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Removed staged bonus missions and a mission on Belsavis


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Is there a reason why several bonus missions with multiple stages leading up to a final boss have been removed? I reslly loved doing those. But some of them don't seem to trigger anymore even though the enemies or items for the bonus are still there.


There's also a mission on Belsavis "A Safety Feature" for the Republic that I remember doing a long time ago but it's no longer obtainable as the Rakata Computer is no longed in the Power Relay Vault.


Is there a reason these were removed? I'd love to see them back.

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Not sure if this is what happened to you or not, but the bonus missions only trigger once per week, so if you did them already this week, they won't show up again until next week, even if the associated quest is daily repeatable. You'll see this on heroics a lot.


As for the other question, it's possible that the quest you're looking for is an "area quest", which requires you to check a checkbox (I think it's on your map - look for something like "area quests") before you can find it. I had to do this to finish the lore achievement on Belsavis, so that might be the same one you're talking about.

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That's not what I meant, I meant the bonus missions for regular missions with multiple stages (Stage 1, Stage 2...).


A lot of these missions were removed or replaced with a single stage bonus mission. I really miss doing them.


Also the one quest on Belsavis is no longer obtainable as the Rakata Computer from which you got the quest is no longer present in the game.

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