yea... all my toons run around with their men now lol. My sentinel with hottie Doc, my slinger with omnom Corso, and my Juggernaut with that tall *** Quinn.


Works out pretty good, I always have someone fun to look at.

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Question: If you've progressed in a romantic way with Corso's storyline, does it then give you less flirt options with NPCs?


I swear, before the beginnings of smoochies with Corso, I was able to flirt much more often with others.


I mean, I hope this isn't true and that I still get the chance to make him jealous!


On another note, like someone said earlier, I've tailored my playstyle to his company and find it hard to use Bowdaar. That's all I have now as I'm on Tattoine. I don't think I can change in the future either.


What originally was going to be a snarky, rather dark side-ish character has been softened by none other than Mr. Corso Riggs and his sweetness!

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