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Crafting Feedback


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Do you feel like the time investment for harvesting is worth it? (please check harvesting only on Ossus for Grade 11)


Ossus is a terrible planet to harvest on, at least for Archaeology. Whoever designed the nodes on Yavin IV and Zakuul in the Endless Swamp should be in charge of putting nodes on all planets. The very small sample of nodes I did encounter seemed to be generous.


Do you feel the time and cost for crew skill missions are worth it?


They do seem worth while. That said, I'd love to see 20 hour Crew Skill Missions that give an exceptional amount of materials and companion influence.



As a crafter, do you feel like you have a place in Spoils of War?


It's hard to tell since the highest level mats aren't easily obtainable currently. Also two-step crafting where you need to make bonded whatever items first before you can make the final item is a big discouragement to crafting. This is both due to the amount of time needed to craft these items, and the large amount of items you need to craft something else. Please move back towards one step crafting schematics.



How do you feel about deconstruction and its contribution to crafting?


Currently seems fine, though my personal testing is limited.



Do you feel the inflow of Jawa Junk from deconstruction helps to supplement harvesting and missions? (reminder: Jawa junk is not meant to be a primary source of materials by itself).


This also seems fine based on my own limited testing.



How do you feel about the new materials window?


It seems overly simplistic for the entirety of the crafting system, and that it would be terribly difficult to use for trying to manage 11 tiers of mats of 4 different qualities across multiple professions.. I wish it was arranged in Columns for each Tier, and Rows for Each Grade of Mat, grouped alphabetically by profession. For example for Archaeology, There would be a Row of Green Fragments going from Tier 1 to Tier 11. then below it the Row of Blue Fragments, then Purple Fragments, then Green Crystals, Blue Crystal, Etc. I would put each mat under its own collapsible category based on profession that gathers it.

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I have to repeat again after trying to do more crafting tonight, almost exclusively:


As a crafter, do you feel like you have a place in Spoils of War?




Having green items gated by the Superior Resource Matrix - a personal conquest only purple item, it a TERRIBLY STUPID IDEA, and the person who thought of it should be SLAPPED. Whoever thought that the amount should be 20 should be SLAPPED AGAIN.


And whoever thought it would be a good idea to gate green level items with blues and purples should also be slapped.


And if it is all the same person, slap him/her 3 times.


How are we supposed to test something we can't even ACCESS?


Tonight was incredibly frustrating and crafting felt useless. I could grind the assembly components and THATS IT. I WAS GATED FROM EVERYTHING ELSE.



Let me spell something out for you developers.


Crafting is meant to be FUN. The purpose of Crafting in MMOs is for the crafter to be able to put out and sell something so that someone has the choice of buying from the crafter or trying to loot on a raid. For that to even happen, crafting HAS TO BE A VIABLE OPTION.


It hasn't been, not for a long while in SWTOR. Its too expensive to get into, too hard to make money off of, and is just plain stupid in the base game, let alone what abomination is on PTS right now.


It's not as if the whole system is bad, mind you.


But the core philosophy on how much things should cost crafters is really, REALLY BAD.



If I may suggest something?


Allow crafters to make green gear cheaply. LET THEM flood the market. It will keep prices then DOWN.


But tweak the item ratings.


How to slot it (item ratings are for example for the point of illustration on spacing, not meant to be pinpoint accurate):


Player Story / Story Mode Flashpoint Gear (looted) (Item Rating: 246)

Veteran Mode looted Gear (Item Rating 250)

Crafter made Green Gear (Item Rating 252)

Master Mode Flashpoints (Looted) (Item Rating 256)

Crafter made Blue Gear (Item Rating 258)

Story Mode Operations (Looted) (Item Rating 262)

Crafter Made Purple Gear (Item Rating 264)

Veteran Mode Operations (Looted) (Item Rating: 268)

Crafter Made Legendary Gear (Item Rating 270)

Master Mode Operations (looted): (Item Rating: 274, Drops all Legendary)



Space it that way. And for Green crafted gear, SKIP the conquest crap and blue mats.

For Blue crafted gear, SKIP the conquest and any other purple mats.

for Purple gear, SKIP the conquest mats.

For Legendary gear, NOW if you want to put in the conquest purples, fine. But cut it back from 20 freaking items to say 4-6.


And make it so that crafters can make these items, but set bonuses only come from loot drops. That way, crafters can gear people for harder content, but they still have a reason to run it - like slightly better gear with set bonuses.

Edited by ZionHalcyon
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Edit: This Post primarily applies to Biochemistry, currently testing Synth


Do you feel like the time investment for harvesting is worth it? (please check harvesting only on Ossus for Grade 11)


Since the number of nodes on ossus is close to non-existent, a Feedback is not really possible. However, given the amount of materials needed for crafting cell grafts (Biochem), the equivalent components of other crafting skills or any other schematic, the amount of materials obtained from gathering nodes or killed NPCs is far too low (2x2 materials) in view of the massive material demand fro crafting.


Do you feel the time and cost for crew skill missions are worth it?


Not at all. The time required using level 50 companions for Level 11 materials is about twice to three times the time required for obtaining level 10 materials. Furthermore, since the rich and bountiful yield crew missions only yield green materials in case of a critical success, you need to run all missions simultaneously. Since all material grades are needed (green cell graft needed to craft blue cell graft etc.), this is a real pain. Furthermore, still you are only able to send 8 companions, i.e., you are unable to send further companions on any other crew skill mission (e.g. diplomacy) or craft simultaneously. The only option to compensate therefore is to have several twinks with at least 8 level 50 companions and log through these characters, which prevents you from questing etc.



(a) reduce the time for crew skill missions;

(b) include green materials as reward for rich and bountiful yield missions even in case they do not yield critical success; and

© significantly increase the amout of materials received from each mission and/or reduce the material amounts required.


As a crafter, do you feel like you have a place in Spoils of War?


Not really. The amount of materials required to produce purple cell grafts (or equivalent Purple components) is far too high:


30 green Materials for one green cell graft

3 green cell grafts + 30 blue materials for one blue cell graft

3 blue cell grafts + 45 purple materials for one purple cell graft


==> 270 green materials, 90 blue and 45 purple materials for one purple cell graft... and two Purple cell grafts are required for 4 purple andrenals….


