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Addressing Tank and Healer drought


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I don't think there really is a tank or healer drought, at least not in master mode flashpoints. I play as a shadow tank and I queue for master mode hammer station only, and a lot of times the role in need is healer rather than tank. Earlier today I queued for MM HS as tank while the role in need was healer, and I waited at least 30 minutes with no pop before I gave up and left the queue. Which tells me that there are times where there are substantially more tanks in queue than healers, rather than there just being slightly more tanks, because if it was only a slight difference I wouldn't have waited 30 minutes with no pop as a tank. This was at 2:00 P.M. PST yesterday (Saturday) on the Satele Shan server, so a lot of people were on..... but not enough of them were queuing as healers for MM FP's. And yesterday at one point DPS (yes, DPS) was the role in need for MM FP's, although yesterday was the first time I saw that and it didn't take too long before the role in need switched back to one of the other roles.


I don't play as a healer so I don't know the difference in wait times when queuing as a healer when healer is the role in need vs when tank is the role in need, but I can certainly tell you as a tank that the only time I can get instant or really fast pops is when the role in need is tank. When the role in need is healer, it can take substantially longer to get pops.


The whole thing is a bit surprising to me, because a lot of people (most people?) grind master mode hammer station over and over again all throughout the day to gear up because it's the fastest way to grind gear. But admittedly me not getting a pop within 30 minutes while queuing for MM HS as a tank has only happened once so far. And because the FP is so easy and everyone knows the mechanics, I think most people are willing to queue for that particular HM FP as any role -- I don't think the traditional issues that might keep people from wanting to queue as a tank or a healer (e.g. being blamed for something when it's not your fault, DPS not listening, being a tank/healer paired with a healer/tank that doesn't know their class/mechanics, etc.) really apply to MM HS, because issues/wipes are very rare to begin with in hammer station regardless of what role you play because everyone usually knows what to do.

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