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Did I miss something about crafting on PTS?


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The explanation is probably very simple I believe. They want to keep us busy for the grind. Gearing will take so long, if we could simply craft a blue level armor (as easy as the ones up to iRating 220), it would destroy the whole purpose of all the complexity of gearing progression.


So can we just agree that crafting is dead on purpose. You can grind for the mats all you want, you will still fill in the goal of keeping us busy..


The basic green 268/270 we get from completing the story is most probably enough. I've seen many people forming for MM FP on day 1, you won't tell me these players were already at iR306


"take so long".


So... that part confuses me. It is easier than ever to get to max ilvl cap. After that you are gonna pile up frags to get your set bonuses of choice. It will take a few weeks, just like augs.

But, no, remind me. How long did it take to gear up on Ossus? You would get 2-4 crystals a week for the 252 gear. You need to add the 258 gear to that. So... it took months.

Some people already hit max item level. The set bonuses are probably 5% of your damage if not less. Like... what exactly are you complaining about? Is it too fast for you is it? Maybe you want it slower? "so long" he says.


Complex system? I'ts not complex at all. It's kind of RNG'y, but everyone is gonna get to max ilevel gear. You run content, you get gear. That simple. The gear will increase slowly until you hit cap. What's complex about it?


Now the crafting is something they said they wanted data on live for. I imagine they were afraid it would break the gearing system. No idea, but it is unreasonable and we will have to wait and see what they do.

Edited by Nemmar
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Many of us PTS testers complained consistently about the extremely inflated costs of crafting in 6.0. I made a thread yesterday lamenting that not much has changed since testing. I am a veteran crafter, but I will not be doing much crafting in 6.0. It's so punishing as to be painful. I hope that in time seeing people's complaints and noting (what I expect to be) the relatively low uptake of crafting will lead BW to revise the new system.


I agree. They have destroyed crafting. One of my favorite parts of the game, though story is #1 and they screwed that up too. If my republic defects to empire or vice versa.... there should be a different path that what they have done. Choices don't matter. This is the first expansion that has me considering just dropping my sub.

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Holy F*** Monkeys..... and you were actually LUCKY on those RE attempts

On some of them, yes - the 268 and the 278. I stopped updating the spreadsheet a while before PTS ended so as not to confuse people, but I actually made four more attempts at the 292 (total of 22 at 5%), so that ultimately wasn't too lucky. But yeah, maybe the worst thing about that whole RE series is that it could have been worse.

Edited by Estelindis
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RE and probably get a blue schematic that requires multiple purple conquest materials - the basic blue vendor augment schematics require loads of green mats + blue mats from multiple gathering and mission skill + blue mat from group content + purple conquest materials.


Good luck making more than a handful of items a week.


Crafting was destroyed - if you haven't paid to unlock it on other characters, I wouldn't bother.



RE and get a SLIGHTLY better green. Blues? What are those?


Have you also noticed that the "high yield" missions often don't even drop greens? Just blues and purples that are totally worthless...



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  • 2 weeks later...
I have a theory as to why the crafting is completely messed up in 6.0. For example crafting a single dye of the new schematic (yes, a dye) requires jumping through an insane amount of hoops.


Irrespective of the gathering skills now providing more materials, when you take into account the amount of materials now required, BioWare would need to increase the node yields for tier 11 mats by a MUCH larger margin than they think is acceptable (it isn't).


Personally I think it's to push people towards CM dyes instead. In terms of actually crafting anything of note in 6.0? I looked at the new relics, green relics requiring MM Flashpoint, SM / HM / MM Operations, Ranked PvP materials? For a green relic? Starter gear? Throw-away gear once gear level is high enough? I honestly can't say I'm going to bother crafting anything of the 6.0 schematics. Not starter gear, not dyes, not anything. It simply isn't worth the time or effort or cost to do so. I'm only going to get the achievements, then un-subscribe.

The thing is you can't even see what your gathering let alone what things or what level Nothing, if you quick on Print screen and get the exact moment you might catch what you collected but if it was 6 items then that won't work either oh and you have to not have youe companion out to do this

Edited by RStaves
missed 1 thing
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