Furthermore, after investing about 3 Billion credits in obtaining jawa scrap (buying 9999 green Kryprax stims from a medical droid and disintegratign it), I was finally able to obtain the golden schematic for the reusable attack adrenal (i.e., Advanced Kyrprax Attack Adrenal MK-2, after disintegrating >300 Purple adrenals) only to find out that you inter alia need 5 "legendary ember" which is described in the tooltip as "Rare reward from Harvests and Missions". Hence, besides the ridicully low chance to learn the golden schematic (5%) another random factor is introduced. Hence, introducing a way to safely obtain at least one "legendary ember" per week per character (or at least per legacy) is a must.


Moreover, while disintegrating the Advanced Kyrprax Attack Adrenal, I learned the following schematics:

Prototype Kyrprax Med Unit

Prototype Kyrprax Command Stim

Prototype Kyrprax Fortitude Stim

Prototype Kyrprax Versatile Stim




Crafting green implants already costs 20 isos and 20 conquest mats, currently unable to test as isos do not appear to be available yet (we tested hammer station HC and Karraga HC). However, to learn the golden implant (I assume this is available), disintegrating green, learning blue, crafting blue, disintegrating blue, learning purple, crafting purple, disintegrating purple, learning gold with ridicully low chances would be required, i.e., again tons of materials will be wasted through this process.


How do you feel about deconstruction and its contribution to crafting?


Far too low comapred with the amount of materials requried.


Do you feel the inflow of Jawa Junk from deconstruction helps to supplement harvesting and missions? (reminder: Jawa junk is not meant to be a primary source of materials by itself).


Jawa junk gain from disintegrating is far too low compared with the costs for one grade Level 11 material, i.e., 200 jawa junk/mat


Thus Jawa junk is not even a secondary source of materials, unless you convert billions of credits into jawa junk.


How do you feel about the new materials window?


Ok, still bugged, once you opened it, it opens and closes in case you jump until you relogg. Cell grafts are listed under scavenging. Would be better in case all menues are collapsed upon opening the window, because otherwise you have to scroll like hell. However, once one menue is opended, it shall remain open when you close and reopen the window. It would be even better in case you have a list on the left showing all crew skills to quick jump to the respective category

Edited by The_Hightower
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Reverse Engineering Feedback


With reverse engineering chances where they are, and given the overly expensive cost of materials in terms of time, credits, or being locked behind achieving conquest over many weeks, I think makes grade 11 crafting dead on arrival.


Here is a look at how many times a player will need to reverse engineer a crafted item to learn the next quality schematic. Of course a few will learn the schematic on the first try. And a few won't, ever. I calculated these using a bionomial distribution function with

  • n = number of attempts
  • p = chance of success in one attempt
  • k = 0, zero successes in n attempts


                                     Number of RE Attempts Needed to
Game     Chance           Learn an Upgrade Schematic with
Version     of Success   95% Probability    99% Probability
======   =========   ============    ============
5.x           60%               4                           6 
6.0           20% (green)  14                         24
6.0           10% (blue)     29                        44
6.0             5% (purple)  59                        90


I am assuming a 5% RE chance on a purple still exists in PTS 2.0. But, with the crafting wall being what it is, I haven't observed it.


With a 95% probability, 1 player out of 20 will still have failed. At 99%, 1 player out of 100 will still have failed.


How many times will a player be willing to sacrifice an expensive to make green item to learn its blue schematic? Or to sacrifice an even more expensive blue to learn its purple schematic, or a purple to learn its gold (if there are any)? How many players will even be able to do this given that the Solid Resource Matrices required for greens are tied to achieving conquest each week? Will players and their guild members be willing to collect up to about 80 conquest weeks rewards worth of Solid Resource Matrices to make up to 24 of a green item, and RE them only to end up continuing to be the unlucky with access only to the green crafted item? Large guilds can supply their designated crafters -- their members can donate their conquest rewards. Without enormous credit stores, little guilds or solo crafters cannot without years of making personal and low-yield guild conquest. Excess matrices (and isotopes) will end up on the GTN for way too much should the demand be there.


I suspect blues and purples will need even higher multiples of Solid Resource Matrices too, and that golds (if any) will also require very hard to get materials like Dark Matter Accelerators along with even more of everything else.


The point here is that RE chances may be frustratingly low to some players, particularly given that crafting grade 11 costs are way too high. Grade 11 crafting material requirements need to be cut deeply. After that, RE chances may yet need a buff though. It depends on how much Bioware values the crafting aspect in the game and how much they desire higher quality crafting to contribute to the game play, and keep players interested in achieving the crafting schematic upgrade carrots in front of them.


But, at this point in the PTS, I think crafting is dead, or at least very close to it, making RE chances for learning grade 11 schematic upgrades entirely moot.

Edited by TerraStomper
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Wanted to start Synthweaving testing, however, 15 minutes for a green bonded attachment with a level 50 companion is completely insane....

I saw that too, but it must be a bug, because all other profession have both greens at 3 min per lvl 50 companion.

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Hey folks,


Crafting is now available for testing on PTS! A few caveats before you jump in. Similar to the rest of Phase 2, this phase is about acquisition and not the hands on testing of the actual gear. For crafting, what this means is that you can absolutely test acquiring materials, harvesting, and the crafting of items. However, in a lot of cases when you craft that new item, either nothing will happen or you may get a placeholder item. Ultimately we want you to test out how it feels acquiring materials and schematics, and crafting. Don't focus just yet on the results of the crafting. The best way to test crafting is to ensure you have a character with professions that you character copy. The boost terminal on Odessen will move their crew skills up to 600, then you can go to the fleet trainers to purchase the ability to go to 700.


Here are some things you should try to answer in your feedback.

  • Do you feel like the time investment for harvesting is worth it? (please check harvesting only on Ossus for Grade 11)
  • Do you feel the time and cost for crew skill missions are worth it?
  • As a crafter, do you feel like you have a place in Spoils of War?
  • How do you feel about deconstruction and its contribution to crafting?
  • Do you feel the inflow of Jawa Junk from deconstruction helps to supplement harvesting and missions? (reminder: Jawa junk is not meant to be a primary source of materials by itself).
  • How do you feel about the new materials window?

For any feedback please be specific on what professions, mission, or resource you are talking about.




