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24 hours and counting! Who's ready for 6.0?


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I'm looking forward to grinding 42 characters from 70-75. Well, sort of looking forward. It's a chance to play with characters who I usually just keep on the shelf to look pretty after they've been maxed out. I'm looking forward to nautolans, though it'll be awhile before I actually make one. I'm somewhat looking forward to the story, though I'll wait for the reviews first. I'm cautiously looking forward to changes in difficulty.


The only thing I'm excited about, per se, is the changes to mat collecting. That will free up space. And the extra legacy tab will be useful, even if I have to buy it.


I'm not looking forward to the gearing. I'm not looking forward to grinding up crafting skills. I'm definitely not looking forward to removing commanding legacy and resetting all my command ranks to 0. And I'm really not looking forward to the bugs, emergency patches and of course, all the whining on this forum about that and everything else.

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I'm looking forward to running all aspects of the game again and have it actually mean something. Funneling everyone to Ossus for end game gear was one of the worst ideas EAWare has made. The Ossus story was good, but it ends there for me. Seriously won't miss grinding that planet anymore...:D
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