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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

6.0 gearing is the worst in swtor history


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Shame it doesn’t do that for two man MM every run. I’m still missing 2 pieces of my set bonus and I had to buy two at the vendor.

But, we were also held back because 90% of the drops were for tank gear when we were both dps. I ended up with nearly a whole set of tank gear and 3 tank tactical’s.

The only times I got deception spec gear was when I ran it solo in vet mode. So there is something seriously wrong with the drop system when two deception sins get tank gear as a group drop. The only non specific tank gear drops were generic tactical’s or set bonuses.


I got a few healer pieces from conquest crates too.


Didn't really think about it at the time, but I had lightning sorc selected for loot discipline.


Maybe the set bonus pieces don't look at your loot discipline, which is stupid, or maybe they're bugged.

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Because the gearing system benefits pve'ers more than it does pvp'ers, you go through mastermode red reaper and you are fully geared by day two of the grind if not more. Pvp'ers have to work twice as hard to get their gear, I'm not much of a pve'er but this just baffles me to the point that leaves me frustrated.


I am a pvper and have np grinding over a week of vet fps....instead of going afk for almost a year as a casual player because of the ugly gear grind last version. Just finished my 306 set last night and my alts are smiling too. Gut tells me when the zerg settles into 306s, pvp bolsters will be revisited? Or PvP is just a side game for bored pvers, where gear continues to not matter? Interesting questions lies ahead.

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The only issue is you can't do it as quickly if you don't want to PvE at all.


This is very true. But, as you mentioned, I actually just play the game. I am not grinding hammer station for BiS to get it as soon as possible and I don't care if I am not wearing BiS and others already are.


I wouldn't enjoy doing Hammer Station on a conveyor belt endlessly. and I have limited time to play so when I do log in, I don't want to feel obligated to grind for BiS gears and do activities I normally wouldn't do just to gear up faster.


I appreciate their gearing for this reason, I mean there is truth to their new mantra "play your way" in a certain context. I also like to just learn it as I go along.


At first I was going to do the shortest, easiest route to get BiS gears and try to determine what are the best tacticals/amp but instead, I find it more interesting just seeing what I get as I play.


I like the mystery of the tacticals and amps right now, it makes it more fun when I do log in and play seeing new things and not knowing what they are for.


I guess I rather savor the game when I play now compared to how I used to devour it as fast as I possibly could in the past.

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