  • Do you feel like the time investment for harvesting is worth it? (please check harvesting only on Ossus for Grade 11)
  • Do you feel the time and cost for crew skill missions are worth it?
    No and No
  • As a crafter, do you feel like you have a place in Spoils of War?
    Too soon to tell...
  • How do you feel about deconstruction and its contribution to crafting?
    I like it... I think...
  • Do you feel the inflow of Jawa Junk from deconstruction helps to supplement harvesting and missions? (reminder: Jawa junk is not meant to be a primary source of materials by itself).
    Too soon to tell...
  • How do you feel about the new materials window?
    I like it, but it needs tweaking, has to take color crystals and jawa junk as well...

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So can you tell us how to get these unbelievable rare items so we can actually try and craft them?


Where is the document on your NEW crafting scheme? You expect people to run HM FPs on their own so we can experiment with gear and drops?


Why dont you first tell us what is going on so we can then test your alpha line and give you the correct feedback which you need

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Second set of comments etc for Crafting on the PTS. I leveled all 6 crafting disciplines, but I've been working almost entirely on Biochem/Bioanalysis/Diplomacy.


No new Grenades for 6.0? 5.0 Also reused the grenades from 4.0, so this means we've been using the same tier of grenades for almost 4 years now. I don't necessarily have a problem with this, but it seems like an oversight/lazy?



You can RE the green stims (etc) from the vendor to learn the schematics for the blue version

  • formerly, this was prevented
  • is this intended?
  • maybe disable this?



Crafting times for Assembly Components for each discipline differ wildly. Why?

  • Note: These times are for affection 50 companions!
  • Armormech: 3m0s green, 3m15s blue, 3m30s purp
  • Armstech: 3m0s green, 3m15s blue, 3m30s purp
  • Artifice: 3m0s green, 3m15s blue, 3m30s purp
  • Biochem: 3m0s green, 3m15s blue, 3m30s purp
  • Cybertech: 3m0s green, 3m15s blue, 3m30s purp
  • Synthweaving: 15m0s green, 15m0s blue, 15m0s purp <<<< WHY IS THIS DIFFERENT???
  • Note: 3mXs seems about right given the scaling of the times from grades 1-10. Pls 2b fixing Synth thx.
  • Note: Crafting efficiency 1 (guild perk) reduces these times to 2m38s green, 2m51s blue, 3m04s purp



Some crafting disciplines have multiple assembly components per quality level at grade 11 (whyyyy?)

  • Armormech: 2 types of green, 2 types of blue, 2 types of purp
  • Armstech: 2 types of green, 2 types of blue, 2 types of purp
  • Artifice: 2 types of green, 2 types of blue, 2 types of purp
  • Biochem: 1 type of green, 1 type of blue, 1 type of purp <<<< WHY IS THIS DIFFERENT???
  • Cybertech: 2 types of green, 2 types of blue, 2 types of purp
  • Synthweaving: 2 types of green, 2 types of blue, 2 types of purp
  • Note: I would argue all disciplines should have 1 type for each quality level. Why complicate this so much?



The Value of the Purple Assembly Component (AC)

  • 1 purple AC requires 3 blue ACs
  • 1 blue AC requires 3 green ACs
  • 1 green AC requires 8 white standard mats + 10 green gathered + 10 other green gathered mats
  • 1 blue AC requires 8 green standard mats + 10 blue gathered + 10 other blue gathered mats
  • 1 purp AC requires 12 blue standard mats + 15 purp gathered + 15 other purp gathered mats
  • purp adrenals, medpacks, and stims all require 2 purp ACs to craft

Thus, 1 purple Assembly Component requires this many mats:

  • 72 white standard mats (white recombinators for biochem)
  • 180 = 90 green mat 1 + 90 green mat 2
  • 24 green standard mats (green recombinators for biochem)
  • 60 = 30 blue mat 1 + 30 blue mat 2
  • 12 blue standard mats (blue recombinators)
  • 30 = 15 purple mat 1 + 15 purple mat 2
  • TOTAL: 356 mats required to craft 1 artifact assembly component

And also thus, 1 purple Adrenal, Medpack, or Stim (stack) requires this many mats to craft:

  • TOTAL2: 712 mats required = 2 x 356 mats required to craft one artifact stim, adrenal, or medpack (stack)
  • NOTE: isn't this a little much? esp given 5% chance to RE to gold and significantly increased gathering times?



I posted this elsewhere, but it is kinda relevant to the crafting stuff, so I'm putting it here too to make sure it's seen. This is mostly for informational purposes.

Max number of mats in mats inventory:

  • Maximum number of a single type of mat in the mats stash is 999,999
  • https://imgur.com/a/qCtlPJy
  • This is probably fine.... although I would recommend boosting this to unsigned int in size (~4.2 bil)
  • Obviously I was buying the white recombinator at 3500 credits per unit. it took just slightly less than the credit cap to purchase (~3.5 bil)
  • grade 1 white mats are 15 credits per unit and you only need to spend (15mil) to max that out which is easily doable

Visual artifact in crafting menu when you purchase that many of any mat:



Specs for the new drugs, generally Artifact in quality, but there is one Legendary in there:

Edited by Citrienne
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Feedback on Biochem:


Suggestions: For Biochem, put back the reusables. Allow Jawa scraps to go into the material crafting bag. Triple the number of nodes on Ossus, even when nodes/crafting are added to Onderan. Make it so that basic level gear can be crafted without having to use special materials.


Reuseable biochem recipes are in the game, designated MK-2, same as before. They have the same performance as the Kyrprax purples. They're locked behind reverse engineering. They are hell to make right now too. 3000+ materials and a couple million credits worth of crew skill mats each including 5 of the new rare legendary Dark Matter Accelerators which I have yet to see.

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Reuseable biochem recipes are in the game, designated MK-2, same as before. They have the same performance as the Kyrprax purples. They're locked behind reverse engineering. They are hell to make right now too. 3000+ materials and a couple million credits worth of crew skill mats each including 5 of the new rare legendary Dark Matter Accelerators which I have yet to see.


Just a comment on the legendary mat. I was able to get some, but I was running missions on 3 characters all with 8 level 50 companions. A lot of missions, hours and hours, I managed to pop two rare mission consumables, that mission rewarded those legendary mats both times. Four dropped from it on my biochemist (diplomacy) but only one from the other mission (scavenging).

