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Nautolans need to be overworked


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I was really looking forward to the implementation of the Nautolan race but that became a huge dissapointment when I tried to create a Nautolan character.


1. the faces are downward ugly - which is strange as the Nautolan NPC faces look very good.

2. all the complexions of the faces look like dirt

3. the Patterns are either too bright or barely visible - and do not really fit the skin colors


I would recommend to rework this species - also give them the facial features of the Nautolan Npc's

Edited by Mepholos
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While I agree with you that not all options are good looking and they should take another look at the models, but I assume you mean reworked and not overworked. Their tentacles are no pasta. Still, a funny german false friend. Edited by Phazonfreak
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People should have added their voices to the players who took the time to go on PTS to look at them.

Had more people gotten onto the public test server, created a Nautolan, then complained at the time, chances would be better that BW would have reacted to a louder chorus prior to launch.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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After years of asking long lekku version to male togruta, or even just a few more skin tones on Twilek, I really doubt they're gonna do anything to Nautolans. Sorry to be a spoilsport.


They don't have a choice.


It's entirely reasonable to expect at the very least, a clear complexion option. Every other race has it.


The absence of that makes them fundamentally broken and that's illegal.


In point of fact, it's legitimate grounds for doing a chargeback on your credit card.

Edited by Varnoukh
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They don't have a choice.


It's entirely reasonable to expect at the very least, a clear complexion option. Every other race has it.


The absence of that makes them fundamentally broken and that's illegal.


In point of fact, it's legitimate grounds for doing a chargeback on your credit card.


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Products being broken is a legitimate grounds for performing a credit chargeback, i.e. you apply to your cardholder and they give you your money back.




For those who are unaware, when you buy something with your credit card, your institution generally doesn't pay the vendor immediately. That gives you some wiggle room in the event of shoddy service, like this.


Consumer law applies to online games. Broken **** is illegal and if you so desire, grounds for a refund.


Since there's no method for contacting them for a refund, going directly to your credit card provider is legit.


It would also be legitimate to make a complaint to agencies like the Federal Trade Commission who monitor things like this. They don't generally prosecute every complain they receive, but with serious enough breaches or if they receive a lot complaints, they might.



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Products being broken is a legitimate grounds for performing a credit chargeback, i.e. you apply to your cardholder and they give you your money back.




For those who are unaware, when you buy something with your credit card, your institution generally doesn't pay the vendor immediately. That gives you some wiggle room in the event of shoddy service, like this.


Consumer law applies to online games. Broken **** is illegal and if you so desire, grounds for a refund.


Since there's no method for contacting them for a refund, going directly to your credit card provider is legit.


It would also be legitimate to make a complaint to agencies like the Federal Trade Commission who monitor things like this. They don't generally prosecute every complain they receive, but with serious enough breaches or if they receive a lot complaints, they might.




Good luck with that fake fraud refund attempt bro.

Edited by Kiesu
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My nautolan already is overworked. While the republican forces on Coruscant and Taris sat on their hands, he had to slaughter hundreds of rakghouls and criminals all on his own. And don't even get me started on Tython with the so-called "masters" there, lazy good-for-nothings. And the pay for all this is ludicrous, he should easily have earned an army's worth of annual salary, but nope. Going to Nar Shaddaa next to do everyone else's job there too. Could use a vacation, honestly.
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The absence of that makes them fundamentally broken and that's illegal.

No. It makes them not what you want, but that's not equivalent to any level of "broken".


Besides, "fundamentally broken" would mean "if you create one, you can't ever play the character because the server crashes if you try to load it" or even "if you create one, the game deletes all your characters, including the new Nautolan and then crashes all the servers".


The absence of a "plain" complexion option is a cosmetic oversight at the most, or possibly a deliberate choice on their part. The weird weirdness about the way the tresses work is far more broken than a missing complexion option.

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I would recommend to overwork this species

While there is some slavery in the Star Wars galaxy, I don't think overworking the Nauties will improve their looks. They'd just end up looking ugly and tired. 😂


Trying to get "chargeback" on SWTOR because you don't like the look of the Nauties, would be like trying to get chargeback on your car because you don't like the font the manual was printed in.

Yes indeed - 🤦


Edited by JediQuaker
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Well i'm pretty satisfied with the 2 i made, so i'd be pretty unhappy if they changed them now and my characters ended up not looking like how i made them.


I even have some nice ideas for a 3rd one.

Edited by Goreshaga
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They don't have a choice.


It's entirely reasonable to expect at the very least, a clear complexion option. Every other race has it.


The absence of that makes them fundamentally broken and that's illegal.


In point of fact, it's legitimate grounds for doing a chargeback on your credit card.


This may be the post of the year. :D


They indeed do have a choice and they will exercise it by ignoring this and the other thread and your demands. :rolleyes: Might want to get busy on that chargeback asap. Also, there's nothing illegal about a 'clear complexion' option missing from the character creation screen. It's simply something you disagree with.

