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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What to buy on Cartel Market to sell on GTN?


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Things like Character Rename tokens, character slot unlocks, etc, have sold well in the past, but things may need to settle down after this expansion before demand goes up again.

Tau's lightsaber might sell well, but it would need to sell ridiculously expensive - like 200 million - to be worth the risk.

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My numbers are for Star Forge, but I've found some outliers in coin/credit ratio. My viewpoint so far has been as a GTN buyer so I'm not sure how most of this sells, but account artifact authorizations often get priced at 200 mil or more and cost 2700 coins. GTN slots (account) sell for 20-30 mil and only cost 280 coins. I just sold a cathar unlock at 78 mil recently and it costs 600 coins. Many of the appearance options (particularly afro, dreadlock, double braid, and a few others) haven't been on the GTN or are there barely at all so check the GTN and see what's currently missing. You can then buy one with ~100 coins and try pricing it at whatever you want to see if someone will pay a potentially ridiculous price to get the only one available. Maybe other things will get sales quicker, but these all seem good uses to me if you're willing to wait for the right buyer to come along.
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From what I have seen crates (the new ones) go for 8-9 mil each so at 200cc each that is not bad.


There are certain sets of armor from the CM that can fetch quite a good price.


Look around and see what is getting a good price on your server.


I personally make a lot of money opening crates. I sell pretty much everything from them and usually seem to come out ahead. I also cherry pick some items for my personal collection this way. Though I would imagine just straight up selling them might average out a bit more in the long run.

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My numbers are for Star Forge, but I've found some outliers in coin/credit ratio. My viewpoint so far has been as a GTN buyer so I'm not sure how most of this sells, but account artifact authorizations often get priced at 200 mil or more and cost 2700 coins. GTN slots (account) sell for 20-30 mil and only cost 280 coins. I just sold a cathar unlock at 78 mil recently and it costs 600 coins. Many of the appearance options (particularly afro, dreadlock, double braid, and a few others) haven't been on the GTN or are there barely at all so check the GTN and see what's currently missing. You can then buy one with ~100 coins and try pricing it at whatever you want to see if someone will pay a potentially ridiculous price to get the only one available. Maybe other things will get sales quicker, but these all seem good uses to me if you're willing to wait for the right buyer to come along.


Yep I sold a couple of afros and such for 20m a pop. Got during sale so only 50cc each. I also just bought Cathar unlock off GTN for 20m :D



Best advice for OP is don't buy anyting with CC until you understand the market. Most stuff you can buy in-game with credits. CC is way more valuable than credits.

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