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In order to answer the questions posed, I need to call attention to some frightening math first because the math here is completely incomprehensibly out of whack. All of my answers to the five questions Eric posed are given in the context of this math issue.


The base unit of all crafting is components (bonded attachments, cell grafts, etc). As it currently stands on the PTS, crafting one single unit of a Grade 11 component costs:

  • 5 TIMES as many mats as any of the lower grades. (Grades 1 - 10 all cost exactly the same quantity of mats, just each in their different grades.)
  • 28,000 credits per ONE component. This is factoring solely the cost of the 'white' crew skills mats ('Supplements' in the new categorization system).


Even if we assume that a modest increase in credits cost (tied to the 'white' supplement items) is acceptable when applied to a higher tier, it makes no sense at all to increase the actual amount of mats required. At no other increase in Grades has this ever happened, and more importantly components are the foundation for more than just gear - they're the foundation for war supplies as well, among other things.


So now let's look at war supplies in light of this increase in cost to create Grade 11 components. Each profession can craft two types of war supplies. (Biochem can only craft one, but there are two separate schematics.) One of the two schematics for each profession requires Grade 11 components, and the other does not. Every profession aside from Biochem MUST use both. When factoring in the cost for Grade 11 components, the cost to craft war supplies now looks like this (using Starship Weapons and Armored Vehicles as the examples):


Starship Weapons schematic does not use Grade 11 components. This is what it costs to craft 1 unit of Starship Weapons war supplies:

  • 52,800 credits (all in 'white' crew skills mats)
  • 624 green jawa scrap (according to the new mats prices on the jawa vendors in 6.0)


Armored Vehicles schematic DOES include Grade 11 components. This is what it costs to craft 1 unit of Armored Vehicles war supplies:

  • 314,800 credits
  • 32,504 green jawa scrap (according to the new mats prices on the jawa vendors in 6.0)


So Armored Vehicles cost 6 TIMES more to make than Starship Weapons in credits, and a staggering 52 TIMES as much to make in jawa scrap, entirely because of the out-of-scale increase in quantity requirements for Grade 11 components.


If you extrapolate that out into what it now costs to make an Invasion Force in 6.0, just in credits alone it looks like this (assuming Biochem is using only the less expensive version of their war supplies):

  • Invasion Force credits cost prior to 6.0: 264,000 credits
  • Invasion Force credits cost in 6.0: 788,000 credits


That is a 3x increase in cost to make Invasion Force in 6.0.


Quite aside from the impact on guilds, consider the impact on other uses for Invasion Force, such as buying decos. One deco off the conquest vendor can cost as much as 5 Invasion Force. Previously that meant it had a price tag of 1.3 million credits, but now that cost is increased to nearly 4 million. WTH?


On the other hand, if it were to cost the same quantity of mats to make Grade 11 components as it costs for every other grade (rather than the current incomprehensible quintupling of cost), even accounting for an increase in the price of white Supplements for Grade 11 that would put the cost of a 6.0 Invasion Force at 284,000 credits, which is only an incremental increase and completely sane and reasonable.


So TLDR: Devs, please make Grade 11 components require the same quantity of mats as every other component grade: 4x units of green mats (2 each of 2 mats) and 2x units of white Supplements. The increase in cost to the crafter already exists in the increase in cost to acquire the mats, it is therefore needless insane punishment to compound that built-in increase in cost by quintupling the quantity required.


If this is some backhanded means of trying to rein in crafting guilds for conquest, you do far more harm than good by it, because you are killing a whole subset to the game (crafting and people who enjoy crafting) for the sake of 'punishing' conquest crafters, whose crime at the end of the day is just being willing to put in the same amount of effort and cost that anyone else could choose to put in if they placed equal importance on the goal. Sure it's annoying when you're not in a crafting guild, but ultimately the opportunity is there for everyone. If this needs to be curtailed for game balance then the solution is reducing what crafting rewards in terms of conquest points, NOT in making crafting harder for everyone across the board.


So... with all of that math out of the way, I can now answer the questions...


  • Do you feel like the time investment for harvesting is worth it? (please check harvesting only on Ossus for Grade 11)


If the quantity required to craft Grade 11 components remains as it currently is on the PTS, then the answer is a resounding NO.


It is true that nodes might drop up to 6 different types of mats at once (across the three rarity tiers now added), and my observations from PTS Ossus were that they might drop between 2-5 of each of those 6. If one looks at this only on the surface then the implied median is that a node drops about 18 units of mats, and on that surface level that harvest seems generous. BUT.


But when you think about this more carefully the reality is that it does not matter if it is giving you those extra 12 units of blue and purple rarity, because all actual crafting still begins with the base unit: components. Specifically, green value components, which you must start with in order to then later craft all the higher level stuff. With Grade 11 green value components currently costing 5x as many mats, and nodes still dropping a median of 6 units of green mats (1/3rd of that 18 being dropped across 3 rarities), that means that for the purposes of crafting your base unit the drop rate from nodes is functionally unchanged from pre-6.0. It does not matter if nodes also drop blue and purple, because it will still take 5x times as long to gather what you need in order to take the FIRST STEP in crafting before you ever even get to needing the blues and purples.


However, if the quantity required to craft Grade 11 components were reduced to be in line with every Grade before it, then the answer to this question would be YES.


In that case, time invested in harvesting would be just as valuable as it has been in every iteration prior to 6.0. It would also have the added benefit that you would be banking blue and purple rarity against your future needs, so that when you have done the work to learn your higher level schematics you are now ready to go with your mats rather than having to go back to square one and start your gathering odyssey anew.


I would add here a BUG TO REPORT: When your companion harvests a node, you do not get a pop-up indicating what items were received, nor does a record of them appear in the system feedback text of your chat window. They just disappear into your Materials Inventory without you ever knowing what you got. The pop-up window only appears if your character harvests the node (though it still doesn't appear in the chat log). Since the default action is for the companion to gather, this absolutely needs to be fixed.


  • Do you feel the time and cost for crew skill missions are worth it?


No. Again, the increase in time is not in keeping with the incremental increases you can see between every Grade prior. Times for Grade 11 missions need to be reduced. Look at the increments in the increases between all the previous tiers and make it consistent, don't arbitrarily triple or quintuple things. (When you multiply this by the quintupling of quantity required the issue balloons to frightening proportions.)


