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Could you kind folks at BioWare please delete Iokath?


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I'm surprised at the number of people who like ugly-*** Sith Purebreds. So, there ya go - there's no accounting for taste. :)


I have tried about a dozen times to make one and keep it...always get deleted before the end of the starter planet. If only their jewelry could be used on other species :(

Edited by aerockyul
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So in other words, map problem, map problem, map problem, map problem, sprint bug, nothing to do with Iokath bug, nothing to do with Iokath bug, map problem, content complaint, people who can't solo in solo pve areas without an op healer companion complaint, people who don't want do do weeklies but want the rewards, blah blah blah.


Delete your hate, it's misplaced. Iokath is a wonderful planet compared to most others. Delete Voss instead, it's boring.


With all due respect, your reply reads like someone who is incapable of understanding that there are different and valid opinions out there on things you may like. You put all the blame on people who received said content rather than the faults in it itself. Good day.

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With all due respect, your reply reads like someone who is incapable of understanding that there are different and valid opinions out there on things you may like. You put all the blame on people who received said content rather than the faults in it itself. Good day.


Advocating for the deletion of skippable content that some people like, and that you don't, is not a valid opinion. That's what you're incapable of understanding.


I don't like GSF. Some people do like it. Hence I don't want it deleted. See how "understanding that there are different and valid opinions out there" actually works?


You probably still don't get it. I'm fine with you existing that way.

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