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Surprised and shocked at the same time..


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So after a year playing purely guardian, both dps/skank/tank on all levels (PVP and PVE) I took my SS slinger to 70 asap and tried PVP and PVE. Oh my..Thats not what I was expecting..Like at all :D


PVE - I can clear all solo content, like heroics, without companion, resting and medpacks. Like a breeze. Even Belsavis ones, where i barely manage to proceed with my dps guardian if I make some mistakes using DCDs. Playing only 3 days and knowing only opener rotation, i kill mobs super fast, while keeping melee enemies at range and going out almost in full health (2 healing utilities). And I was so much troubled about slinger's survivability in hardest solo contents that postponed leveling one for months. Its a beast. Shadows and sentinels cant do anything what lonely slinger can do.


PVP - after 10 reg matches I almost typed "DELETE". Gods of Valhalla stayed my hand somehow. IS IT REALLY that different from melee dps? Even in matches where I did not die (Voidstar, with 2 healers) I came last in DPS. The only thing I do in there is switching targets because every few casts enemy vanishes or gets LOS or some reflect etc etc. Most of the time I cant finish my casts or have to relocate because 2 maras jump on me. I try to nuke healer (like I do on my guardian) but that doesnt work because healers LOS even more. That feels like a nightmare (maybe because im used to leap/non stop dps). In the same conditions I used to come on top with guardian. And i have seen more than a few slingers who came out with 5k dps..


My questions are:


What is my purpose in dps check wzs? Simply sit and cast into anything what is in my sight? Like to hit jug tanks whos always in the mid and gets healing from behind non stop? Or to seek specific targets? I tried to do later and obviously failed. How others get 5k dps? I have seen some jugs who tunnel other jugs in mid instead of focusing on healers for 15 mins....They came out with 6 mil dmg and 0 kill blows.


Does it really so much different from melee (never played ranged in PVP) that its just a matter of time to get used to it? Or maybe some players just dont have talent for slingers? (I actually enjoy mechanics of the class).


Is sharpshooter/marksman bad for huge PVP numbers? I understand that with static class I cant be the best ball carrier or defender or a support pal who runs along, so I believe everyone expects high numbers from me (like I do, when i see slingers in WZ).


If 2 fury maras jump on me - why I cant survive for long? :D People cry, that slingers are super mobile and can kite forever and are FOTM.

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If 2 fury maras can jump on you, you're already doing it wrong as a sniper.


You probably need to look at all of your defensive abilities and what they do, as well as invest the right points.


You can't survive being globaled by 3 players, of course, but melee classes shouldn't be close to you in the first place.

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If 2 fury maras can jump on you, you're already doing it wrong as a sniper.


You probably need to look at all of your defensive abilities and what they do, as well as invest the right points.


You can't survive being globaled by 3 players, of course, but melee classes shouldn't be close to you in the first place.


If fury mara goes into stealth before engaging, I cant do anything against it if he opens with cc immunity. At least it looks that way - after he finishes his first burst inside 6 sec window im half dead already.

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If 2 fury maras can jump on you, you're already doing it wrong as a sniper.


snip.... but melee classes shouldn't be close to you in the first place.


I think this is a little disingenuous because 1 good Fury Mara can definitely cause problems and 2? Well it’s doubled


A Fury Mara can stay on a sniper better than any other class. 2 x Fury Mara’s that are switching up their own mobility options and DCDs will be all over a sniper and it will feel constant.


Fury :

Predation every 30 secs

Force camo

Obliterate (allows a leap)

Mad dash


You also have dual Sabre throw to keep some damage going if you are too far and then you have force scream and later on Sabre throw.


If I had to choose, I would always pick a Fury Mara to win a 1v1 “if” there is enough LoS around to interrupt the snipers shots.

In a flat open area, the sniper has the advantage, but 1v2 against Fury will be over fairly quickly once the DCDs are used.

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If fury mara goes into stealth before engaging, I cant do anything against it if he opens with cc immunity. At least it looks that way - after he finishes his first burst inside 6 sec window im half dead already.


When you're in cover, evasion lets you absorb 75% of all force/tech damage. With "hunker down" (sorry, can't remember the imp name for it right now) you're immune to leaps, stuns, etc. and with the right utility you have a huge boost in speed (plus your 3 charges of defensives that absorb incoming damage that you should be resetting every 6 to 8 seconds anyway.) Plus your 10% self heal when you roll (which also absorbs 100% of incoming damage.) Plus your "scrambling field" which heals you for 1% of your health every second, makes you immune to push backs, and increases your damage resistance based on the number of enemies inside. Plus your shield that absorbs 30% of damage and lasts six seconds. Plus your multiple roots/stun/mez/baked-in slows in your abilities that enable kiting. AND you get to reset it all and have those same tools all over again!


Oh, and you have an ability that reduces the accuracy of enemies within 8m by 45%, so a lot of their big hits don't even hit you.


Like I said, you just need to check out your defensives and pick the right utlities for PVP. I'm not saying you can 1v2 2 fury maras, I'm saying there's no way you should get globaled by them at the beginning of a match. You have enough tools to stay alive for a good amount of time, and by then your team should have picked off one of theirs.


P.S. if you know a mara went into stealth and is gunning for you, it's a good idea to cast "orbital strike" at your position from the beginning. If you're engineering, you can also use your fire field to slow, unstealth opponents.

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