Consider that one of the benefits of shorter mission times is that crafters are incentivized to stay logged in while the missions run, in order to be on hand to queue a new mission every few minutes. While they are logged on they will want to occupy their time with other game activities. The more game activities they do, the more investment they have in the game. By making mission times too long you are tempting an unfortunate scenario wherein crafters will see less benefit to staying logged in because they'll net less return (in crafting mats) for their time, and they might just choose to queue one and log off.


  • As a crafter, do you feel like you have a place in Spoils of War?


NO. I spent the night on PTS tonight doing multiple runs of Veteran and Master mode Hammer Station. In that time I got a bunch of loot drops, and a few Renown crates. I saw a lot of 'entry level' 6.0 green loot, and a variety of higher level set bonus items. I walked away from five FP runs with almost 30 new pieces of gear. Maybe only 1/3rd of that is actually usable for the spec I was on (not optimized but usable), but that's ultimately still 10 pieces of usable gear plus 20 I get to ship off to alts. That is a delicious haul for one evening of play.


Now consider that to craft ONE piece of entry level green gear it requires 10 WEEKS worth of Conquest reward mats. 10 WEEKS of time waiting before I can craft one piece of gear, assuming maybe 4 hours of dedicated conquest grinding time to make personal goal each week, means 40 HOURS of effort to get 1/30th of what I got in one evening of FPs.


No one in their right mind will be crafting gear at that cost.


It doesn't matter that what you craft can be reverse-engineered for a chance at learning better gear schematics. In fact, that makes the whole thing WORSE. Because that means I need 40 hours of effort in order for a 5-20% chance at a schematic... meaning there's an extremely high chance that I just flushed 40 hours down the drain. You are asking people to throw away a full-time work week on a single roll of the dice. This is madness.


The starting level schematics for Grade 11 should only cost base green mats to make. No blues, no purples, no conquest. At every increase in quality/tier for gear (as you successfully reverse-engineer it) then at that point you can include blues and purples, and only start to include Conquest and end game group content mats (Isotopes) at the highest levels. That's how it works for every Grade prior to 11.


  • How do you feel about deconstruction and its contribution to crafting?


This is great. Even if you were to reduce the quantity cost for Grade 11 to be in keeping with the previous grades, you still shouldn't change this. Disintegration in no way offsets the increase, it's not even close. It's not even close because disintegration is RNG, and you may never get the mats you actually NEED. It doesn't matter that it might give you jawa scrap, because Grade 11 mats cost a staggering 200 SCRAP per unit. What you might get from disintegration is statistically irrelevant in that context.


The disintegration is great, keep it no matter what, because it's important to remember that crafting has been too irrelevant for a long time. What you should be trying to achieve with 6.0 is making it more relevant. Disintegration would help with that, but you offset that entirely if you are on the other hand increasing what's required to actually craft.


  • Do you feel the inflow of Jawa Junk from deconstruction helps to supplement harvesting and missions? (reminder: Jawa junk is not meant to be a primary source of materials by itself).


I answered this as part of my response to the prior question. In short: No. The answer here would be Yes if the cost on the vendor were not an insane 200. There are a couple important things to note here:


Pre 6.0, all Grades prior to the most recent Grade were purchasable on the vendor at a rate of 1 Scrap to 1 Unit. The most recent Grade cost 10 Scrap for 1 Unit. This was a steep increase (especially when you multiplied it by needed volumes), but not unreasonable to access end game relevant materials.


Currently on PTS, the vendors have changed how they sell. In 6.0 the cost in Scrap is equivalent to the Grade of the mat. So Grade 1 mats cost 1 Scrap per Unit, Grade 5 cost 5 Scraps per Unit, Grade 10 cost 10 Scraps per Unit, and etc. This increase not only makes sense, but it works in context with scrap now being available through disintegration; new ways to access scrap offset the increase in cost.


However, in no galaxy does it make sense to make the next step in this sequence be to go from 10 Scrap for Grade 10 to 200 for Grade 11. If you are not willing to make Grade 11 cost 11 Scrap, then maybe take the 11 Scrap cost the sequence says it should be and multiple that by 2 or 3 (22 or 33 Scrap), but for pity's sake don't multiply it by 20.


Consider that to make 1 SINGLE GRADE 11 COMPONENT, for which you would need 20 green mats, it would cost you 4,000 Scrap. To make one single Invasion Force's worth of war supplies using green mats purchased from the vendor would cost you 72,000 Scrap. I have Legend rank in every single CM faction, and that's not counting CM purchases in the years since factions stopped, plus 300 (and excess) command rank on 7 of 8 classes, and I only have about 10,000 green Scrap banked (remembering that mats only stack up to 9,999). How does this in any way make sense?


  • How do you feel about the new materials window?


This is such a wonderful addition, thank you so much. I think once the bugs are ironed out it will be marvelous. I will be so happy to have Legacy Cargo Hold space cleared, and very happy to have an easy, categorized, filter-searchable place to find mats. That said, here are a couple bugs to report and a couple suggestions:



  • If you had the Materials Inventory open and then close it out, the game currently 'remembers' it being open, locked to that assumption, so that hitting space bar keeps opening the Materials Inventory window. When this happens you can see that the diamond icon for the Materials Inventory is stuck being highlighted. You can clear it by setting your cursor in the chat box and hitting enter there, but obviously that's just a work around to a bug that needs fixing.
  • Currently Cell Grafts are being sorted under the Scavenging header. That's obviously a bug. I only checked this on my Biochem so I'm not certain if it's the case for other profession's components, but that should probably be checked for components across the board.



  • Currently when you open the Materials Inventory all categories start in their expanded state. This means that you have to take the extra steps of closing them while scrolling down to find the category you're looking for. This ought to function like your normal Crafting menu does, with categories default collapsed until you + open them.
  • Items in the Materials Inventory currently do show a graphics icon but the icons lack the color border to indicate their rarity/quality. Since almost no one is going to have the names of hundreds of mats memorized this is a bad choice. Yes you can see the rarity if you hover, but this is a step back from how it currently stands if you are reviewing items in your cargo hold where you can instantly see and locate rarity by the color outline.