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This is what I wrote in another thread about nautolans needing to be reworked:


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I personally do not mind the nautolan face models that much. That is to say, while nowhere near what I hoped for I could live with them. They look very alien and I am alright with that. I do agree that they could have been far better, particularly in terms of eyes, facial structure, complexion, lips and tentacles (including but not limited to the overwhelming clipping issues). To date, it is by far the least developed of the post-launch models. Both the cathar and togruta models are superior to the nautolan, even if they themselves have their problems (particularly togruta).


What I can not overlook though, is the complete lack of eye animation. I tried a few different starting cutscenes as both a nautolan and any other race. The difference in emotional expression is glaring and a little bit unsettling after close comparison. While nautolans have brow movements, their eyes lay dead in their face. This not only severally undermines the emotional facial expressions the game has put forward since the story animations upgrade that came with KotFE, but makes them appear lifeless and doll-like among their more vivacious and compelling surroundings.


Needless to say I won't be playing a nautolan. For me, being able to empathize with my character is one of the most important aspects of my character model. And no, this does not only hold true for story play and cutscenes. The exact same holds true for the countless MM FPs and HM/NiM operations I run. Basic eye animations like blinking, slight changed in direction of gaze and eye expression that moves with the eyebrows make all the difference. I had expected nautolan eyes to be more similar to chiss eyes, only with a different model/aesthetic. Instead, the nautolan models simply don't feel alive at all. Add to that the underwhelming aesthetic of the model itself and I can feel nothing but intense disappointment over a race that I was very excited about playing.


In my opinion, a few things have to happen for the nautolan models to bring them up to the standards of, say, the togruta or cathar models:


- Rework their eyes and tie them into the existing eye animations. Character models should be spirited and show emotion, not look like lifeless dolls. (Chiss are are a good example of solid eyes that still have basic animations.)

- Add more colours to the eye rim and eye itself while at it. The purple eye rim on a green skinned nautolan just looks ridiculous. That is not how skin pigment usually works.

- Improve the nautolan complexion (particularly for females) so their faces look less unnaturally puffy and like they were just stung by a hive of bees and lived to tell about it.

- Fix clipping issues with their tentacles, making sure that a. they don't clip through each other and b. there are also some options available where the tentacle are either falling to the sides or the front of their faces to use in combination with more heavy gear that has packs.

- Create a separate "head" and "tentacle" slider, and a separate "tentacle pattern" and "tentacle color" slider. These things have always been separate, so why combine them now? It makes it needlessly difficult to create your character model.


Additional quality changes that would be great but I am not holding my breath for:

- Rework facial structures to create more interesting and different face models (including reworking the lips).

- Create more interesting and different tentacle patterns and more skintones and pattern colours.

- Make both togruta and nautolan models compatible with headgear, same way as twileks can wear helms and hoods.


Sadly, with the little resources SWTOR has nowadays, I am not expecting any changes to be made at all. I hope I am wrong though, because in their current "beta" version I won't ever be playing a nautolan, even though I was really looking forward to it. They just aren't up there in quality compared to the other character models.

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I like the species not being "cute" or "pretty" it's an alien species. I like the fact they did not just copy and paste human faces and stuff them onto the head of a nautolan body.


I do think they could make more bold patterns on the tentacles, and maybe do more with the eyes... But overall I am fine with the "ugly" Nautolans. They just need some refined details to spruce them up.


Maybe make the scars more bold, and add more jewelry options, perhaps different colors. I would have liked a darker skin tone, too if i am going to be nit picky. I think there ought to be a near black dark force corruption skin tone as well as a more pale-white skin tone.

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I'd just be happy if they didn't look like they just got stung by bees or left the gauze in their mouths from a tooth extraction.


You are applying a human perspective to this non-human race's appearance. I am glad they don't totally resemble humans they aren't humans nor are they related to humans.

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The look grew on my honestly. No they are not pretty and somehow the face models for the NPCs made years ago look far far better than what we got, but they are definitely the most unique looking race in the game even if the race ability is broken. Edited by KrizDaWiz
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but they are definitely the most unique looking race in the game even if the race ability is broken.


This is my take, too. At least they aren't just a slightly altered twi-lek. They had to create the entire face from scratch and I can appreciate the effort and added variety they bring to all the other races.

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The look grew on my honestly. No they are not pretty and somehow the face models for the NPCs made years ago look far far better than what we got, but they are definitely the most unique looking race in the game even if the race ability is broken.


I agree with this. It is however the look of eye animation that kills them for me, they don't even more when their eyebrows move. To me, this makes them hollow and less lively, which is my biggest disappointment.

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You are applying a human perspective to this non-human race's appearance. I am glad they don't totally resemble humans they aren't humans nor are they related to humans.


I don't want them to look more human. I want them to look like the dozens of Nautolan NPCs we already have in game. The NPC Nautolans in the game look great, which is why I was originally excited at the prospect of getting to have them as PCs. We didn't get that, not even close. Instead we got cheap rubber Halloween mask looking versions of those NPCs. I want their faces and eyes animated properly. I want their skin textures to not look so low rez. I want their tentacles to not go through their chest or into their back. I want the Nautolans to be up the standards of all the other races already in game, and they're not. They look like an unimproved alpha version that was thrown out the door because EA couldn't be bothered to spend more time or money on them since subscribers were getting them for free.

Edited by AscendingSky
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