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Era of Tacticals and...


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The ninja looting is back.... :mad:

I normally dont do fp. But for last three days I tried mm fp for daily bonus.

Ran three random fp in three days. Boss dropped tactical for dps jugg (my toon, the only jugg in group)...

who took?

Twice some random merc and once a sin...

Their explanation: Need tactical to gear alts....................... :mad::mad:

And here I am without tactical and under geared to their 306 sitting on my thumb up my ....


srry... had to vent somewhere...

No more pugs for me... just had enough...

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Expect to have to need on everything even if you do not need it.


This is a lesson learned the hard way by us all. With the new system the way it is many will just auto need as I can use that some day.


Run only with guild members who will follow loot rules and if they abuse it then the guild leader or an officer can settle it one way or another.


Join another guild that will follow the rules and play fair. We were swapping gear today just so one person could get past the ilevel hump.


I run red reaper I am looking to go fast and furious no time to check what I get and once I was at 306 I was not all oh set piece. I bought my set pieces and the tactical I needed for my toon and then I did the story and got a few tacticals from the story if you finished the story you have a tactical given to you.


Still I HATE LOOT NINJAS TOO. I just don't care anymore.

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This isn't ninja looting. This is people in a random group not agreeing on loot rules and still running an instance together. If you aren't on board with people taking items for alts when a character in the run can use the item then I'd suggest starting a group organically rather than through group finder. Or, better yet, find a guild or group of people to run with regularly.


Ninja looting would be a group starting up with one set of rules and then not following the rules outlined.

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The key to this is they are bind on legacy. So “need” is NOT relative to the character on that run, “need” is relative to their legacy. If your going to queue in randoms , you need to set your expectations around this. That being said, perhaps at the start of the run you could say, “hey I’m really trying hard to find xyz tactical, if it pops may I please have it.” If I see something pop that is relevant to one of the group members, I’ll ask if they need it. The common answer has been “already have one”.
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This isn't ninja looting. This is people in a random group not agreeing on loot rules and still running an instance together. If you aren't on board with people taking items for alts when a character in the run can use the item then I'd suggest starting a group organically rather than through group finder. Or, better yet, find a guild or group of people to run with regularly.


Ninja looting would be a group starting up with one set of rules and then not following the rules outlined.


Agreeing to loot rules isn’t going to solve anything though. What’s stopping a person to just agreeing with it and then ninja looting it? Nothing.


Thankfully, most people are kind enough to realize their mistake and trade you the tactical back.

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Agreeing to loot rules isn’t going to solve anything though. What’s stopping a person to just agreeing with it and then ninja looting it? Nothing.


Thankfully, most people are kind enough to realize their mistake and trade you the tactical back.


Most people aren't going to lie to you. If you join through GF and ask if everyone agrees to only need if they will use the item on the character they are running then they will likely agree or disagree. Very few people will agree and then roll need on stuff for alts anyway.


But that's why I suggested not using group finder as the solution. If you want loot done your way then start a group or a join a group with a similar mindset. Otherwise plan to roll need for anything you need on your account.

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