Edited by JediBoadicea
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-- Do you feel like the time investment for harvesting is worth it? (please check harvesting only on Ossus for Grade 11)

Given the steep cost for creating the items you need to create actual equipment, trying to fight for resource nodes, or robots/creatures that can be harvested which have been nerfed apparently, does not feel viable. if the costs were decreased significantly, then getting 1 or 2 items per node might be okay. I would suggest though, that you bring back a message that can be logged, saying what was just harvested. I was having to stop, check my material list to try and figure out how much i was getting per node, instead of just being able to look at my chat log.


-- Do you feel the time and cost for crew skill missions are worth it?

I do not believe getting 2-4 items per crafting mission seems viable, again because of the high cost of making anything. I received 2 Wealthy missions from Treasure Hunting. The first one, rank 50 companion, 700 Archaeology, no amplifiers, and i got 2 prototype (blue) crystals, 2 prototype (blue) artifacts, 2 premium (green) crystals, and 2 premium (green) artifacts. The second was a rank 50 companion, 700 scavenging, failed it and got 4 purple jawa, 3 blue jawa, and 4 green jawa junk. None of that seems viable in the long run for me. On top of that, you are still requiring low level materials to make the items needed for conquest, so its not like I can send companions out to get the new stuff exclusively.


-- As a crafter, do you feel like you have a place in Spoils of War?

I can see how I have a place, but not a very profitable one. With the high cost of making everything from right-side equipment, to left side implements that actually give the crafting/gathering amplifiers, on top of the requirement to runs ops and lots of conquest in order to get the additional requirements for crafting items that should not be competing with the drops from those operations. I can still make more money turning cartel market items, than losing thousands or hundreds of thousands of credits trying to craft a single item.


-- How do you feel about deconstruction and its contribution to crafting?

I do not like the new deconstruction system. Getting back jawa junk alone is not worth the effort, given the current costs for new grade 11 items from the jawa vendors. If you are not getting back a portion of what went into the item, then the system is worthless. It takes 10 greens x2 to make a single bonded attachment, and lets say it takes 2 of those attachements to make a single green earpiece. If i get 3 purple jawa junk, and 2 green jawa junk when i deconstruct the earpiece, and it costs 200 jawa junk to get a single grade 11 resource, its definitely not worth it.


-- Do you feel the inflow of Jawa Junk from deconstruction helps to supplement harvesting and missions? (reminder: Jawa junk is not meant to be a primary source of materials by itself).

While I like getting jawa junk from failing a gathering mission, or deconstructing items, it doesn't feel worth it given the time it would take to get the amount of jawa junk to purchase a single grade 11 resource. if you go to Macy's to purchase a 3-piece suit or a designer dress that is going to cost you thousands of dollars, and decide to make your own clothes from those items, so you take them apart, and all you are left with is a 2" x 2" piece of tattered cloth, thats what it feels like with the current system as it is on the PTS.



-- How do you feel about the new materials window?

While I do like the new materials window, we need some chat logging to know when resources are being gathered and sent there. I had to keep checking to see what was in there.

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I checked Ossus out and there is slim pickings on mats. Also they don't give name and number of mats when you get them. I take it they go directly to the mat bin. I went to Iokath and farming was normal you seen the amount and type Level 10 of course so it is probably a glitch on Ossus. Edited by well
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BioWare, I need to re-emphasize that if your goal with the current system is anything other than "Kill crafting entirely", you have failed. Horribly.


I honestly don't know how these numbers even made it to the PTS. They're not "too high", they are completely absurd.


Just look at the number of materials to craft the grade 11 components - there is no reason for them to require 5 times more materials than all previous grades. The materials are already more expensive owing to the increased cost and time of relevant missions. Speaking of which, why on earth are the mission times more than doubled compared to grade 10? Every other tier has been an incremental increase.


Now look at how many components, and how many other materials, are required to craft things like MK-11 augment slots, or the new medpacs. The total material cost per item is absolutely staggering. These numbers don't need to be reduced by 20%, or even 50%. Most of these numbers need to be reduced by 80-90%. I don't know how these numbers even reached the testing stage. You don't need to test these numbers to realize they don't work. Anyone who even touched the crafting system in this game should be able to tell you that these numbers are completely crazy.


That's not even mentioning the fundamental design flaws in the new system. First, not only is requiring 20 conquest materials to craft a single green item completely crazy, why do crappy, borderline-irrelevant green items take any conquest materials at all? Those mats should only be required for crafting the top 1 or 2 rarest, most powerful tiers of gear. Second, there's just way too many new materials. The old system of one white mat, 2 green gather mats, and a blue and a purple mission mat was perfectly fine. Crafting doesn't need to be more complicated - we don't need green/blue/purple tiers for every single material type.



As it stands now, crafting is dead. Nobody is going to pay millions of credits for a stack of 6 purple medpacs, and the greens cost more in materials than just buying them from the vendor. Nobody is going to bother with the MK-11 augment slots when it will take 10s and 10s of millions of credits just to add augment slots to a single character, nevermind actually getting the augments for those slots.

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- Ossus really didn't have enough nodes to harvest - I went several times and each time got very few nodes. Difficult to say how it will be with the new planets since Onderon had no nodes at all, and of course on Ossus might have had bad luck with others trying to harvest as just before me.


- Time and cost is much too high in comparison with previous levels, but others have given a good summary of what most people seem to think, so I won't repeat it.


- Noticed some mats weren't available from the Jawa vendors, and could only get them by sending companions on missions - is that intentional? Considering the cost of new mats from Jawa vendors I don't mind the cheaper option of companion mission, but wish I had known before.


- Since on the topic of crafting; After starting crafting something, the amount you have materials left for doesn't update - I believe that's an old bug though (possibly resurfaced).


- I'm positive that we're getting Jawa junk back from failed missions, although if the new mats will cost 200 each at Jawas the mats you get from failed missions will be like a drop in the ocean (luckily have a decent amount saved up though)


- Regarding the materials window I really like the idea, and looking forward to hopefully put half my legacy cargo in there, but the user interface could be improved. Also, it bugged out for some mats, for example not letting me put Lustrous Green, Red or Blue Crystals in there.



After trying it out on PTS, I've got a feeling that going from 600 to 700 will take much more time, effort and credits than going from 0 to 600 - and once at 700 you have to spend a lot to gain little from what I noticed.

Edited by EmHun
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BioWare, I need to re-emphasize that if your goal with the current system is anything other than "Kill crafting entirely", you have failed. Horribly.


I honestly don't know how these numbers even made it to the PTS. They're not "too high", they are completely absurd.


Just look at the number of materials to craft the grade 11 components - there is no reason for them to require 5 times more materials than all previous grades. The materials are already more expensive owing to the increased cost and time of relevant missions. Speaking of which, why on earth are the mission times more than doubled compared to grade 10? Every other tier has been an incremental increase.


Now look at how many components, and how many other materials, are required to craft things like MK-11 augment slots, or the new medpacs. The total material cost per item is absolutely staggering. These numbers don't need to be reduced by 20%, or even 50%. Most of these numbers need to be reduced by 80-90%. I don't know how these numbers even reached the testing stage. You don't need to test these numbers to realize they don't work. Anyone who even touched the crafting system in this game should be able to tell you that these numbers are completely crazy.


That's not even mentioning the fundamental design flaws in the new system. First, not only is requiring 20 conquest materials to craft a single green item completely crazy, why do crappy, borderline-irrelevant green items take any conquest materials at all? Those mats should only be required for crafting the top 1 or 2 rarest, most powerful tiers of gear. Second, there's just way too many new materials. The old system of one white mat, 2 green gather mats, and a blue and a purple mission mat was perfectly fine. Crafting doesn't need to be more complicated - we don't need green/blue/purple tiers for every single material type.



As it stands now, crafting is dead. Nobody is going to pay millions of credits for a stack of 6 purple medpacs, and the greens cost more in materials than just buying them from the vendor. Nobody is going to bother with the MK-11 augment slots when it will take 10s and 10s of millions of credits just to add augment slots to a single character, nevermind actually getting the augments for those slots.


This post hits all the critical points with admirable brevity. It's brevity shouldn't lead anyone to overlook each point it makes, though, because each individual point it makes is important.


I went into exhaustive math and detail in my earlier post to try make sure that the devs were seeing the knock-on impact of these choices, and to put the micro into a macro context. I think that needed to be called out, because the painful and granular math is not an optional consideration; it is the absolute foundation to every change being made.


That said, in the spirit of brevity I want to just reiterate what pretty much everyone has said, but bullet-pointed out in the most direct way possible.


Things That Absolutely Must Change

These shouldn't be optional. They shouldn't be scaled back 20-50%, as the poster I quoted above mentioned, but completely gutted and overhauled. As they currently stand in PTS, they fundamentally break the whole system.

  • Grade 11 components (all attachments, grafts, etc) must have their mats requirement scaled back to match components for every single other grade. 2x of 2 different green mats and 2x a white supplement. This issue is the core of all the things that are broken. Anything other than this makes the entire system cost prohibitive.
  • Conquest and group content mats should not be required for any green or blue rarity schematic of any kind. These mats should only ever be required for purple or gold rarity schematics. And even for a purple schematic, 10 weeks' worth of conquest mats is still insane.
  • Grade 11 crew skill mission times need to be reduced. Unless a crafter has multiple level 50 companions this is now time prohibitive when one considers that the only way to acquire some mats required for green rarity schematics is through these missions.


Things That Probably Should Change

Provided the must-do changes in the previous category are made (and only if that is true), then the two points in this category aren't quite as critical. They are still bad choices, but if left they won't fundamentally break the system.

  • The % chance on successful reverse-engineering needs to be increased.There is no reason to push it back down to olden days levels of 5-20%. Even if components cost were to be reduced, the baseline increase in cost associated with just a new tier means that you are encroaching on cost-prohibitive territory if you have to RE some nasty RNG-bad-luck X number of times.
  • The cost of Grade 11 mats for purchase from the Jawa vendors should be reduced significantly. Yes this is a supplemental source, but 200 is mind-bogglingly exorbitant. This is particularly important when one considers mats that can only be acquired through crew skill missions, because those could be a hard barrier to anyone who needs to craft something ASAP or on a deadline, and that is exactly when you need the Jawa vendor to not be insane.


Things That Would Benefit From Change...

...but won't bring the sky down if it doesn't happen.

  • The War Supplies schematics that have been updated to now include the Grade 11 components should not include Grade 11 components at all, but rather Grade 10. I got this idea from Balameb, who will point out later in this thread in this post, that the war supplies schematics have not historically included the most recent grade. Currently in 6.0 it appears that mats were swapped in and out without enough due consideration, resulting not only in the gross imbalance between schematics that I called out in an earlier post, but also spiking the cost of creating them in ways that impact more than just conquest. Currently, with 10 being the highest grade in game, the highest grade of mats required by war supplies is 9, so it makes more sense to update this in 6.0 to the highest grade required being 10. War supplies are a tertiary element to anything crafting related and should not require the most expensive mats in the game to make.
  • Letting us dispatch more than 8 companions at a time on crew skill missions would be extremely beneficial, considering that with 6.0 there is now a whole new subset of green mats that can only be acquired through missions, and these are needed in quantities too great to be gated behind excessive restrictions. Either the amount of these mats needed to craft green rarity needs to be reduced, or we need to be able to send more companions more often.

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MK-11 Augment Feedback


Like prior the current version of the game, can we assume augments are only be available through crafting? If so, it will take months to years to gear up each character given the materials required to make them as we see in PTS 2.0.


Starting from the bottom, the new level 73 augment requires 10 of the new isotopes and 10 of the new solid resource matrices. I'm going to ignore the isotopes and focus on the matrices. To fill all 14 slots with these blue augments will require 140 matrices, and assuming the player earns personal conquest and is in a guild that meets the guild conquest goal each week means up to 140/6 = 23 character weeks of conquest grinding plus one more personal conquest week, worst case. There maybe 3-6 critical crafting successes during those 23 weeks, so lets be optimistic and say it drops down to 18 character weeks on average, so 4-5 months of conquest grinding per character. One character now has a full set of blue augments. ONE.


Now, suppose the crafter wants to learn the purple from the blue. To reach a 95% chance of success, the crafter would need to reverse engineer up to 29 of the blue augments they make. Cross fingers for luck and early success. Statistically though, one out of twenty of us that try for this are still going to fail after the 29th reverse engineering attempt. Hey, that is only 9 to 10 months of worth of conquest winnings to gamble with. Is this worth it? Is this reasonable? If the crafter wants better odds, they'll need to make and reverse engineer up to 90 blue augments to reach a 99% chance. That is up to 150 character weeks of conquest winnings, so upwards of 3 years worth for another 4% chance. And, still 1 in 100 players are likely to fail.


Like everything else regarding 6.0 crafting, this is insane and demotivating. But, at least there is some hope for crafters that can make augments. Still, I suspect the purple and legendary versions of the augment will be even worse in terms of the matrices and isotopes required. Play your way? More like RNG enslavement.


Minimizing the Pain

Because they're tied to conquest and are vital for augments, players should probably save all their matrices and use them only for crafting augments, ignoring all other matrix-using crafts. To optimize, the player may want to hold out for purple versions, or even the gold versions (if they exist) and can afford them.


In the mean time, continue to use the relatively easy to make 228s. The replaced 236/240 238/242 legendary grade 10 augments are nerfed badly, their contribution to stats only relevant in 71-75 content as-is, given how Level Synch (as currently implemented) ignores mastery, endurance, and power contributions from gear. In Level Synch content even the 208s are better than the 238s or 242s. Also, I suspect the only locations the new grade 11 augments will be relevant are the Dxun ops, PvP, 75 master modes and anything similar that is not subject to Level Synch.


Also, players probably should not bother with putting MK-11 augment kits in gear until they get a worthy piece they will keep. A MK-11 augment kit requires about 1.1 million credits worth of materials to make, and 100,000 more credits to install. More reason to continue to use the MK-10s in the meantime. Useful shells can be MK-11 kitted as desired. But think twice about placing a MK-11 kit in a less than BiS ear, implant or relic or any other unmoddable gear since about 1.2 million credits are wasted with each install, once that BiS 306 gear piece finally drops.

Edited by TerraStomper
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After trying it out on PTS, I've got a feeling that going from 600 to 700 will take much more time, effort and credits than going from 0 to 600 - and once at 700 you have to spend a lot to gain little from what I noticed.


I leveled Biochem / Bioanalysis / Diplomacy naturally (without using the RE cheat) using 8 x affection 50 companions. I started on Thursday night and farmed for a few hours, then got back on Friday morning and farmed a few more hours. I got Bioanalysis to 700 first, then Diplomacy, and then crafted Cell Grafts (green then blue) to get Biochem to 700. All of this probably took me somewhere around 4-6 hours total.


You can get to Biochem 630 (or whatever Crafting Skill you have) by crafting grade 10 green cell grafts (assembly components) and then the blue grade 10 cell grafts (that use the iokath whatever mat). Then you can get to something like 665 with green grade 11 Cell Grafts, and after that you have to go buy the blue grade 11 schematic from the vendor and craft blue grade 11 Cell Grafts to get the rest of the way to 700.


I don't consider any of this particularly onerous. The bad parts about it are when you're trying to get enough mats to do some actual serious crafting on your crew skill rather than just trying to level it. Then you really start to feel the time and cost constraints imposed onto grade 11 crafting. :(


Anyway, during crafting leveling, the biggest gotcha is that you have to realize you can only get green mats from "moderate" and "abundant" missions, so if you have the rich missions unlocked and you're only running those, you won't get any green mats. It took me an unfortunate amount of time to realize this so I ended up wasting about an hour farming Bioanalysis and Diplomacy and not getting anywhere on my mat stockpile.

Edited by Citrienne
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Crafting is a lie


Been testing cyber and biochem. I started writing a longish response but I see JediBoadicea and Delta_V (and others) have pretty much covered things in excellent posts since yesterday. Thank you to them for saving me a lot of time.


Will I craft in 6.0 if anything even remotely resembling this goes live? NO.


Ludicrous speed... GO!

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I just noticed that e.g. every 2nd Diplomacy mission again rewards you with small/medium amount of force points counting for the opposite side of what you choose, e.g. uncivil war rewards you with 130 light side AND 86 dark side points although you choose the light side, and the dark side points are rewarded after the light side points, meaning if you were light 5 before accepting the mission rewards you are down to light 4 after accepting them. Why can't those missions give all side points to the side you choose?


Secondly i noticed that when you open the materials inventory and don't directly click into it pressing the jump key will toggle the material inventory (meaning it will be closed when it's open and opened when it's closed), that's annoying and tbh should not happen


Oh and as most of the others have already said - the mission times are way to high

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Starship Weapons schematic does not use Grade 11 components. This is what it costs to craft 1 unit of Starship Weapons war supplies:

  • 52,800 credits (all in 'white' crew skills mats)
  • 624 green jawa scrap (according to the new mats prices on the jawa vendors in 6.0)


Armored Vehicles schematic DOES include Grade 11 components. This is what it costs to craft 1 unit of Armored Vehicles war supplies:

  • 314,800 credits
  • 32,504 green jawa scrap (according to the new mats prices on the jawa vendors in 6.0)


So Armored Vehicles cost 6 TIMES more to make than Starship Weapons in credits, and a staggering 52 TIMES as much to make in jawa scrap, entirely because of the out-of-scale increase in quantity requirements for Grade 11 components.


I just wanted to highlight (coloring and emphasis added by me) this info so kindly provided by JediBoadicea. This is a huge disparity, and these things shouldn't vary this wildly. Probably none of the crafted Conquest war supplies should use grade 11 for any crafting discipline. Just exchange the grade 11 component requirement and replace it with grade 1. This is a low effort fix for this problem, and won't be tied to what the final form of grade 11 crafting is in 6.0, so please consider it.

Edited by Citrienne
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I just wanted to highlight (coloring and emphasis added by me) this info so kindly provided by JediBoadicea. This is a huge disparity, and these things shouldn't vary this wildly. Probably none of the crafted Conquest war supplies should use grade 11 for any crafting discipline. Just exchange the grade 11 component requirement and replace it with grade 1. This is a low effort fix for this problem, and won't be tied to what the final form of grade 11 crafting is in 6.0, so please consider it.

Agree, grade 11 should be removed from War Supplies.


Current War Supplies use these:

A- Grades 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9

B- Grades 3, 5, 7, 8 and 9


IF they were to increase grade to match in 6.0, they could just take out grade 2 and add grade 10:

A- Grades 4, 6, 8, 9 and 10

B- Grades 3, 5, 7, 9 and 10

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